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EGA 10 Year Anniversary Indoor Psychedelic Symposium – Tickets now on sale


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The Entheogenesis Australis Symposium will present over 20 lectures and discussion panels featuring an array of renowned international and Australian speakers.

The symposium's aim is to bring together diverse and engaging scientific and cultural perspectives on exploring consciousness through psychoactive substances. The program draws on botany, pharmacology, therapy, psychology, anthropology, politics, law, art and more, to provide a realistic context of the role drugs and altered states play in today's world.

For a decade, EGA has provided a major meeting place for ethnobotanical enthusiasts and specialists in Australia to share information and celebrate community.

International Guests
Dr Bia Labate - Ayahuasca Shamanism Beyond the Amazon
Dr Geoff Noller - Ibogaine Treatment for Opioid Dependence in New Zealand
Dr Vendula Belackova - New Psychoactive Substances
Tanea Paterson - Psychedelic' Substance Journeys From ‘Underground’ Into Mainstream Therapy
Grant Hall - (Panel) Drug Law Reform: What Does Regulation Look Like?

Australian Presenters
Dr Alex Wodak AM - The current status of medicinal cannabis in Australia
Dr David Caldicott On the topic of Drug Treaties
Fiona Patten - The New Social Tonics, the Bastard Children of Prohibition
PRISM Inc. - The Road to Psychedelic Research in Australia
Alex GearinOrganic and the Inorganic in Ayahuasca Visions
Andrew McMillen - Can you be too Honest about your own Drug Use?
Rak Razam - Full Spectrum Consciousness
DanceWize - Sex, Drugs, and Harm Reduction
Torsten Wiedemann - Analysis of ethnobotanical constituents
Des Tramacchi - Religious Dimensions of Entheogen Use
Nen - Acacia - Spiritual And Cultural Significance
Michael Bock - Kava, The Herb of Tranquility
Genevieve Sinclair - Paint, Glue and Deodorant: Drugs of choice?
Ray Thorpe - 'Knee-jerk' anti-psychoactive laws
Richard Haridy - Psychedelics On Film: An Illustrated Journey
Carl Turney - America's Drug Culture in the 60s and 70s
Tim Payne - Life after Entheogens

Discussion panels, Facilitator and topics
Steve McDonald - The Rise Of La Madre: Ayahuasca Beyond The Amazon
Nick Wallis - Drug Law Reform: What Does Regulation Look Like?

To see the full program info click here: http://www.entheogenesis.org/speakers

Altered states of consciousness have long been a fundamental part of human culture, and as our world becomes increasingly fast-paced, alternative modalities are becoming ever more significant and consciously explored. If you’ve ever asked yourself: “has the ‘war on drugs’ created more problems than it has tried to solve?” or “is MDMA really a more dangerous drug than alcohol?” – then EGA is the place for you.

Get tickets now:

View the EGA web page

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Edited by RonnySimulacrum
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Its been a long time in the making, the Mini EB seeded the project in Ringwood library for around 3 years before EGA sprouted. I just love that a psychedelic conference started in a library, humble beginnings.

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We are currantly finishing off a web page upgrade, so as soon as that is done a limited amount of early bird tickets will go on sale. Stay tune, and make sure your a member of the EGA email list as that is where the pre-sale tickets will be lunched from.

Edited by RonnySimulacrum
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  • 3 weeks later...

Greetings everyone!

EGA's 10-year anniversary psychedelic symposium is confirmed for
Saturday 6 December 2014 in Melbourne, and the tickets go on sale in the next week.

Over the last decade, the EGA conference has provided a major meeting place for Australia's ethnobotanical and psychonaut communities, and this year will be no exception, with an interesting variation on our usual format to showcase a very impressive line up.

So this is a reminder to make sure you're on our mailing list. If you'd like to join, or double check that you're on our list, please email [email protected] with the subject line ‘Add to mailing list’ and let us know the state you live in, e.g., Vic.

Kind regards


Edited by RonnySimulacrum
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Got mine, didn't read the page properly. I could of got a concession ticket, first time in years I've qualified for one.

Just gotta say though. After all is said and done it feels like I'm getting slugged $25 in fees after the advertised price.

Great guests, looking forward to it. Cheers Ronny.

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Hey everyone, we did correct a small issue on the first day tickets went on sale and it only affected 8 orders. Pm me personally if you have a question regarding this.

Otherwise there is just a booking fee of $8 and registered post charge of $4 per order (not per ticket that gets added). This helps us cover cost relating to ticketing processing, banking fees and postage.

Also there is this note on the ticketing page to let you know

Please note: AS WELL AS POSTAGE, AN ADDITIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE AND BOOKING FEE IS CHARGED. All international orders please contact us via email to discuss shipping costs or ticket collection at the event: tickets[at]entheogenesis.org

The team have really tried to keep the cost to student/concession card holders for this event down, and if you get tickets in the early bird stage there a steal any way ;-)

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Hey everyone, we did correct a small issue on the first day tickets went on sale and it only affected 8 orders. Pm me personally if you have a question regarding this.

All fixed, thank Ronny, you were on to it quickly. Looks like I was one of those 8

Looks like it'll be an ace day. Who else is coming?

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  • 2 weeks later...
With only two weeks remaining for EGA Early Bird Tickets. Head over and secure your ticket to this fantastic conference gathering.

Get your tickets now


We hope you will join us in Melbourne’s CBD on Saturday 6 December for this very special celebration

Edited by RonnySimulacrum
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