Dreamwalker. Posted January 2, 2015 Share Posted January 2, 2015 that makes sense Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gtarman Posted January 2, 2015 Author Share Posted January 2, 2015 ^ I always wondered if that's why humans feel such an affinity for water as well, having more distant distant amphibious ancestors. But who knows. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Francois le Danque Posted January 3, 2015 Share Posted January 3, 2015 nah man i think that's because of our memory of being in the womb...but you might be right. then again being in the water was probably never safe; predators etc. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dreamwalker. Posted January 3, 2015 Share Posted January 3, 2015 (edited) yeah you never know what's coming up, out of the depths of murky darkness...........a little off the point...but some believe the ocean represents the sub concious in dreams...assuming there is a sub conscious........ Edited January 3, 2015 by Dreamwalker. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-RC- Posted January 9, 2015 Share Posted January 9, 2015 I had a dream the other day that I sat down to take a shit on a toilet, then realised it was actually located out the front of someone's house on their lawn.I was then greeted by acquaintances from a while back and had awkward convos on the dunny. Shaking hands and everything.Finally I had to halt it and ask if I could finish building my log cabin while they waited.Fuck I'm weird.... 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
incognito Posted January 9, 2015 Share Posted January 9, 2015 Mate ur not alone, I have similar dreams where I need to take a dump, and when I get to the toilet there are no walls around it, like a toilet against a wall in a hallway or in someone's kitchen etc and people are just walking around and past me while I have to do my business. In preoccupied with the the thought of how to take a dump in the least offensive way, making the least amount of noise as possible etc 5 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gtarman Posted January 24, 2015 Author Share Posted January 24, 2015 Last night I had a dream that was basically just 15 minutes unabridged of me eating a mint-choc icecream, bite by bite while the people around me discussed other kinds of ice cream and walked around with tubs of it. Only after I had eaten the chocolate tip of the waffle cone did I wake up to find myself in bed chewing on my drool-y pillow haha 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThunderIdeal Posted January 10, 2016 Share Posted January 10, 2016 lets see if i can nail down these inconsistencies in linear time and frame of reference. it's going to be hard work and since it's nearly lunchtime i know i'm going to finish woefully short of outlining this beautiful collision of disparities but i can hint at some of the major ones. there was a story on the news about an incident involving one or two cars and three pedestrians. one of the pedestrians was hit by a car. i wanted to reply to an email where a friend in new zealand had told me about it; i think a family member of theirs was involved. i only suspected it was the same incident based on the age and gender of the pedestrians but wondered how the email pre-empted the event. certain of my memory of the email, i then realised i had not only witnessed the event with my own eyes but was now a participant in the aftermath.^ woefully inadequate but it does illustrate how disconnected a dream's timeline and point-of-view can be.i had a funny taste in my mouth because i'd been giving a small dog mouth-to-mouth. i then tried to assist somebody in treating an unconscious old man. i concluded that he was breathing and therefore he should only receive compressions (this is wrong: a breathing casualty should not receive compressions).in another recent dream in a market/retail environment i thought i was losing my mind because overall events were unfolding smoothly in a way that didn't challenge my faith that i was a waking participant in reality. however, low denomination coins would frequently explode from my hands trying to lure me out of the greater narrative and into one of those tedious sequences, and attempts to sample exotic dishes degraded into the task of removing an endless supply of little handcrafted dolls and trinkets which had been hidden in the food (if there even was any food). 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gtarman Posted January 15, 2016 Author Share Posted January 15, 2016 I forgot about this thread! Moooore dream stories! I love hearing them...it's so great to connect more to that mysterious, surreal and otherworldly plane of existence that we all visit. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gtarman Posted February 12, 2016 Author Share Posted February 12, 2016 So last night I had one of the most vivid and almost lucid dreams I've had in ages.I was on this lit up street at night, and an old friend I haven't seen in years was walking down the sidewalk. I can't remember why I was using my superpowers to fly up and down the street past him like I had a jetpack on.Then he puts on a helmet and gets on a motorbike. Somehow he gets super airborne and loses control and then crashes back to Earth...knowing he will probably die I use my super speed to try and get to him and catch him before he hits the ground but I'm a microsecond too slow.I decide that I'm going to try revive him by transferring my super energy into him. So I put my hands on his chest and start pouring my energy in, and slowly the helmet and bike gear start to fade away and change into human features. But instead of changing into my friend, the figure now looking back at me was...me. I'd copied myself. Then the whole scene disappeared from sight and memory and I was left in a white room facing this copy of myself, and struck by the utter strangeness of it. It was like a mirror in 3 dimensionsAfter a short while of being weirded out, I then woke up. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SayN Posted February 13, 2016 Share Posted February 13, 2016 (edited) I had a dream the other night that it was the 20th and I distinctly remember I was supposed to be at the Sydney meet yet i'd been 'summoned' (ie. with magic) to a 'junkie' farm, whatever that is/was, in order to lecture or similar. Apparently I was well revered by the 'inmates' and had lots of drug f*cked people crowding around me after my opinion/blessing. I had no mobile phone and was quite distressed that I was going to miss the event and couldn't call my wife to tell her where i was/rescue me. Anyway the next thing I knew I was in a car driving and pulled into the kerb lane to overtake other traffic at the lights. Glanced in the rear-view mirror and there a was a copper sitting behind me - I think i'd been speeding and thought to myself "hah, you missed out buddy". Not sure what happened but now I'm in the car with a bunch of friends in the shopping mall... Manly Corso or similar but on a slope. Put the car in reverse and managed to get us stuck... on the roof of one of the shops... in the gutter. End dream.The following night, or perhaps it was the previous, I had a dream that the Indian chick next door (she, who I have no designs on, and her boyfriend have been there only a couple of weeks since our new neighbour is AirBNB'ing his new house) has to give me a head job to gain Australian citizenship. (seriously wtf? seemed a reasonable idea though in the dream). I then woke up (at like 1:30am) with a massive raging hard-on... (So I woke the wife to take full advantage. Needless to say I haven't explained to her the background story.)I think I have issues... Edited February 13, 2016 by CrayZ 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThunderIdeal Posted February 13, 2016 Share Posted February 13, 2016 i had a dream i told your wife in an email or i dunno, it was so real maybe i was sleep-messing in your personal bizz. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SayN Posted February 13, 2016 Share Posted February 13, 2016 Lol. I ummed and aahed about telling the wife and, in the right mood, she'd find it as amusing as I did. You never can tell though so its best to let sleeping dogs lie. (Apologies if I lowered the tone of your thread gtarman).Last nights dream I was living in someone else's house - and it all occurs in the kitchen. I'm then at the fishmongers and he's allowing me to taste test between too types of prawns for my chilli prawn dish that i'm going to cook. He's trying to push me to select one prawn over the other but the one he's suggesting has no flavour whilst the other is very sweet and salty - so i select it much to his dismay. It's only as I'm heading 'home' that it occurs to me that I should be using green prawns rather than cooked prawns for the dish. Doh. When I get back to the house I realise that i've been slack and ignoring doing the dishes, but thankfully there is only a single cereal bowl in the sink...(FWIW, I've decided i'm going to cook chilli/lime prawns tonight on the BBQ). 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sallubrious Posted February 14, 2016 Share Posted February 14, 2016 Lol. I ummed and aahed about telling the wife and, in the right mood, she'd find it as amusing as I did. You never can tell though so its best to let sleeping dogs lie. (Apologies if I lowered the tone of your thread gtarman).I get in the shit sometimes from dreams my mrs has had. Sometimes she can't separate dreams from reality. I must be a real slut in her dreams, sometimes she holds them against me for days.I wouldn't tell her, she might take it as " I want the spicy little Indian girl next door to suck me off".Some Women will hold the slightest thing against you forever , even if they seem cool about it when you tell them. If you have an argument 6 months later, you might get " you want that bitch next door to suck your cock" fired at you. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThunderIdeal Posted March 4, 2016 Share Posted March 4, 2016 (edited) found a relative of the elusive boob tree, or so i thought. it was a stem with a single green fruit which could move around inside a translucent outer-layer, and the end facing me furthest from the point of attachment had a black eye/nipple. well what do you do when you find a tree with a boob on it? your hand sets about inspecting it. it was more like a sea creature really, made apparent when my fingernail kind of injured the black eye and one of the encasing layers reacted by "blinking". anyways, something something something something something something something something five little drawings/caricatures of humanoid faces on the front of a dvd/game/book about some alien crew of a spaceship or such; some cool little pop culture characters you know, maybe japanese. the captain had a big scar down his eye apparently cuz i had brutalised it during an earlier phase in his lifecycle. Edited March 4, 2016 by ThunderIdeal 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geebus Posted March 9, 2016 Share Posted March 9, 2016 Last night's dream consisted of me And my family shacking up in a weird high set old Queenslander house that had been completely boarded up as a defense against the impending zombie attack. I couldn't remember how, but somehow I had been infected by the zombie virus.In this dream there were 3 classes of zombies that I was aware of. There were the standard rotting walking dead like we see in movies. The 2nd class of zombies were more skeleton like and could be controlled by the right magical operations. The third class of zombies was, yep you guessed it, celiac zombies lol. Lucky me got infected by a celiac zombie. So we discovered that to destroy the celiac zombies, we si.ply had to torch some bread and get close enough to shove the toast down the zombies gob. Effectively destroying it. For some reason it had to be burnt gluten to be effective.As a result of my infection, to temporarily stop myself from turning.every 10 minutes or so I would feel OK incredibly cold and very sick, I had to quickly pick off a chunk of bread and torch it with my jet lighter and eat it to remain human.The next part was hazy but I remember there being a group of African women who had mastered the ability to control the skeleton class zombies by engraving symbols into their bones (voodoo?) And the skeleton zombies would proceed to ride large dogs and go and collect items for the African women. I reckon the celiac zombies were celiac in life and that condition attached itself to the DNA of the virus carrying through into death. 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrDoRight Posted March 10, 2016 Share Posted March 10, 2016 Last night i had a dream about the sterotypical question" where do you see yourself in 5 years?" , i was drinking orange juice. i fuckin hate orange juice, unless its mixed with other fruit lol. Zombies were eating my flesh.. Maybe i was smoking krokodile -can somebody please give my flesh back and ill provide real heroin? There was fire and- i used the OJ to put the flames out, apparently OJ simpson is on fire with the media but TV had nothing to do with my dream.. Prehaps im wrong and OJ was the fire- the wife and other victims were the zombies and im fighting fire with fire. Gotta cool down. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bigred Posted March 12, 2016 Share Posted March 12, 2016 I had a dream about getting kicked out of a share house .There was a few white people but the owners were asian (i hadn't seen them but i knew) .I remember packing up my uni stuff Text books and beakers I woke up at this point and went back to sleep and back to the same dream but it was very vivid then woke up and can't remember the rest but can remember the fist part 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThunderIdeal Posted March 12, 2016 Share Posted March 12, 2016 (edited) a goat ran up a vertical ladder at ramming speed and knocked a bunch of guys off. i watched it detached with others and we laughed like maniacs as two of them tumbled while they fell, all of us assuming they would land in water. they kept falling and laughter became horror when we realised even an ocean wouldn't save them, then they slammed into a balcony something something something----------------sitting on the backseat of a bus, didn't give a fuck about anything. i was just perpetually stoked to be bused around on this bus. one or two unknown women even joined me at times on the back seat but i was so happy anyway. the bus completed its circuit and i thought/said, you know what? fuck it. i'm staying on this bus for another circuit. i'm just gonna stay here, probably forever. why would i ever disembark willingly?for some reason instead of doing another lap of wherever the bus had been doing laps, i was to go yachting with some family. the hazard posed to my comfort and safety was as though i was required to swim around in the open ocean. having to partake in active sailing through unknown waters with dubious family members was the opposite of the bus ride. i did NOT want any part in it something something something. Edited March 12, 2016 by ThunderIdeal 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThunderIdeal Posted March 25, 2016 Share Posted March 25, 2016 (edited) something something something drinking coffee out of my workboot.... knew it was wrong but too emjoyable not to drink every last drop something something somethingedit then i woke up pretty eager for a coffee but it wasn't as good. maybe it needed a teaspoon or two of tinea alongside a toe-jam scone? Edited March 25, 2016 by ThunderIdeal 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
☽Ţ ҉ĥϋηϠ₡яღ☯ॐ€ðяئॐ♡Pϟiℓℴϟℴ Posted March 25, 2016 Share Posted March 25, 2016 went pike fishing in the early 90s to a local lake that has changed now but in the dream it was back then ...so i got a trigger grip lure rod , baitcaster.. braid ..and some plugs ..so i set of down this hill side in the opposite direction of the single lake ?....anyhow over the hill i descend and descend what appears to be a small hill from distance (at first) yet it becomes seemingly "never ending" larger and larger and steeper until i slide on my arse to the bottom that does exist afterall ..so when ther im walking along a gravel path and i see this kinda "tree mirror" .. i look closer and can see a pike in it , realising its not a mirror afterall .. so i look closer and big fuck off 40lb pike comes "swim/flying" out of the erm "plain" that i had previously thunk was a mirror ..this facken heiffer pike swims through the air .. chasing me .. i got one look inside its mouth as it was tryna bite me ..looked like big black curly staples instead of the nice pearly whites on a real pike ..fkn wierd .. i dnno even if i got away .. been tryna revisit it to finish the story but access denied but for "mad max" type dreams 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
☽Ţ ҉ĥϋηϠ₡яღ☯ॐ€ðяئॐ♡Pϟiℓℴϟℴ Posted March 25, 2016 Share Posted March 25, 2016 (edited) wierdest thing ... when i dreamt about weather/seasons changing every 5 mins it was how someone else years ago had describedback then when they described it i just thunk oh wow how trippy and what the hey?but then for it to occur in one of my dreams ... its almost as if I still have a part of her.. wierd..makes me wonder how much the dreams catalogued in this thread will affect my own dreaming progress , or other readersand vice versa ..are we somehow cultivating symbiotic ether of a kind?not looking fwd to having a shit in a bog on the lawn with no walls to hide behind tho..-lol - or getting robbed of a tenner by a machine Edited March 25, 2016 by ☽Ţ ҉ĥϋηϠ₡яღ☯ॐ€ðяئॐ♡Pϟiℓℴϟℴ 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinegapcontrol Posted April 2, 2016 Share Posted April 2, 2016 (edited) wow you guys have got some good dream memory, rarely do I remember anything more than a slight vibe but occasionally I get one that keeps me thinking for hours after waking up.Last nights dream wasn't quite so overwhelming but it had to happen, dreamt about cactus, dreamt about being at our old house where I grew up from 14-19, I found myself in the paddock discovering all these chunks of totem pole cactus (lophocereus schotti monstrose) and thinking how in the hell could i possibly have forgotten about these but at the same time was looking at them like they were the greatest discovery ever.anyway, that's it.EDIT oh yeah and there was a strong urgency to collect them all up, like a mad rush, like time was of the essence. To get them out of the rain I think.EDIT they were lophocereus schotii monstrose for sure but I had in my head some mad kind of bridgesii. Edited April 2, 2016 by pinegapcontrol 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThunderIdeal Posted April 2, 2016 Share Posted April 2, 2016 ^ often have "collect all the booty" sequences heheh of course it's always gone when you wake up. the impulse of modern humans to acquires lots of thingies (especially when they're just laying around in the 'scape)! 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bogfrog Posted April 3, 2016 Share Posted April 3, 2016 Was walking along the edge of a huge grass covered crater of a dormant volcano with my mum and her two horses and I slipped..Grabbed onto the edge and dug in my fingers as deeply as I could, very aware that loosing my grip would most likely entail death. Seemed like it took forever for my mum to get off her horse and help me, but she eventually did, passed me the reigns from her horse to grab onto and he pulled me up and over the edge. Then we walk further along, mum back on her horse and leading the other one behind her. Then without warning the male horse jumps up onto the female horse, squishing my mum between them. I panic and call for help, out of nowhere other people appear and help me pull mum out. I was sure her back would be broken or something serious, but she's fine, just brushes herself off and then laughs about it.Then later on I am going to visit my old landlady, she wants to show me a house bus she has for rent.. It looks like a pretty normal house bus on the outside but when I go inside, I realise its much much much bigger than it really should or could be. Flash as fuck too, two stories, massive conservatory along one side, amazing views down into a forested gully which extends for miles.She tells me I can rent it for $60 a week...Wake up really wanting to live in a house bus <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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