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legal poppies new now with tek!


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eschscholzia californica

papaver rhoeas

glaucium flavum

lactuca virosa, lactuca serriola (not poppy family, but still listed)

papaver orientale (READ POST #27, it seems to be illegal in some states)

argemone mexicana

argemone albiflora

just to name a few, please add your experiences.

lactuca virosa, produces quite strong, effects, compared to papaver somniferum though, it doesn't feel as nice and cosy.

effects last for quite a while, administered via pyrolisation, of the resin.

argemone mexicana, as above, but feels spooky and dark on top, of the main effect.

feels like opium, but with a darkness which some people describe, datura like.

some junkies, think it's awesome stuff, but I would dose very low, even if you have tolerance.

it will hold you for quite a while, a bit like dmt.

Edited by planthelper
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the argemone's are a weed in many parts of oz, probably even where you live.

glaucium flavum, the horned poppy, is a common weed, at temperate beaches.

it has been probably introduced, into Australia very early, by means of ballast sand.

I mean the ship was filled with sand from a beach in say England, for ballast and than the ballast got at times, dumped in Australia...

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Thanks PH, I've been trying to get a few sources of argemone to germ for a while no to success! I like your thoughts on the plant and am to keen lol

Did u get any seed from me Dood? Pretty sure i have some viable seed somewhere.

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i have tried 50;1 wild lettus extract from HHH and it was very mild and it gave me shits

also have had cali poppy tincture which was way better i trippled the goin rate nice and chilled!!

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Thanks PH, I've been trying to get a few sources of argemone to germ for a while no to success! I like your thoughts on the plant and am to keen lol

I tried to germinate some a few years ago, had them in my propagation setup inside, heat mat etc. Waited ages and nothing sprouted. I thought fuck this and chucked the tray outside. The next week they all sprouted lol. Treat 'em mean...

Also, didn't someone post a while back that the seeds like intense sunlight to germinate, so not to bury them, but rather sprinkle on the surface? Anyone remember that, or am I thinking of something else?

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I think alice is on the right track.

for people who don't use ga3, sprinkle on the surface, and repeat intervals of wet and dry.

funny thing I observed once was, that a quick to germinate poppy variety, did not germinate, and I gave up on them, and stored them away, in a fashion of, one seedlings tray, on top of another. than when I had the time, to recyle the potting mix, to my amazement, they germinated, whilst being etiolated!

so maybe even cycles of dark and bright light will help.

but as a general rule, poppies need light to germinate, deeply buried seeds will struggle to germinate.

Edited by planthelper
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it's time Australia followes America, regarding free speech (first amendment).

here is a very short tek.

today, I leave all my dyslexic mistakes un corrected...

1, haverest the material and put it in a stove pot.

2, add hot rain water, and boil/simmer for 3 or more hours.

use a stick to macerate the material.


3, strain the hot contents of the pot through a sieve, into another pot.

don't use glass it will break, unless lab ware, and even then...

4, wait for the liquid to cool down a bit.

5, and than filter it, through a pet bottle. use toilett paper as filter (fold and roll up, around 5 shhets, into a plug and place into the bottle neck).


6, pour the filtered liquid into a vaporation plate/vessel.

to avoid fungus growth, and to hasten evaporation, heat up the, evaporation dish once a day, or more.

7, you can get rid of more sediment, if you store the filtered liquid, for 7 days in the fridge.

after 7 or less days, you decant the clear liquid off, being carefull to leave the sediment behind in the vessel.

8, onec the plate has dried of, the gooie material is ready for use.

a glss pin head, sized portion is big enough for one dose.

be carefull, it might be stronger than you think, unless you have opiate tolerance, but even than, hold on to your seats.







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would you have some of that for sale?

wish it was the real deal.

didnt grow any poppies myself this year which was plain stupid, considering how useful they are.

I can give you a sample for free, just pm me.

I bio essayed the lactuca, a while ago, and used the same dish for my new extraction...

this means I don't know yet how good the new material will be.

the material will not be ready for another week or so.

I can as well send you a sample of argemone.

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Does doing this extract on the mexican poppy eliminate the nausea felt from the tea I have made? Mexican poppy makes me feel too sick to be worth it for me, it would be good if this stopped that problem.

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never consumed it other than smoking, so I can't say.

definitely, make sure there are no seeds present, as they are poison.

I never got sick from smoking, but it feels like datura poppy (a made up term, which tries to say it's spooky), so use only tiny ammounts.

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Hey PH cool process, i have done similar (with less filtration) on Lactuca serriola before. Apparently some dodgy friends of housemate were looking through my stuff and found it, and thought it was opium. I asked my housemate what happened: he said they just smoked heaps of it then fell asleep!

Would you recommend that tek for all poppies/similar plants in the list above?

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I just recently tried some resin I collected and underestimate it. I tried a little bit and thought it was great then had a bit more and woke up about four hours later. I didn't find it dark at all I found it rather nice, I'm not experienced with opiates at all tho.

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Hey PH cool process, i have done similar (with less filtration) on Lactuca serriola before. Apparently some dodgy friends of housemate were looking through my stuff and found it, and thought it was opium. I asked my housemate what happened: he said they just smoked heaps of it then fell asleep!

Would you recommend that tek for all poppies/similar plants in the list above?

I would say yes, but I have not got experience with all of them.

I might add at this point, that I think, bleeding any of the legal ones, is not the way to go.

another avenue, I never have tried, would be to lace the herb, with the product of the extraction.

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Mexican poppy bleeds really well. Its best to find large plants (just before they flower they have the most resin) and cut the top out wait about 45mins then scrape it off once it thickens but before it dries. Then re cut it about 15cm lower and repeat. I cut about 15 plants and got just under a gram, 50% of which came from 5 plants that hadn't flowers the other 50% came for the other 10 plus plants.

I tried this same method with wild lettuce and it doesn't really work due to the stem being hollow. I would use the original tek for wild lettuce.

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Mexican poppy bleeds really well. Its best to find large plants (just before they flower they have the most resin) and cut the top out wait about 45mins then scrape it off once it thickens but before it dries. Then re cut it about 15cm lower and repeat. I cut about 15 plants and got just under a gram, 50% of which came from 5 plants that hadn't flowers the other 50% came for the other 10 plus plants.

I tried this same method with wild lettuce and it doesn't really work due to the stem being hollow. I would use the original tek for wild lettuce.

one can bleed the Mexican, but I found it very labour intensive, compared to boiling up, I thought, there is not much quality difference between, milking and boiling up.

it's possible to milk, wild lettuce, by cutting the stems, and wiping the milk off, the cut, two or more day's later you cut them a bit lower and so on... wait for the rains, or water a lot before collecting sap.

as everything has an up and downside, I say as follows.

if you are after a quick fix, small amount, go for bleeding, if bulk, go for boiling up, maybe.

I never used any poppy much, so I don't know how addictive, wild poppies can get, use them sparingly and in small amounts.

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helpful stuff PH, are the roots safe to use as well in a boil up? I yanked one out of the ground today and it has a succulent like root full of yellow sap.

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