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Share your dreams (the sleeping kind, not the "I want a pony" kind)


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Cant fully remember now but shit got a bit weird last night. Some bad ass gangsta mufukerz sprayed liquid lsd into my ear and over the side of my face and neck then gave me the chance to run. They wanted to kill me im pretty sure, as im running im starting to trip balls and get really disorientated. Ended up jumping behind a bush and waiting for them, somehow aquired a pistol with a silencer tip. Once they were in front of me i pumped them with a few rounds. Thats about all i recall. I quit the herb just over a week ago and am loving the vividness coming back. Even if they are weird as shit. Yay for dreaming!

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i had a dream the other night about going to one of those indoor ski/skate/taboggan places and on the door was the word "chiling" in bright neon letters and the entrance was like a haunted house ride at an amusesement park or something. next day irl i got a message from someone saying they hated the way people used the word "chilling" . synchronicity man <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_ohmy.png<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_shroomer.gif

Edited by bot6
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before I fell asleep I decided I was going to a party and so I dreamed about a party

but it was alot like a high school reunion and one of my friends I didnt keep in touch

with was all pissed... I think it was the first time I decided a dream like that but I was

hearing the woo .. i was expecting a totally different party but it was more like all

the parties I've been to that I didn't have much fun at... and it finished with the dickhead

that drove me there taking off drunk without giving me a ride but I probably woulda

said no to get in a car with his drunk ass even in a dream lol

I woke up at 10 am and 10 seconds later the power went out!

and it was out for hours.. had nothing to do with the dream but still twas weerd

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I'll play <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png

Had a somewhat odd one, I was outside next to a building in trees and grass and stuff, I came around upon the outside of a messy room walled entirely of glass with me inside, locked in. I thought it was odd seeing me but instead of going lucid right there I thought 'hey, if thats me I'll let me out'. I pulled out a pane of the clear glass and it was a mirror on the inside, all of them were. Then the me on the inside looked over and saw the me on the outside and I woke up.

I'm sure a psychologist would love that one.

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last night i had one of those half dream/half waking reality things where i was possessed by a truly evil demonic spirit and today the elevator fucks up and stops all of a sudden mid way down then falls a little bit but then continues down normally and fucking metro stole $10 from me from a faulty ticket machine fuck man i think i'm being harassed by malevolent spirits!

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Not a 'dream' but a very rare thing for me, after waking up I had clear hypnogogic closed eyed visuals of morphing geometric shapes made from rainbows.

I didnt want to get out of bed, lol

Are there any oneirogen type plants that can be used to cause that intentionally? (dont say mescaline <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png )

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after searching and searching and enquiring with as many people as the dream would come up with......

and long giving up hope well into after dark hours.....in some crazy shadow world or streets that ive never seen when concious.....

while the seasons change every 5 minutes ..... sneaking up behind some asshole attacking someone/thing/girl? defenseless and vulnerable....

...kicking them real hard in the back.... grabbing the hand of the victim n rippn em out of the danger zone and putting serious distance between us and "it"

so fast that before I know it... already deep into the forest (which forest? - fuctifino, ... sure it was oak birch and pines by fragrance but hadnt time to look...

suddenly finding a crazy 7 story house with some sort of music blaring out of it ... sneaking in thru the (wide open) door and putting our heads down .... or so I thought till i checked where this rescued victim had vanished to......(typical huh)

then......finding ,,,,... um ...."mushrooms of light".... growing from the dark blue carpet on the stairs .....that keep on going and going... <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png

thru random party houses from my early to late teen history....

finding wierd dead people walking around with alcohol as if theyre still alive

with the odd one perched on a stairway windowsill in a way that gravity should really be kicking in to take em down ... but isn't?.....

then opening a door (finally) and being hurled into a world of fire and flames that seem to burn the shit out of all these screaming people/things...

but it dsnt even burn me?... so suddenly i have this huge crystal sword in my hands and all these weird assed fukkin stupid bastardy um... things attacking me ,

... having to wield this huge sword several times heavier than myself ... slicing and hacking and chopping and charging with only a split second between each attack and kill....

to the point that alien movie-like slime builds up on the crystal blade to the point i can no longer see it and im like waving this lump of fat and guts with a handle around me like some sort of fukkin jet li with a tai chi sword.....saving all these "people" things ... somehow?

finally find a door, open it and im out on the stairs landing in the house i grew up in ... back in 1985 lookn down at this crazy red carpet we had

.... worried about the monsters my brother told me were in his wardrobe.... and then wake up wonderin what the fuck?

I certainly recall having not eaten any of the mushrooms of light growing from the stinky carpet in the dream

... was filthy as fuck... hair, cig butts ... all sorts :/ ick.... typical student party house x]

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im still trying to get calea to feel like its working, however its one of the nicest flavourings for a smoke, not sure why but home grown seems sweeter tasting than leaf from shops....

.... sea bean seems to be a forgetful lush sleep so far- smoken that is.. still working on em tho, not got far enough to have a live plant of it yet

... not root... but smoken leaf... of silene capensis seems to have zero effect but theyre very young yet....

hemia is a lovely smoke, tastes nasty as a sun cured brew but definitely feels beneficial towards a healthy ole sleep....

almost tastes like seaweed as a drink....

maybe I'll know more after a few more years experience working with them but theyre very interesting plants indeed <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

Edited by ☽Ţ ҉ĥϋηϠ₡яღ☯ॐ€ðяئॐ♡Pϟiℓℴϟℴ
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calea tea is pretty much one of the most terrible flavors i've ever tried I don't think it can be masked its ridiculously nasty

I was growing the fake calea for a couple years til the freeze finally zapped it but its a suprisingly hardly plant.. I wonder

how the real calea grows... someday i'll get one

@ Auxin I had something like that happen two nights ago, though it was before falling asleep... was really quick tho didn't last all that long.. all I can say is I was doing 1/2 tsp doses of tryptophan for about 3 or 4 nights in a row, and plus I had a bunch of chicken spaghetti.. only happened that one night and it was accompanied by voices, a sort of conversation wooing me... and that's the night i decided to dream myself to a party eh... so maybe that or 5-htp worth an experiment

today i woke up quite wierd like I was dreaming but couldn't see it, and the same feeling that I was still asleep except it was alot like nasuea and vertigo. I was very uncomfortable for about an hour.. not surprising I had alot of bad vibes going to bed... I was starving and very thirsty upon waking tho so I ate fast and othwrwise its been a really anxiety free day.. the heat made me sleepy tho and I took a long nap... I got rhodiola in the mail a couple daze ago and its affecting me wierdly but seems to have taken the edge off in the daytime.. maybe placebo or maybe not but im enjoying it...

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Last night i had a dream where i was running around in interesting scenarios and adventures as usual, but then i somehow acquired this horrible parasite thing, like a big alien/crab/spider thing, like as big as a basketball, that lived inside my anus!

TMI i know, but how do you think i felt? i had to get rid of the fucken thing. I did so somehow but then was super paranoid it would somehow come back, or had laid eggs in there. It was super scary and realistic.

I think it was because just before i went to bed i read a post by a dude who drank creek water while baked and then had diarrhoea, and someone else said "go to the hospital, you might have a parasite". Also i had been walking by a creek all day.

I'll try and have a less disgusting dream tonight.

thunderhorse: what effects do you get from smoking heimia? i got some recently but am reluctant to make a tea due to many reports of painful hayfever-like symptoms.

Edited by Franke von Danke
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i found the effects to be pleasurable and calming... about as pleasurable and calming as a really nice tobacco , nothing as nice and calming as weed

but then its just one ingredient ...

add daturas and aya and sage and lemon balm and mint and solanum dulcamera and its one of the most spiritual tokes indeed...

found it useful as an ingredient as opposed to a lone, solely-used material

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I dreamt this morning that I noticed these two little black stubs of metal poking out of my right knee. I didn't do anything about it at first, but then a bit later I sat down and pulled on one of these bits of metal, it started to wiggle loose, so I kept pulling and I extracted this 10cm long metal pin, which tapered smaller towards the other end and also became wavy instead of straight like the end I was tugging on. Then I extracted the other one too, and just sat there looking at these 2 black pins thinking 'what the fuck....'

Interestingly I've always had pain in the right knee and its not sore today

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me too! did you feed the money in and nothing happened? bastards..

yes! i put the money in, it did everything like it should said "please remove you myki ticket" so I did and and it didn't put the money on, and the ticketing guy literally said "what do you want me to do about it?" like what a fucking cunt. fuck metro.

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i don't recall dreams very often at all, i'm not a very good sleeper, but, occasionally, i do recall a very vivid one. some time ago i remember crawling through a tunnel from my bedroom which immediately exited through a cavity in a fallen hollowed log in a wooded area. when i got out a few of my friends were there, and we proceeded to sword fight another character, very casually. this one stands out of all the dreams i can remember as being the only one that didn't follow some recurring theme, like, the ability to flight without the ability to understand my power and having zero velocity etc, standard.

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by your logic, freud, you have projected sexual meanings onto inert objects, then made those sexual meanings seem questionable. ashamed of your repressed sexuality? at the end of the day, i went to a forest and got in a fight with a literal sword, if that, besides the language i used to describe it, puts my sexuality into question, then i best not tell the dream about the giant hotdog i had to lick to death to empty my 2 balloons of cream...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Had a rather vivid dream last night that stuck in my waking memory, or at least bits of it did.

I was sitting beside a river with a few people my own age, lying in the grass, wearing suits. I think they were talking about expensive high schools and various related privileges. It was just before twilight, and we were watching a paddlesteamer go past. Suddenly I realized that on the paddlesteamer were Eastern European men who's wife/mother was an accidental casualty on a covert mission I'd been sent on in the military, and that if they recognized me they would kill me, so I quickly made an excuse to the people I was lying on the riverbank with and started running up the hill, into a pine forest. After running for a bit I came to a series of fenced-in tennis courts on the slope of a hill amongst the trees, and I remember carefully considering whether I should try to escape through them, or to go behind them up the hill.

After thinking about it I decided that since the tennis courts were made by people, I'd be more likely to encounter people there, so I took the path through the bush up behind them...suddenly the pines gave way to dry scrub on clay soil and I was soon next to an empty road on flat, semi-arid ground. I turned right, knowing that turning left would take me back in the direction I'd come from. After running a little further, I realized that the direction I was heading in was a dead end - about a kilometre or so down the road I could see and hear the ocean.

Then something cool happened - the waves grew absolutely huge, so I could see them clearly from far away. It was like watching waves break on a beach...but so big it looked like that from a kilometre away, and it washed away the shoreline as if it were the sand. It was awe-inspiringly epic and terrifying to behold. I'm actually struggling to describe just how huge and violent and powerful a force of nature I bore witness to...there are no words. As the water from those giant breaking waves started to ebb towards me, I woke up.

Edited by gtarman
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* I should also add that I was never in the military and have never been to Eastern Europe. That part of the dream was basically just a plot from one of my favourite TV shows, "24"...season 2 <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png

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  • 2 months later...

I was caving with a close friend (never meet before)........we came into a large hall of this living cave (I have done a bit of pot holing...living cave means it has a river)...there was water all around & at the end of the hall, rather than the water pouring down a hole, it instead defied gravity & flowed up out though a hole in the ceiling. We climbed through & found ourselves in a room of a home. A couple of kids were there, & their parents soon came in.

Somehow we had left our/this world & now we were in another world/dimension. It was a nice world, not as crazy & insane as our world. You know what I mean....constant propaganda & false belief systems that the majority accept & religiously serve...you know that constant state of mind that continues to vote in 1 of the 2 parties...good cop/bad cop routine....they steal from us...destroy other countries so they can steal their resources & then call their victims terrorist etc............do all psychopaths believe that they are the good guys I wonder.

Any way they said we would have to leave & return to our own world....for our own safety....of course it was a better world & we wanted to stay...become inter-dimensional refugees.......

but this new world wasn't perfect...though an improvement it still had its problems.......the thing is the people of this world had the 6th sense....it gave them many abilities such as they could communicate with each other over unlimited distance simply by holding some possession of that person.

Their abilities left my friend & I vulnerable..............

Edited by Dreamwalker.
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Woah, cool dream Dreamwalker. I have seen the gravity defying water too, tried to take a shower in a dream once and all the water flowed up out of the plug hole and collected in the ceiling - I had to jump up to dunk my hair in the levitating glob of water. Interestingly the rest of the dream you just describes triggers something else, a similar dream and themes.. We had just been shipwrecked and i was with my family (who arent actually my family) and after finding this coastal cave we went into it to a certain depth before a huge cavern opened up and there was a rope hanging from above, so we all climbed up the rope into the top of the cave and then clambered through a trapdoor into an amazing old house filled with magical objects which appear like random antiques but each have unique magical properties. It was a safe place, and it felt amazing to be there in a timeless sanctury, it felt perhaps safer than anywhere else on the planet and I remember having to leave, really wanting to stay, but being told we could only stay long enough to to take certain ancient books and the power objects we would need for the journey ahead. I remember rushing along a forest path with my younger brother and sister (I'm actually an only child) lugging all these sacred texts and talismans and i had using this ornate chair leg-looking wooden thing to telepathically communicate with a fox, ensuring it wouldn't try to eat us and would just let us pass by.

Edited by bogfrog
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A project i am quite interested in would be to catalouge the different non ordinary abilities that come up in dreams. For a while when I was recording lots of my dreams I was also recording in the back of the book the different things that would come up.

Would be awesome to get a whole bunch of dreamers collecting data on what we can do and cross-referencing to build a clearer picture of the potential of our time spent in dreams. I think it could help us all remember how much we are capable of.

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I once had a dream that echoes Dreamwalker and bogfrog's... with the climbing and the safe zone aspects.

I discovered a ladder in my house i had never seen before. I climbed it for a very long time and it went really high up into some sort of tower.

When i emerged from the top of the ladder i was in a small room, about half the size of a regular single bedroom. It also had low ceilings. The only things in the room were an old tube TV, my Nintendo Entertainment System and a beanbag. The TV was glowing blue because the NES was turned off. I sat on the beanbag and started playing, and it was very nice

Ever since this dream I have been endeavouring to create a similar space. I plan to build a raised platform with couch and tv on top, that one has to climb up to.

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