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Share your dreams (the sleeping kind, not the "I want a pony" kind)


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So I wanted to share a dream I had last night, for no other reason really than it was vivid and kinda weird and I like recounting dreams. I looked to see if I could find a thread for that purpose but couldn't find any, and I thought that it would be cool to have a place for others to share dreams that they have as well if they feel like it.

I think there's something otherworldly about the language and imagery of dreams, and many cultures hold them to be sacred and have traditions of sharing and examining them. I enjoy hearing the dreams of others as well, so please share yours here if you like. This was mine from last night:

I was in a sort of version of something like the great hall from Hogwarts in the Harry Potter movies, except on a weird scale - the table was huge and surrounded by water, with a group of people standing at the far end, and one person kind of floating in the air at the closer end behind a huge cat. He was demonstrating the correct way to kill the cat for eating, and he wrapped his finger around its neck like a trigger and then touched it on the back of the head with his index finger, and it slumped forward, dead.

Upon seeing this, a figure in a long dusty coat at the far end of the table stood and shouted, "HEY! That was MY cat." and he shot these weird things out of his hands that were like crinkly grey metallic slugs toward the guy who killed the cat. The slug things pinned him to the wall and then things just sort of faded back into the shapelessness of the dream construct, and that's all I can remember now.

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The dreams that I remember the most are ones of flying. That is by the power of my own mind. Up until about a few years ago I was rather apprehensive about flying too high. Usually no higher than a two storey home. Afraid if I went to high and being unable to sustain flight. But since then man I just go for it. I use my mind for lift and my arms and legs for direction. I've gone all over the place even up to the edge of earths atmosphere briefly. Around weird cities with psychedelic like construction and bizzare architecture. Good fun.

Had one cool dream recently where I was on another planet standing with some other people who lived there and I looked up into the sky and noticed a weird object. I pointed it out to the people and the object quickly grew larger until it was clearly a massive space vessel the size of a large city. The details on the craft were amazingly intricate and prolific. I watched the "landing rockets" rotate into position for landing. Wouldn't mind another visit there sometime.

When I was a teenager I had many and frequent dreams of hunting around in forests and discovering little vials of a liquid that I would drink which caused a sensation like pleasure (the only word I can find to describe the feeling preceding the pleasure is like a drip of a chemical from my brain to my central nervous system)

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That Cat Dream was bent!

Yeah my dream was pretty boring this morning, nothing super natural or weird. The best dreams are the ones you know your dreaming. If you can stay asleep and control it, this kind of dream (lucid dreaming perhaps, astral travel i dunno) is better then any drug.

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This is a great thread, I absolutely love dreaming when it gets close to be time I get so excited.

My first lucid dream.

Just before lucid dream - I had to destroy a super market and fuck up the manager and staff because they where the root of evil I did and I stole heaps of money and food and escaped Saving an area and on my quest to destroy another root of this evilness. Woke up next to my beautiful girlfriend and decided I wanted to go back to that dream. Closed eyes and told myself I was gonna realise I was dreaming.

Now I've been research lucid dreaming to help with healing and stuff so that's the reason why I have become so good at recalling dreams. Is to prepare for a lucid one.

So it was really weird I didn't feel asleep I just felt distant from my body.

I went into my dream world and saw a clock tower and my girlfriend standing under it I went up to her and told her a lil about my dream and then I realised I was dreaming.

Upon realization of dreaming I jumped as high as I could and flew. Flew through the clock tower window and around the trippy town that I was in.

I then decided I had to go towards the next supermarket of evil because that was really fun.

I went back to clock tower to collect my girlfriend and one of my friends to help. I told them I can fly and jumped up and fell so hard it hurt really bad.

We went into the super market and it was pitch black then it went so bright it was just white. That's all I remember.

In a book I'm reading about dreams there's a bunch of famous people who have had dreams that have changed there fate.

Hitler was in a bunker sleeping when he had a dream that a bomb hit his shelter waking up scared he ran out of the bunker and it was bombed.

Thankyou for this interesting topic. Love hearing about dreams.

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Last week I tried my first 1/4 cup of calea zacatechichi ( a real taste sensation and I think the soda fanatics will really love it too! lol ) Couldn't force myself to drink anymore. Kind of a nice mild chill buzz too for a little while there. Anyway I lay down in bed and after a while began to drift off into that pre sleep haze and snap I was looking at or had an image of a vast panoramic green landscape of trees viewed from above the landscape. I was so surprised by the vividness of it (very un-dreamlike) that I woke myself up due to astonishment. Haven't had anything like that since but I am continuing to try to acquire a taste for the brew or at least a tolerance for the bitter after taste and hope to down a full cup.

When I lived in Alice Springs I had a number of dreams about nuclear detonations just beyond the ranges there in vivid colour plus sound and it was soon after that I was told about the pine gap intelligence base there.

Hunting and being hunted by aliens (Ripleys aliens) on space craft is also another popular dreamscape of mine.

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i had a dream about my grandfather on my mums side.

He's still alive and while I would love for him and i to have a close relationship, the reality is a bit different. I think the reasons are from my end, growing up thinking he was a hard arse and still having that idea in my head.

Anyway, in the dream I had it was his birthday and I had gotten him something.I didn't see what it was but when he looked at it I got the sense that he instantly knew how i felt about him, which is one of love and that i had wanted to communicate that to him for ages but never had never been able to. His respone was that he started crying, as did I and i got up from the chair and gave him a hug. At that point I had the sense that I knew i could talk to him about anything and everything. It was a great dream.

While I still would struggle to open up to him and my grandma for that matter on that level, I am going to write them a christmas card telling them I love them!!


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i had a dream about my grandfather on my mums side.

He's still alive and while I would love for him and i to have a close relationship, the reality is a bit different. I think the reasons are from my end, growing up thinking he was a hard arse and still having that idea in my head.

Anyway, in the dream I had it was his birthday and I had gotten him something.I didn't see what it was but when he looked at it I got the sense that he instantly knew how i felt about him, which is one of love and that i had wanted to communicate that to him for ages but never had never been able to. His respone was that he started crying, as did I and i got up from the chair and gave him a hug. At that point I had the sense that I knew i could talk to him about anything and everything. It was a great dream.

While I still would struggle to open up to him and my grandma for that matter on that level, I am going to write them a christmas card telling them I love them!!


You've gotta try man, my grandparents and I have such a weird connection but I couldn't think of life without them.

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When I lived in my last house I had a dream where the guy who lived behind me had cut down all the trees in his front yard and hacked a massive hedge down to fence height on the border between our properties.

Two days later I came home to see he had cut all the trees down and trimmed the hedge.

It freaked me right out.

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I love lucid dreaming and love flying dreams but I can never get very high or far before my arms get tired of flapping

It started off as a reoccurring nightmare where I would fall off a cliff and then wake up in a panic just before I hit the ground, then I started taking control and realised I could say 'hey, this is a dream WAKE UP' and I would, it wasnt long after that that I realised I could stop the fall by flapping my arms and flying. That was that start my passion for lucid dreaming, I used to much prefer my dream life than my real life and really used to look forward to bed time.

Ive been a keen lucid dreamer since then, some years are better than others. I lost a lot of that skill/ability when I started smoking pot as a teenager though which was a shame. Now I dont have anywhere near the ability to control my dreams like I used to due to lack of practice I suppose, now its more 50/50, I can control what Im doing but I cant control my surroundings or the context.

After doing my sky diving course (IRL) I learned how to glide in my dreams, so if I flap hard and get up high I can face down and start tracking (diving head first) which gives me lots of momentum and I can curve back up higher than I was before so it lets me keep getting higher until I get exhausted and have to take a break but I can glide down safely.

I also have a few reoccurring themes that have followed me since childhood.

The last 5-10 years I usually have someone/s chasing me in them so Im constantly exhausted from flapping just out of reach of my pursuers then taking a break just long enough to avoid being caught before flapping away again, lol.

They usually come in the form of elite vampire soldiers headed by their leader or as other people in a SHTF scenario at a shopping center or something (very cliche, I know), then Ill find sanctuary by flying high up in some interesting building and prepare for the coming onslaught but I always wake up before it happens.

If Im able to really take control of my dream I am able to turn and face my attackers and fight them but its a rare occurrence that I can muster that much will and courage.
This allowed me to deal with my childhood bullies in my dreams, I was finally able to stand up for myself and defend myself, after doing that a few times it really squared away a lot of bullying issues I carried around for years.

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When I lived in my last house I had a dream where the guy who lived behind me had cut down all the trees in his front yard and hacked a massive hedge down to fence height on the border between our properties.

Two days later I came home to see he had cut all the trees down and trimmed the hedge.

It freaked me right out.

Yeah, I think it's freaky how these sort of things can happen. I know I've had deja-vu moments when tripping and not been sure why it seemed familiar, and then it turns out that the thing I had deja vu about happened a week later or something...or at least it felt that way.

I remember reading the account of Paul Stamets in his Magic Mushrooms of the World book, of how he saw an event from the future as a mushroom vision that ended up happening (and it was the kind of situation that couldn't really have been coincidence).

I think dreams can be very similar to the altered states of consciousness brought about by use of entheogens. And some of the things that occur in either one can be hard to explain and sometimes eery.

Edited by gtarman
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I love flying dreams...............as a kid though I had trouble getting any altitude ....I would just barely get over the 2m fence's.........................never flapped my arms though

Sometimes I'd take the bed for a run..........but never got very far..................now altitudes not a problem........its those damn high voltage lines I have to watch for................

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If anyone’s interested in inducing the most extremely vivid lucid dreams of your life, then I have a really effective method.

  1. Abstain from cannabis for at least a few days (I think at least a week or 2 would be best, but probably not feasible for some people). If you don’t smoke or don’t smoke daily then this part probably isn’t that important, you still might find just doing the next 2 steps effective.
  2. Put on two 21mg nicotine patches (keep in mind they take 24 to 48 hours to start to work).
  3. Take at least 10mg of Melatonin before bed on the night you have followed first 2 steps.

Seriously, crazy, like I mean really crazy dreams. It puts you into the kind of dream state where you can get up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet or whatever, then go back to bed and start dreaming about the same dream right where you left off. I actually don’t where nicotine patches at night now, simply so I can feel like I actually slept and didn’t spend the night having all these crazy adventures.

You really do want to be careful with the nicotine patches though, especially if you don’t smoke, first time I discovered the dreaming power of the combination I describe above I had a nicotine overdose! It was like over 2 years ago now, I was living outbush, I hadn’t had weed for months had been wearing 4 21mg nicotine patches for about 4 days and had just acquired some melatonin to help me sleep. Anyway, I woke up in the middle of the night feeling like such crap that I almost wanted to be put out of my misery (you know like when you have a really bad case of flu or food poisoning). The thing was though, I was completely paralysed and still in the middle of this whacked out dream, yet completely conscious at the same time as well, it was kind of like being in the midst of some potent LSD visual, like when it seems there’s a movie playing right behind your eyelids.

(lol, just for my own personal benefit really) In the dream I was back at the old unit I used to live in with my ex girlfriend, the furniture and everything was all back to how it used to be, which was weird since it had been years since we lived there (I knew it was a dream because I was obviously conscious, but at the same time thought it was real, kinda hard to explain). Anyway, I walked into the bedroom and the walls were lined with fish tanks filled with thousands of different fish, which got me extremely distressed, because I’m flipping out thinking “how have these fish survived all these years not being feed? Fair enough that she (my ex) pissed off to go live a new life, but how could she just leave all these fish to starve? That’s just wrong!”. Then I see on the bed all these mobile phones, so I start going though them to ring her up and tell her to come do something about these stupid fish that are going to starve. The problem is though, all these mobile phones fall apart every time I pick one up and so I start panicking, because these fish are starting to die in front of me and I have no food for them, there’s simply just nothing I can do to help them. But I’m thinking if I can just put one of these mobile phones together again then I can ring my ex and she can bring food for these damn fish, like why else would she put all these fish here if she couldn’t feed them? After a while all these different people that I grew up with are one by one standing outside the bedroom window telling me that there’s an awesome party happening outside and that there’s nothing I can do for these fish anyway, so I might as well just come outside and have fun, but I just can’t do it and am stressing out hard to no end trying to put these mobile phones back together, thinking it’s the only way I’ll ever save these fish. Till eventually all these phones that are in pieces layed out over the bed, just crumble into dust and I have nothing else to do but just say “Fuck it” and just go outside where this parties happening, though I still feel mega guilty about these fish dying, even tough I keep telling myself it wasn’t even me who left them there and to just chill! So now I’m sitting outside just being miserable, well all these people are having the time of there lives around me, then out of nowhere a kombi van rocks up all painted out with bright colours and hippy type drawings and art all over it. Then all these people start jumping out, then from nowhere my ex girlfriend jumps out all dressed up like some stereotypical hippy (lol, she was a melbournite citygirl and in no way a hippy in real life, so it just blew my mind). She walked up to me without saying anything, just kissed me on the cheek and said, “your not done yet, you’ll work it out” then just turned around and hopped back in the van and all the other people got back in the van in the same order they got out and the van just drove off. Then the dream faded and I was no longer paralysed and could now move.

Probably sounds dumb to most people, but I had pretty much given up on life at the time and that would have had to be the single most spiritual & meaningful thing that has ever happened to me. All it was in essence was a dose of melatonin and a nicotine overdose, lol.

For the most part I think dreams are simply a whole heap of random thoughts and memories all jammed into one scenario. But at times I really think they can be your subconscious giving you a type of therapy session.

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I'd neg you so hard right now jwerta you party pooper!

I mainly have apocalyptic/zombie dreams. It's very rare for me to actually see a zombie in my dreams but i'm always on edge going from house to house or staying quiet at night trying not to be noticed. I've had to kill my cat multiple times by snapping its neck after it had turned but it is always half zombie half cat... so my normal friendly cat but every now and then starts becoming overly aggressive... can't risk that shit so poor kitty gets put out of his misery :/

Last week I came face to face with about three zombies, had to stab them through the temple to stop them. That sort of escalation was a first for me... to be honest most of my zombie dreams are more about trying to survive from other survivors that want to kill me for unknown reasons.

edit: when i was a teenager the only dreams i had were being chased by people trying to kill me... cept I was always as strong as the hero in a First Person Shooter or crazy asian martial arts movie, I could take down multiple people while they were shooting at me, killed countless countless people in my dreams...

Even if I was always under threat of death by people they were never nightmares, I was always confident in my actions and my ability to survive... that and if i was about to die i'd just make myself wake up.

I don't pay too much attention to my dreams.... they're just survival practice for when the world goes to shit!

Edited by Distracted
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Sorry wasnt trying to steal away from this thread just thought id post the other one cause OP said he couldnt find another thread, plus there are some cool dreams to read in there to that im sure lots of members havnt read!

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I'd neg you so hard right now jwerta you party pooper!

I mainly have apocalyptic/zombie dreams. It's very rare for me to actually see a zombie in my dreams but i'm always on edge going from house to house or staying quiet at night trying not to be noticed. I've had to kill my cat multiple times by snapping its neck after it had turned but it is always half zombie half cat... so my normal friendly cat but every now and then starts becoming overly aggressive... can't risk that shit so poor kitty gets put out of his misery :/

Last week I came face to face with about three zombies, had to stab them through the temple to stop them. That sort of escalation was a first for me... to be honest most of my zombie dreams are more about trying to survive from other survivors that want to kill me for unknown reasons.

edit: when i was a teenager the only dreams i had were being chased by people trying to kill me... cept I was always as strong as the hero in a First Person Shooter or crazy asian martial arts movie, I could take down multiple people while they were shooting at me, killed countless countless people in my dreams...

Even if I was always under threat of death by people they were never nightmares, I was always confident in my actions and my ability to survive... that and if i was about to die i'd just make myself wake up.

I don't pay too much attention to my dreams.... they're just survival practice for when the world goes to shit!

It's strange how some people's dreams are so centered around death. I knew a guy a while back who would dream that he'd killed everyone he'd ever met. Ie, if you met the guy, he would have a dream about killing you. That creeped me out, to be honest.

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Last night the only bit of a dream I can remember is standing in my kitchen and seeing a big tub full of that pre-made pancake batter, all shaken up and ready to go. All I can remember is the dream centered around the anticipation of pancakes - I remember thinking, "fuck yeah, I'm gonna make so many pancakes". But it never happened.

I'm gonna get a bit meta and say that the pancakes are a metaphor for things that make you happy - unless you go out and make those things happen/seize the day, all you'll ever really have is the anticipation of it, and the dream (life) will be over before you know it.

Or it could have just been my subconscious's way of telling me I need to eat more pancakes. Which I suppose is a way of making me happy anyway <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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I have many many dreams about finding cacti, orchids, gold/money, gems and crystals, tropical butterflies and moths, and also stone artifacts. These are all basically my hobbies and interests <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

Funny but I also often dream about the police busting me for something I didn't actually do. I don't know why, but maybe because of a couple bad experiences I have had.

The other night I dreamed that I found a secret cave by the ocean, and in the water among the other rocks were big heavy quarts crystals the size of my arm. I fully cleaned up. About 20 real nice ones. a couple were incredible double-terminated, gemmy and unique with pink tinges in one end. Holy crap they were nice crystals.

If that's what heaven is like then Damn!

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Thats cool Halycon Daze, I have those sorts of dreams too, I always have been a dream-treasure-hunter since I was a tiny wee kid. Especially with crystals, I remember them well from my childhood, I often found myself coming across caves which held deep pools absolutely filled with rubies, emeralds, sapphires and I'd dive down into the depths to collect them. I would fill my pockets full of gems.

It was very disappointing to wake up sometimes, such a shame they always must be left behind.

A while ago in a dream I walked past a landslide near the ocean and found all these greenstone carvings. I said about this to an archeologist I recently met and she told me I should take that as a good omen and walk by the ocean a lot.

Edited by Ceres
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I often found myself coming across caves which held deep pools absolutely filled with rubies, emeralds, sapphires and I'd dive down into the depths to collect them. I would fill my pockets full of gems.

It was very disappointing to wake up sometimes, such a shame they always must be left behind.

Definitely disappointing when you wake up and you realize it was all just a dream, but then I'm just as often relieved when I wake up and I think thank F**k that bad dream wasn't real.

The other night I dreamed that my brother cut the fence in half. ie he made the whole entire fence about 3 foot tall. I was like F######K!!! Now I have to rebuild the entire fence from scratch, That's going to take me like a full f##king week at least! <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_slap.gif<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_mad.gif

LOL I was glad to wake from that nightmare.

A couple weeks ago I dreamed I was at the dump and there was a dusty old brown-leather satchel buried among the junk . My inquisitive mind got the better of me and I opened it to find multiple, big Gold and Silver coins the size of those wagon-wheel chocolate bars. They were fully shimmering in the open daylight. They were absolutely beautiful. So I calmly closed the satchel, looked left and right to see if anyone had seen me, and proceeded to smuggle the satchel away without anyone ever knowing... The perfect crime <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

Then I woke up <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_sad.png

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Holy wow boggo, that is one detailed dream...my dream recall sucks. I can never usually remember much more than fragments.

When I used to have a job doing repetitive work with my hands, I found I would be doing it in my sleep...that was so crap. I was kinda half aware of what was happening, but only just unconscious enough to not realize I was dreaming. And it kept going for most of the night. So basically sleep was like a second shift at work.

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Last night I dreamed that I'd drunk 3 bottles of red wine, then I logged into the Corroborre and started picking peoples posts to bits.

Edit : On second thoughts that could have been what I did before I went to bed <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_blush.png

Edited by Sally
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  • 1 month later...

Today while I was delirious napping through the heat, I had this vivid dream of stormclouds coming in from the west. Then I woke up, looked out my window and saw big dark clouds gathering in the west. No storm yet, but sweet coincidence.

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  • 7 months later...

I would just like to share some dreams that are on the tip of my neural tongue, so to speak.

My housemate and I were in a control room of a futuristic, mechanised, computer assembly factory, a la kamino in the clone wars. There was a dull orange glow in the room, and we were attempting to fix the on board computer of our "space ship", which looked suspiciously like our ute. She was controlling a mechanical arm that removed a big glossy yellow resistor, and then reconnected it to the power supply. At one point I realised she had failed to disconnect the battery while doing this, as I could see and led flickering and the cooling fan humming. I was nervous she had wrecked our spaceship, but lo and behold it started!

And then I woke up, feeling amazing; rejuvenated, like it was my brain that was actually getting worked on. It felt very similar to a dmt trip I had once after not sleeping for a few days where female beings emerged from the sun and untangled knots in cables in my head.

The dream space is a great source of healing and inspiration!

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