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Share your dreams (the sleeping kind, not the "I want a pony" kind)


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  • 3 months later...

I only remember the very tail end of a dream last night/early this morning and in it Glaukus was a really obnoxious bore.  What a fucking nightmare that was. :lol:


Garlic is the key for weird-arse dreams i'm convinced.  And maybe chilli too.  Last night's spag bol and the previous night's chilli con carne served up some beauties...

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I only remember the very tail end of a dream last night/early this morning and in it Glaukus was a really obnoxious bore.  What a fucking nightmare that was. :lol:


Jeez tell me what you really think of me mate! Lol

I've found a combo of codeine and doxylamine (like night strength mersyndol) never fails to generate weird, intense and extremely vivid dreams that are easily recalled. 

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garlic and pasta again :lol:


So i'd turned up at a good mates place and he was sitting in his lounge room with... his mum? and watching TV.  He left the room to get changed and there was a pastry (a matchstick!) in a white paper bag on the floor.  It also contained a choc-chip cookie.  So I start nibbling on the matchstick whilst waiting for my mate.  It then turns out the matchstick actually belonged to a black american student that was there as part of a whole group of them visiting.  I immediately felt like a bit of a dickhead and thought this was no way to treat visitors.  Sadly I had no money on me but went into my mates room and found a bunch of $5 and $10 notes.  When I return to the lounge room everybody has left and I go outside not sure whether asking for "the black kid" is politically correct.  As i'm wandering around fumbling with my money and bits of paper some smart arse (white) american grabs a $10 note off me and starts teasing me with it.  I realise that the only way i'm going to solve this is with a direct confrontation.  So I put all the notes and bits of paper safely in my wallet, walk up to the culprit and... I grab him by the nose!  And squeeze.  It is surprisingly squishy - like its made of play-doh!  He succumbs to my torture and hands me back my money.  I think I may have then found the black kid, apologised, given him $10 and then woke up...

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Well the black American kid obviously represents Obama and that's reinforced by the fact that you were worried about being PC with him.


The matchstick 100% represents your subconscious guilt about being white, I mean if you didn't feel guilty surely you would have gone for the choc chip cookie.


The white American who stole the 10 bucks represents Trump and your repressed desire to punch the crap out of him and correct the injustice done in the election where the democrats couldn't buy an election win (with the stolen $10) and reinstall Obama as the leading puppet/muppet.


So if you have that dream again just eat the cookie, click your heels three times and when you wake up order will be reinstalled in the universe and the earth will again be the utopia it was meant to be before Biff got the almanac.



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  • 4 weeks later...

walking through some nice country park , kick a big block of wood to roll it over 
 hole in wood blocked with conker which rolls out of hole followed by a black
truffle , finally exposing a rat, my daughter strokes it saying aww what a cute little critter, 
rat bites daughter , somehow I kick it to fk and prize jaw open with my foot off daughter's ankle to release her from its grip,  rat stuck to my shoe, I ask my son to grab truffle from floor (lol), swing rat round with foot ...,rat doesnt let go, kids laughing, I take shoe off when feel teeth biting toes through shoe upper, swing in
circle a few times , kids begin laughing again,.. and fling rat attached to shoe in a tall and long arc across the road,,,

...I put my phone in my sock and left at roadside prior to flinging rat (why?!) then forget about phone...,

catch fortworth? bus... get in back seat as bus pulls off look out window and see children running behind whom I thought were right with me.., then completely forget everything that just happened- lost in scenery on bus route.. -remember all a sudden, shit! the kids , and needing to meet a friend also in a short while..

 get off a few stops later(?) asking blonde lady bus driver the way back to the stop i got on from , she tells me straight on and left once was a shortcut, get lost on way, forget way , no phone, urgent pull to call my children, overshoot walk
get off and back to "dream university" (some place I cant find in real life but is connected to the city and train station in reverse, near canal aside town(also running in reverse) near river side and castle and retail park
worrying sick about phoning /not being able to,... wake up 04:00 wtf???

dont forget that truffle lad eh? ;)


rat is clearly representing social justice workers, lets hope the impact crushed their little life out of them

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  • 2 weeks later...

wierdest thing ... when i dreamt about weather/seasons changing every 5 mins it was how someone else years ago had described

back then when they described it i just thunk oh wow how trippy and what the hey?

but then for it to occur in one of my dreams ... its almost as if I still have a part of her.. wierd..

makes me wonder how much the dreams catalogued in this thread will affect my own dreaming progress , or other readers

and vice versa ..

are we somehow cultivating symbiotic ether of a kind?

not looking fwd to having a shit in a bog on the lawn with no walls to hide behind tho..

-lol - or getting robbed of a tenner by a machine



a goat ran up a vertical ladder at ramming speed and knocked a bunch of guys off. i watched it detached with others and we laughed like maniacs as two of them tumbled while they fell, all of us assuming they would land in water. they kept falling and laughter became horror when we realised even an ocean wouldn't save them, then they slammed into a balcony something something something


sitting on the backseat of a bus, didn't give a fuck about anything. i was just perpetually stoked to be bused around on this bus. one or two unknown women even joined me at times on the back seat but i was so happy anyway. the bus completed its circuit and i thought/said, you know what? fuck it. i'm staying on this bus for another circuit. i'm just gonna stay here, probably forever. why would i ever disembark willingly?

for some reason instead of doing another lap of wherever the bus had been doing laps, i was to go yachting with some family. the hazard posed to my comfort and safety was as though i was required to swim around in the open ocean. having to partake in active sailing through unknown waters with dubious family members was the opposite of the bus ride. i did NOT want any part in it something something something.


there we go ,

thanks thunder that bus ride when id forgotten everything that had just happened enjoying beautiful scenery was bliss man , i hope i get more time next bus journey , and lol make sure the kids catch the bus too eh



...I put my phone in my sock and left at roadside prior to flinging rat (why?!) then forget about phone...,

catch fortworth? bus... get in back seat as bus pulls off look out window and see children running behind whom I thought were right with me.., then completely forget everything that just happened- lost in scenery on bus route.. -remember all a sudden, shit! the kids , and needing to meet a friend also in a short while..

 get off a few stops later(?) asking blonde lady bus driver the way back to the stop i got on from , she tells me straight on and left once was a shortcut, get lost on way, forget way , no phone, urgent pull to call my children, overshoot walk




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Turning left onto darebin road from station street but heading west. 

Poor old guy in a dressing gown crossing the road to get the n3ws paper or something, spots me, then spots a giant puddle!

I cant believe i would even dream such a terrible thing but i speed up to drive through the deep puddle just to splash the poor old fella in my car,

I woke up feeling absolutely terrible about myself and i had a really shit day as well ( i got pump'd left right and centre at work), i guess it serves me right for dreaming such a thing.


Chilli concarne for dinner quite late as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

running hard through crowds in a city but , like some sort of scalextric car- drawing the (green?) energy/power from the crowd as if they're doing the job of the metal rail on the scalextric track, ever increasing energy until I begin emitting blue light/fire and people begin to be no longer recognizeable and just a blur, clothes start to catch fire and burn like a cigarette on a fast motorbike, then trip over a kerb and to avoid landing hard I arc my back and cut through the air like some kinda aerofoil up up up into the air somehow still propelled fwd despite having left the ground, flying over trees and see an air force jet so catch it up , eleated at the feats performed by my body I go and knock on the pilots acrylic windscreen and he looks at me with a shocked look turning into a nasty frown and then banks off to the left and begins trying to chase me firing some sort of heat seaking missiles so i think what the fk i was only being friendly so i about turn in mid air , draw my fist up high and as the missile draws close it appears to have a face so I begin my fist descent into it's cheek and BAM straight knockout breaking the cheek bone of the face of the missile and it's eyes turn into X's and it's tongue hangs out of it's mouth as it falls to the ground , then another , then before I know it there's fkn loads and i keep smashing them with a cheek/face breaking knockout until i try aiming the punch to whack the missiles back to their source - as they connect the planes they burn up into fire and frags so i decide to return to the earth to get away from the bastard moody pilots/jets , seek refuge under the canopy of a forest in what appears to be france or spain - maybe the picos or pyrenese mountain area and then up hill along a road into/through windy remote villages until I'm caught up by a beautiful lady flying along side me , as she smiles i see her large fangs glint in the scorching sun and she winks at me , we take it to the ground and she overtakes as we hit the ground running full pelt ... i am distracted by her beauty and the sweet curves of her luscious body and allow her to overtake so as to get a glimpse of her cute back end... she then tears through a white ribbon and suddenly it says !st place brazil , 2nd place not so great britain and then I think what the fk? It's like some sort of olympic race and what the fuck was i representing britain for?

- glad that I had not won for britain I begin the same course we had run/flown in reverse so as to embarass britain for cheating me into racing for them when i didnt even know it was supposed to be a race , so i make it through italy, then spain then france and fly across the english channel aiming for london so as i get to downing street i see the PM walk in so I fly up as high as i can get to the edge of space and begin my ascent down ever rapidly increasing speed so as to emit white light and draw my fist ahead of me as i aproach impact at the number 10 and last i see is the roof as i plough full force into the building which becomes fast unrecognizeable .... i think i am unconsciouss and then wake up with theresa may's throat in my hand - no clue or sign of any body - nor how i recognise her by her baggy throat/chicken skin and the vamp girl from earlier walks up to me and says "good one horsey!" and winks - wake up wet thru ..

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why didnt the sexy vamp girl's clothes burn away?


Edited by ☽Ţ ҉ĥϋηϠ₡яღ☯ॐ€ðяئॐ♡Pϟiℓℴϟℴ
add a facken tune
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(in some sort of brand new fast food establishment run by chinese people) I bump into old school mate while looking for my son , chat about our son's chilling out like we used to , then have to cut it short to go looking for my lad ... grab a taxi , sat in taxi a while not looking out of window , keep glimpsing donald trump appears to be the driver but only seeing his concentrating face in the rear view mirror occasionally eyeballing me between scanning/watching the road driving very responsibly - wierd - finally get to some kinda new establishment of business where a presentation by my bro is about to take place , really happy and proud to see him and his setup and how immaculately clean the whole place and all it's furnishings and tech gadgets are/is then wake up at 01:15 .... 

i wonder what all that was about ? oh well .. maybe will get another flying dream someday 

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  • 1 month later...

(Re-posted from "The Random Thread" ... Thanks ☽Ţ ҉ĥϋηϠ₡яღ☯ॐ€ðяئॐ♡Pϟiℓℴϟℴ)  :)


I had a dream the other night. I remember the whole dream quite clearly, which is unusual for me. I either only remember small bits, and then only for a short time.

I was laying on my back in a desert, watching a bird slowly spiralling down. As it came closer, I sat up and it landed in front of me, in between two cacti. It was a large bird of prey, an eagle I think. An incredibly large monitor lizard walked from behind me, up to the bird. The bird spread its wings and grew very large. It then leaned forward until its head was at ground level between the cacti, and opened its beak. The lizard lumbered into the bird's mouth, the bird closed its beak, folded its wings, shrank back to its original size then stood looking at me, first through one eye then the other.
The cacti started to wilt and small wisps of smoke arose from them. As they seemed to melt, a breeze picked up blowing the smoke into my face. It smelled of the ocean. The bird's feathers started to ruffle in the breeze. The breeze suddenly became a sharp gust of wind and the bird crumbled in a puff of dust which blew into my face almost like a slap. As the dust hit me I flinched and woke up. For a moment after I woke, I could distinctly smell an odour like burnt hair.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh I am so thankful to gtarman for starting this thread!  I awoke yesterday after lunch reluctant to leave this dream but damn bladders and biology and all that. 
So... this was one that I have recalled in such detail after waking and woke with the dopiest grin on my face - which continued as I sat on the sofa having a ''brekkie cigarette.''
Oh - just realised - I haven't looked at previous posts.  This will probably sound so dumbass.  Fuckit, listening to Pulp (Google is your friend millennials) so seemed apt to post as featured in dream.
Okay... JHC, will probably come back to delete this, too much vodka?  I don't even feel intoxicated WTF?
Anyhoo - so:  the dream I woke up with the biggest grin...
Well I LOVE Jarvis Cocker (of Pulp) and Louis Theroux (does the awesome docos from the BBC) - total fangirl I'll admit.
So in this dream I was hanging with Louis in what was kinda like where I live but not really anyway, we're (oh meant Louis and myself doh) at a harbor-side pub and I'm totally infatuated (as IRL haha) and trying to be charming or whatever - IDK.  Fuck, would someone hurry up to record dreams already 'cause this one was a keeper for sure!  Ok so... at this open aired pub by the water and Jarvis (lead of Pulp whom I'm infatuated with also but hey, don't judge!) was the music 'act' doing a solo thing.  As dreams go, not the same as reality of course.  I was happy to see Jarvis but was more intent on focussing on Louis.  So fark - all these things happen that are just on the cusp of my brain/tongue but argh!!!  I remember saying to Louis that I loved Pulp and he did a cute Jarvis dance impression for me (if you look up Pulp you'll see his distinctive style.)  Oh geez I remember a few weird things like like being in a car with him and his dad and step-mum who was trying to give me handfuls of coins for the present I had bought for one of Louis sister's birthdays (the birthday was earlier in the dream - honestly seemed I was dreaming for hours - may have been!)  So this woman is passing me coins and she had hairy palms - like, 3'' hair kinda thing and of course (well it was true to me) I said no, please no need to give me money for buying her a present, I wanted to. 
Next thing I remember was walking along the street with Louis and that's when he did the most adorable Jarvis dance.  Damnit - I am grinning now about this dream hahaha.  Soooo.. um.  Oh yes.  So I think his father had this room at this flea bitten motel and we got back there (OH!  I forgot to mention that while we were walking Louis said he said he was falling...  [i wish] and *SIGH*)  So get back to the hotel/motel whatever and after Louis had said he was falling for me and it had been a big day!  I just collapsed on the bed.  Things would have gotten a little less PG if his brother/uncle/step-brother IDK turned up so there went that. 
It ain't anything special - more fangirling over Louis Theroux and Jarvis Cocker but it's honestly one of the most vivid and enjoyable dreams I can remember and still retain afterwards. 
I am SO going to regret this and come back to delete it but it was cathartic to type some of it.  #dontjudge

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''Oh I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad.'' -  Can't refute the genius of Jarvis Cocker (song is 'Pencil Skirt' which you need to hear!!!)
Ok, I'll STFU now.

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Hi ya Gem.


Thanks for posting this. I've not listened to PULP before. Thanks so much for the introduction to them. The first song I came to when I searched them on YouTube was "Common People". Love 'em.

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welcome back Gem too!

My late bestie from school spoke just like you about Jarvis :3 

back then we also dug suede pretty deep ...



well , dream... 


sat in court as the furious looking judge bellows down to us all at just how machaevellian, and perfideous the atrocities who dared to be laying before them on paper ... which suddenly starts to slowly transform into toilet paper rags with brown stains as they spell out exactly how they can see through the lies ... of the social workers and their illegal team of racketeers...., shaking his finger over them like a sword as the swift 'rod of justice' , causing them to bob and duck and weave in their seats so as not to lose any of their multiple heads...

I'm sat on the bench next to the SS on one side and the olde bagge on the other and with my hands on my knees suddenly taking over control of themselves as if posessed and forming into the stiffest and pertest slyly-under-counter middle finger waving session that would've made their owner's dick proud!


As I melt back into control of my own hands and start doing wierd finger stretches to pretend that that's what they were doing all along :3 the judge laughs heartily at the SS ridiculous demands to seek higher level authority be called in , shouting at full force "good luck with that!" as they walk off in a huff disgusted to the core over how predatory and self important that particular local government dept had become .... 


Huge grin at the opposition while I lavish in the dismay and screwed up faced soreness.... the front door bell goes ,


wake up and nobody at the door ...  .. shdve been a postie with a fkn tricho man


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  • 2 weeks later...

loads of sci-fi in my dreams, loving that. last night's dream...... tl;dr....humanity ( with a little help ) will build a version of Einstein's Tachyon Anti-telephone and figure out how to send "instructions from the internet" back through time to around 30 40000 years ago. but it ain't no telephone. more like digital information encoded in the Dna of some organism and us humans get to a point in technoadvancement that we can manipulate gene expression to create a creature that organically uses tachyons to transmit information ( i think it was a fungus )...... or something....now i'm into the coffee and the dream was epic but now rapidly fading into the haze of forgotten dreams, but the above idea is the bit that the dream told me to float out there.


a bunch of Morpheus quotes are flooding in but now signing off, going to work. If you're reading this, hope you have a great day, too. Bye 

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^ lol.  you had sci-fi - i get steam-punk.


I was with my buddy and we were beginning an 'advertising campaign' which involved distributing 'material' in the form of something like an ice hockey puck or clay pigeon.  these were fired out of an enormous vertical cannon that was situated in the corner of the warehouse.  I distinctly remember feeling the floor rumble and heave a little as the boiler built up and released pressure.  I even said to my mate we probably should move somewhere safer (a recurring theme in a lot of my dreams is a distrust of man-made structures).  My dog was there too - it was good to see him.

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Was with a group of friends walking across an ice lake at night - raiders on motorbikes coming across against us in the moonlight - teenagers around me falling in a hail of bullets. We return fire, and take our toll, but a few of them keep coming. I'm holding a long barrel revolver (.357 or .44?), activate my targeting system (which is suspiciously similar to V.A.T.S.) and pick off all but one of the remaining attackers.  We end in a stand-off  - and it's somehow daylight - he has drawn on my friend, and my revolver is against his head. We share a dirty harry moment as he wonder's if I'm empty - I am, but the look in my eye causes him to hesitate for long enough and I club him to the ground with the butt of my gun. The dream ends with me experiencing overwhelming sadness and guilt. 


I may have to cut back on the amount of Fallout 4 I'm playing. 

Edited by Yeti101
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That's a coincidence I've been playing Hitman sniper & I keep having a waking fantasy/daydream that I shoot the pricks across the road that scream up & down the street on unregistered motorbikes that have had the baffles removed from their mufflers.

Edited by Sallubrious
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I sometimes feel the same way about some of the motorcycle club members in my street, but would not recommend confronting them without a functioning suit of power-armour. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

well i did have a dream with some recollection again finally but not much ...


i just recall falling from step ladder onto my back and being paralysed not being able to sort the problem of having dropped a hedge cutter that didn't stop going despite having none of it's buttons engaged...

then this huge spartan type dude with muscles on muscles grabbed it by the cutting end and it didn't sever his fingers or damage his hands in any way ....and looked at me with a really friendly yet battle warrior-esque face and when he smiled his face became really familiar ,.. like maybe my late father or perhaps one of my ancestors or predecessors way into the future ....

wierd ,

that is all i can remember (since flashback from hearing neighbours hedgecutter a minute ago)

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