zelly Posted November 3, 2014 Share Posted November 3, 2014 fwiw, the grandiflorus mama is variegated 2 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Berengar Posted November 5, 2014 Share Posted November 5, 2014 (edited) pach x terscheckii (gratis solartea for the pollen)Zelly, is the pach in question the so called 'PC'? I feel that particular clone would be a perfect candidate for a cross like this, could potentially make a very fast growing and highly resistant beautiful beast! And could you please share the progress of this fruit? Edited November 5, 2014 by Tangich Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zelly Posted November 6, 2014 Share Posted November 6, 2014 solartea gave me two flavors of terscheckii pollen, which he labeled front & back. only one of the 'back' terscheckii's took, and that fruit is progressing nicely, although it is smaller sized than other normal sized, hybrid pc fruits.by the time his pollen arrived, all I had left opening were pc & ss02xss01 flowers so I made 8 crosses. luckily, one tookpollinated on 10-6-14 7 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
2XB Posted November 8, 2014 Share Posted November 8, 2014 (edited) The T.validus x T. grandiflorus i mentioned earlier.Sorry for the crummy pic!!! Edit.. better picture... so yeah seems to be growing globular. Seem out of the ordinary to anyone? Edited November 11, 2014 by doublebenno 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Optimystic Posted November 12, 2014 Share Posted November 12, 2014 (edited) Variegates Yay! These are grafts from a Validus x Lumberjack plantingSewn on Halloween I think 2013 and grafted 3/11/14 and 4/11/14.. "311" - two different seedlings both I thought might be variegated but one turned out for sure "411" - this seedling appeared to be the most variegated of all at first... started out a very light greenand the yellowing is on one side.. I grafted some pups and they're all yellowish too so either its a verylight sensitive clone or maybe it just not showing all its traits yet time will tell... there is also another one which is from a more recent sew which I grafted in the past couple months... this onelooks promising - reminded me of the others and the graft is already pumped... Will add some pics when it gets bigger probably in the spring next year as its turning winter like now Edited November 14, 2014 by Optimystic 12 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zelly Posted November 12, 2014 Share Posted November 12, 2014 Damn! the woolly aeroles on those variegates are just awesome ! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Optimystic Posted November 14, 2014 Share Posted November 14, 2014 (edited) I can't wait til they get huge... they actually just got potted in the past couple weeks after growing semi hydroponically for 6.5-7.5 months with window sunlight and a reflector behind them.. here is a regular Validus X LJ im pretty excited about these they seem a little slower thus far... I didn't graft that many at first but recently I did a few more and plus I've got around 100 growing on their own little rootsThese are the fastest grafts i've grown from Zelly's seed so far PC Pach X SS02/01its sort of miraculous that they were still standing before I harvested the tips and here they are next to some fat icaros degrafts Some Peru X Kimnach in the on the left and a mix of SS02/SS01F2's and Juuls x LJ on the rightUpdate on the uppotted Peru x Kimnach and LJ x Juuls... pretty much all of my grafts which can still standwill be up-potted in the spring like this.. i was way overwhelmed this year - but the potential outcomes isinspiringPeruxKim LJ x Juuls Edited November 14, 2014 by Optimystic 8 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zelly Posted November 30, 2014 Share Posted November 30, 2014 (edited) Just a heads up to SAB'ers, I'm offering the first batch up for sale on my site, misplant.net first come first served.thelegonus x scoparboricola x spachianusspachianus x arboricolascop x grandiflorus (cherry red flower)validus2 selfhuarazensis x bridgesii berthabertha x huarazensisval2 x huarazensisss02xss01 x scopulicolascop x berthabertha x ss02xss01huarazensis x scopulicolaTPQC x peru2TPQC x scopulicolaTPQC x juulsperu2 x juulsperu1 selfperu2 x huarazensisperu2 x peru1peru2 x ss02xss01ss02xss01 x peru2juuls x huarazensisjuuls x berthajuuls openhuarazensis x Ljackhuarazensis x juuls Extremely limited quantities on some.ONLY ONE SEED PACKET PER HYBRID WILL BE SHIPPED PER CUSTOMER OR ORDER SO DONT BOTHER WITH MULTIPLES AS i MAY NOT REFUND YOUR MONEY.Including two freebies from Nitrogen as soon as his fruits ripen & he supplies me with the seed packetsLumberjack x huarazensis & SS02xpachanoi x LumberJackIf you place your order before I have his freebies, how do you expect me to ship his free seeds I do not have??noooooooo, i wont be mailing out his freebies in a separate packet......... Edited November 30, 2014 by zelly 5 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zed240 Posted November 30, 2014 Share Posted November 30, 2014 ONLY ONE SEED PACKET PER HYBRID WILL BE SHIPPED PER CUSTOMER OR ORDER SO DONT BOTHER WITH MULTIPLES AS i MAY NOT REFUND YOUR MONEY.Hey Zelly,Does that mean you can only order one pack of L Willy Tex seeds as well as the trichs? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zelly Posted November 30, 2014 Share Posted November 30, 2014 restrictions meant for trich hybrids only due to extremely limited supplies (think single, smallish fruits) & a desire to spread to all worldwide who want some.and for those in Oz who are interested I can do bulk willy tex seeds via pm's 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
☽Ţ ҉ĥϋηϠ₡яღ☯ॐ€ðяئॐ♡Pϟiℓℴϟℴ Posted November 30, 2014 Share Posted November 30, 2014 (edited) woo hoo i cant wait to grow more of your lovely hybrids fella!oddly enough I only just got into seed mode last night a few hours before the heads uphad to wait 2 months for a replacement microwave that only just arrived (i like the nuked loam tek)so all this panicking that I might not have one in time for your latest fruiting, along with delaying sowings from other SAB'ers baddass work... or if yours became available inbetween paydays...-culminated in 5synchronicities all fixed on one day within a few hours of eachother , like clockwork ... nice got microwave, got seeds sowed, got paid, your post made me check with a diff browser, yours became available.... fkn priceless! ...not just nice I went by feel and just allowed these word's energy to draw my finger to select themTrichocereus bridgesii 'Big Bertha' X Trichocereus (SS02xSS01)Trichocereus phwoaaararazensis X Trichocereus 'lumberjackus'Trichocereus phuarazensis X Trichocereus 'Juuls Giant'Trichocereus phuarazensis X Trichocereus scopulicolaTrichocereus Juuls Giant X Trichocereus peruvianusTrichocereus Juuls Giant X Trichocereus bridgesii 'Big Bertha'Trichocereus Juuls Giant X Trichocereus phuarazensisTrichocereus pachanoi 'quality control' X Trichocereus Juuls GiantTrichocereus pachanoi 'quality control' X Trichocereus peruvianus2Trichocereus pachanoi 'quality control' X Trichocereus scopulicolaTrichocereus peruvianus2 X Trichocereus peruvianus1Trichocereus scopulicola X Trichocereus bridgesii 'Big Bertha'Trichocereus (SS02xSS01) X Trichocereus peruvianus2Trichocereus (SS02xSS01) X Trichocereus scopulicola*gets very excited over the above* x]...even if nitros seeds arent ready yet, gna be proud to grow these to be beauties just the same-hopefully, with a couple of years experience now under my belt; I'll be able to improve the techniques and get better results.. and have more time, this go round, that was previously spent specimen hunting....and sow more seeds per pot :]sent a SAB'er, who was asking; your way for texana bout 2 weeks ago too...btw some browsers are not displaying any add to cart button (been browsing the site for the last month thnkn how do i buy?)i had to use chrome to see what you meant last night (for the very frst time- what a lovely surprise tho)...wouldnt work with firefox,*adds pics of last spring's sowing progress when i can get to the propogator theyre in - laterleftmidrightvalidus OPindividual shots (sowings of 10 seeds per pot) Edited December 1, 2014 by ☽Ţ ҉ĥϋηϠ₡яღ☯ॐ€ðяئॐ♡Pϟiℓℴϟℴ 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Optimystic Posted December 5, 2014 Share Posted December 5, 2014 (edited) I just wanna clarify for the community that if you bought 10 or more packs of seeds after the initial post by Zelly, then you are NOT eligible for the freebies from nitrogen according to Zelly... He suggests one buy moar seeds when they come available which is still an unknown but approximately 2-4 weeks..so the freebie LJ crosses were just a tease for the first round of customers, but thankfully he came back to somwhat clarify himself... or maybe im the dumb guy and im just overthinking but If I can prevent one sabber from feeling like shit then its worth the efforts I suppose P.S. some special peeps will still be getting their free'z but don't tell the illuminist.Anyhow, bullshit aside, THANKS for being really cool thus far Zelly.. not completely being a dick but I do think its fair to clariify to the rest of the peeps since I am the only one you had to spell it out for... its better to deal with that upfront rather than later not that most of the other peeps will give that much more a fuck about LJ crosses than myself! ... but since it was described to me by you as being a big ass hassle to deal with getting these seeds to ppl, i'd be willing to donate $100 bux to nitrogen for him to handle it himself and that way theres just no confusion.... but I won't have an extra 100 til about early January every dollar coming in next couple weeks has a destination but I can adjust some things and I usually get decent bonus check(s) around the end months so that could make it sooner available... and preferably via paypal... so if anyone else wants to start a fund to donate to Nitrogen for hooking everyone up with the most awesome seeds in the world I am down for $100 bux.. take it as you will... or if you think 100 is too much, we can nominate someone else who isn't as busy as Zelly and maybe has time for the post office to take over the handling of the sacred LJ hybrids... and thats not conditional on me getting any of the seeds btwmeanwhile here's an update... I am grateful and thankful to Zelly for all his work maybe these wouldn't be possible without the countless painful and agonizing brushstrokes of his godly hands, his patience, his focus, his ladder climbing abiliities, his organizational skills, his shrewdness, all that ancient wisdom packed into one big hard d... determination.... what a guy ( not to mention he's a fucking dinosaur... older than sin... he's seen it all! LOLwell im not the greatest comedian Zel so thats my best attempt at roasting your doghere's Validus X LJ Albino #3 ... seedz sewn 6-21-14 2014 and grafted September 15th. photos yesterday what a beautiful fucking day Edited December 5, 2014 by Optimystic 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Optimystic Posted December 8, 2014 Share Posted December 8, 2014 well i been thinken for a couple daze and the order finally came in and I have to say in spite of not getting the lj freebies Zelly ur still better to deal with than all the other seed dealers I can buy tricho seeds from and u deserve kudos for that ... u do alot of work pollinating and labeling and where else can you get pics of the parents, and very healthy grown plants in the pefect climate... thats really the ticket... I was a bit confused and pissed about the lj seeds lol but i'll be okay w/out those but my bad for being all dramatic I can read and I coulda waited to order I suppose.... the truth is if I didn't get them then I would have spent the money this week lol anhhow if I were u I wouldn't sell to me im like the worst customer but anyways im happy with my order and I gotta say thanks and im still enjoying lots the seeds I got from you in the past couple years and can't wait til the more recent ones get bigger i've got alot of them started and some grafted from most of the varieties cause im impatient heres an SS02/ss01 f2 graft which is showing some neat looking spines which emerged from the base along with some aerial roots... 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mysubtleascention Posted December 9, 2014 Share Posted December 9, 2014 received some seeds recently .. and thank you zelly for making this possible .. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
☽Ţ ҉ĥϋηϠ₡яღ☯ॐ€ðяئॐ♡Pϟiℓℴϟℴ Posted December 14, 2014 Share Posted December 14, 2014 (edited) the more time goes by the more i realise how lucky I was to happen on his seeds listings one day,it sucks to feel like ya missn out and so many seed sellers can be a pain time and again before ya find him,I often wonder just how many folk's faith he's restored in caring about the seeds.... theres definitely seedbasts in uk and italy thats for sure....but when ya find gold like him and already got a few bags of chances at stunning cacti ...who's parents rawk the foundations of this site with their piccies and have us drooling and inspired... and all the caring advice already layed out here just waiting for us to find it... (and in my case remember it properly <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png )what a fkn beautiful day every day pretty much since that spark has been here.....with the purest cactus energy and enthusiasm to ride out many a winter... being excited about the sproutings time will come next <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png definitely something to be grateful forps lol I'm one "he had to spell it out for" ;)and i look fwd to being able to graft like that <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_ohmy.png Edited December 14, 2014 by ☽Ţ ҉ĥϋηϠ₡яღ☯ॐ€ðяئॐ♡Pϟiℓℴϟℴ 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spooge Posted December 17, 2014 Share Posted December 17, 2014 (edited) These are the Zelly hybrids that i am so very glad to have and lucky to look after.I drool over theses daily and have wiped the spit off and taken some pics.They have come from 2 members.These are the bulk of them, are from one really cool person. TPQC x TPM 6 plants SS02 x Pachanoi TPM x SS02 Psychoo x TPM 3 plants don't think number 2 is variegated, its a little bit of sun damage. TPM x N1 2 plants This one has some nice lumps forming N1 x TPCSome more that are due for a repot.These are the ones above and they gotta be potted up to larger pots as well These 2 seedlings are from member number 2 These are my first trich to pere grafts, they are from the pups of some the seedlings above.I am very fucking happy Just received my first order of Zelly's seeds and I'm keen to plant themThank you Zelly for making such wonderful things and making them available. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Edited December 17, 2014 by pimento 7 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cactuscarl Posted December 17, 2014 Share Posted December 17, 2014 I just ordered some of zellys freaks... so stoked cant wait to put some down. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zelly Posted December 17, 2014 Share Posted December 17, 2014 I just ordered some of zellys freaks... so stoked cant wait to put some down.and because you gave me a heads up on a sab cacti enthusiasts handle to a corresponding email addy, I'll have the liberty of tossing in all the freebies I want. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zelly Posted January 6, 2015 Share Posted January 6, 2015 Nitrogen stopped by yesterday & dropped off his magic beans, well mostly...Seems that one hybrid hasnt fully ripened yet, his SS02 x Pach var 'Mel/vin' X Lumberjack, so seeds of that hybrid are still elusive. He did drop off his Lumberjack x huarazensis seeds, which will be freely* available on my site to qualifying** SAB members.Non members will have an opportunity to purchase Nitrogens seeds, more than likely those funds (less s & h) will be donated to troutsnotes.com* freely defined as including a nominal shipping & handling fee** qualifying defined as currently existing SAB members as to the time & date of this post. 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kykeion Posted January 6, 2015 Share Posted January 6, 2015 Hey zelly, are all of your grandiflorus crosses made with the variegated plant you posted above, or do you have a few red grandiflorus that you breed from? 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zelly Posted January 7, 2015 Share Posted January 7, 2015 Hey zelly, are all of your grandiflorus crosses made with the variegated plant you posted aboveyes, although I've maybe a dozen or so others of flowering size that are non-variegated. from the original clump, 4 turned out to have degrees of variegation. To date all my crosses have been from the variegated mama, which is among the first to flower every yr. This yr a couple of the non variegated bloomed, but i dont recall using their pollen on any crossesheres a pic of scop x variegated red grandi sown on 9-14-14 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nitrogen Posted January 8, 2015 Share Posted January 8, 2015 Just caught up on this thread.. To clarify things here - I totally procrastinated on getting the hybrid seed to Zelly, hence the delay and confusion around the freebies - I told Zelly the seed would be ready well before it was, so he put the offer up on his site thinking he would have the seed pretty much right away - but then I got wrapped up with other things and was way late on getting these seed to him.. All's good now though :-) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kykeion Posted January 8, 2015 Share Posted January 8, 2015 yes, although I've maybe a dozen or so others of flowering size that are non-variegated. from the original clump, 4 turned out to have degrees of variegation. To date all my crosses have been from the variegated mama, which is among the first to flower every yr. This yr a couple of the non variegated bloomed, but i dont recall using their pollen on any crossesThanks zelly. I thought as much after careful inspection of the grandiflorus picture on you website, where slight variegation is just discernible. Just wanted to ask to be sure.heres a pic of scop x variegated red grandi sown on 9-14-14scopXredGrandiDSC_0945.jpgI look forward to sowing this cross this spring, along with the other crosses I got from you! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Huachu Ma Posted January 11, 2015 Share Posted January 11, 2015 validus x Lumberjack on Selenicereus setaceus Juuls Giant x validus on Selenicereus grandiflorus 5 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sascacheuan Posted January 11, 2015 Share Posted January 11, 2015 Selenicereus works fine as rootstock. Great pics, Huachuma!!. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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