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The Corroboree

Saving Private Scion

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Hey friends

I foolishly acquired a lop/trich graft without knowing how to look after it, and when i had no free time to treat it properly. Now of course, the trich has rotted and I am desperately trying to save the lop/head. There are also a lot of pups on the head.

I have a couple of very strong/healthy trichs, and figured my best bet would be to put the main head on one and the pups on a couple of others, by cutting the head off the rotten trich and regrafting.

I already left the poor thing for weeks, i have been extremely negligent in this regard and i want to get it sorted TODAY, before any further damage occurs due to my incompetence.

Standing by, please advise.

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They are pretty tough plants, so being left for a few weeks shouldnt be a problem aslong as they are kept dry. Just make sure you remove all of the old root stock. You could either regraft the whole head with the pups still attached, remove the pups and graft them seperately or grow on their own roots or even just grow the whole lot on its own roots. It up to you. Good luck

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look i'm no cacto experto franky but a pic would help make your problem easier for the more elder kaktoose expertos amongst this tribe to help sort a solution out for ya.

personally, i'd degraft now save the head. cut ff the rotten meat and use sulphur powder to help the rot or just let it heal if it looks like you removed most of the mushy cacatose flesh.

let it heal/dry then go from there.

;( un sheath your ss lance and get to it boy O.

some might suggest to clean cut then regraft it to a suitable host..... but i'd wait(i'm always a slow mover <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png ) until it healed. Overkill? dunno, that's just me. flame bring flame to me flame. suppose it all depends on how precious your head is to you. everybody values special little kaktooses, they don't even need to be some big named clone or some shit like that - it all depends how much you value this little grafted head of yours.


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okay all so what has happened is:

I removed the whole head, pups n all. The stock was completely rotten, beyond repair i am sure. I grafted 2/4 pups onto a bridgey (thanks cat ) and the big head with two remaining pups was stuck onto a PC pach. I held them down with old pantyhose (thanks mum) and some hair ties i no longer need since i got Sean the other day.

I will take pics now and try to figure out how to get them online, i'm sorry all but my new phone is very tricky to use (i haven't learnt how to upload pictures yet).

Thankyou all for your advice and as usual, more importantly, your patience. I am a doctor with none.

Will keep posted!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay all, time for another update.

I successfully grafted the scion onto a new stock, and it took well. I used the pantyhose-stretched-over technique. However! I attempted to remove the dressing too soon, and in my clumsiness, the stocking pulled the head off !!

I tried sticking it back on, but today I saw that it has not connected. In between, on the wounds of both the stem and the head, is a red discolouration. I am off to get pictures, this time i will upload them. I have pics of the first one that worked, and i am about to photograph the current situation. I hope there is a way for me to save it again.

Yes, I am bad at cacti . All advice welcomed.

edit: does anyone know how to get eyephone photos up?? god dammit..

Edited by Frank leDank
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HI Frank,

You can't be that bad with cacti, you got it to work once , maybe you can put it down to being clumsy .

You will have to re-cut your scion & stock & put them back together, make sure you cut back past the red/orange colour as this will most likely be the start of infection/rot.

Good luck mate.



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Awesome, thanks joxxy. That is what i was planning, the hard part seemingly is that the head's cut is tucked under, if you know what i mean. Should i cut the loph straight across, or try to scoop out ?

not sure if that makes sense, still trying to get the computer to recognise my phone so i can show yuz the pix! dang

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Wow, the camera on your iphone is shoddy. I would get that checked out!

In all seriousness, wouldnt a clean, straight across cut on the scion mean it's more likely to take, combat rot and survive?

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That red rot is no bueno, I have also had the misfortune of accidentally knocking off the scion and having to regraft it or having to regraft failures so don't stress too much :) I would cut off all the red rot possible to expose healthy flesh and rejoin them, make sure you align those vascular cores!





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I would rather not share my intimate details via the phone's metadata attached to every photo i take with it, actually...

that being said, here are some photos i managed to upload by other means, of my new grafts.



As you can see, i put the pups on separate trichs, and the main scion back onto it's #2 graft, after removing the red rot!







Edited by Franke von Danke
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Hi Philocacti, if you use Firefox, just get yourself one of these Exif Data Add-Ons to see what Data is on your Images. If you want to get rid of the Exif Data, just re-save the Image without the exif Data. I use Irfan View, and there´s a checkbox that you can unselect if you want to leave the exif data behind.

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