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Kannas leaves wrinkling help me out :)


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So I've had a look at another post in 2010 about kanna having sort of the same problem.

Worked out that it may have something to do with the soil as its got wood in it and that's bad?

My soil is 50% potting mix with added fertilizer i think its called newfert or something, and other 50% is Cacti and Succulent mix and I haven't had chance to get perlite for it. I watered it yesterday and you can still see it on top of soil.

I've had it for 4 days from cutting and I've noticed a little bit of wrinkling and I don't want it to continue.

The really intense wrinkling was already there when I got it. But the stuff on the top 3 leaves is new I believe.

It's showing signs of healthy new growth but I am not sure if that's gonna last, Is it possible to cut it in half and make a cutting off top so I have 2 or would that not work?









Edited by Nailthesnail
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So you just planted this cutting 4 days ago? Was it rooted when you planted it?

And I wouldn't chop it in two if I were you. Technically if you have 4 nodes on it you could, but it's pretty small and i don't think it would be a very good start to a plant being so small.

Edited by hostilis
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Yep, The really dry stuff was sort of already there (sorry for fuzzy camera couldn't get it to focus)

The top curling on the tips is new. Do you think the soil is a big problem? Thank you for your feedback its very appreciated

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Well I'd need to know if it was rooted or not first. If it wasn't then it probably has nothing to do with the soil. Was it rooted when you planted it?

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Maybe salt burn, as the browning occurs at the tip of the leaf.

When using slow release fertilizers, it is a good idea to over water once a week, as opposed to just topping the moisture up, this allows for excess salts to flush out through the bottom of the pot with the excess water. I have no idea what kanna is, obviously not canna lilly, is it a succulent?

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If its a cutting, take it out of that pot, put it in a 8 cm pot with dry potting soil and leave it alone for 3-4 weeks. maybe mist it once a week, but i just ignore mine. they root on their own, but only in dry soil.

if its not a cutting, take it out of that pot anyway, & put it in a 8 cm pot with FAST DRAINING potting soil. I amend with lotsa pumice.

I got large hanging baskets full of it hanging from the rafters in my gh, and they might get watered 6x yearly.

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I agree with zelly. If it's not rooted you don't want to be watering it.

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Hi Nailthesnail

I have made a few cuttings of these and left them in a pot of dry potting mix for approximately 1-2 weeks without watering.

They wrinkle up but they still survive and most of them end up growing roots.

The best thing you could do to make sure it remains healthy is put it in a free draining soil as zelly said and leave it (it is a succulent after all!).

Don't over-water it like I did with my first Kanna

Also I made sure to put them out of the sun whilst they were rooting.

Good luck.



Edited by Tio
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Alright guys and thanks Tio for the cutting .

I will do this btw Tio the other 2 plants are looking awesome

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