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The Corroboree

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I love sci-fi especially when it is really visionary stuff. I'm not the biggest fan of Kim Stanley Robinson but I was extremely pleased when I just came across this bit on page 80 chapter entitled "Lists (3)". I have no idea where this book is going the scene is still being set but I am strongly intrigued by the Gaian overtones of the main character "Swan", as well as the subtle reference of the title to the Mayan prophecies in 2012.

I'm guessing entheogens have a lot to do with Kim's ability to project ideas and patterns and dream visionary ideas, so I'm going to reproduce the list in full to see what you think. Also, this might be a thread to show where other authors have cleverly dropped in psychedelic references that might bypass your average punter - there are a few, usually way more subtle than this. The italics are not mine! Shows an understanding of botanic naming too. This list could well be taken from something Dale Pendell wrote.


Lists (3)

alcohol, fasting, thirsting, sweat lodges, self-mutilation,

sleep deprivation, dance, bleeding, mushrooms, immersion in ice water,

kava, flagellation with thorns or animal teeth, cactus flesh, tobacco

exposure to the elements, long-distance running, hypnosis,

meditation, rhythmic drumming and chanting, jimsonweed, nightshade,

Salvia divinorum, pungent or aromatic scents, toad sweat, tantric sex

spinning in circles, amphetamines, sedatives, opioids, hallucinogens,

nitrous oxide, oxytocin, holding one's breath, jumping off cliffs,

nitrites, kratom, coca leaves, cocoa, caffeine, entheogens -

ethyline, a entheogenic gas, escapes from the ground under Delphi

Edited by whitewind
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