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Chinese medicinal herbs...suggestions?


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I am going to set up an intensive little propagation arrangement for Chinese medicinal herbs...

Using aquaponics, aeroponics, micropropagation, bioreactor, etc.....

Does anyone have any suggestions about which ones are most profitable t grow, and where to sell the, all at once?

Interesting things may be possible, for example, what I posted about ginseng before....

"Pilot-scale culture of adventitious roots of ginseng in a bioreactor system

Sung Mee Choi, Sung Ho Son, Seung Rho Yun, Oh Woung Kwon, Jeong Hoon Seon, Kee Yoeup Paek


A pilot-scale culture of multiple adventitious roots of ginseng was established using a balloon-type bubble bioreactor. Adventitious roots (2 cm) induced from callus were cultured in plastic Petri dishes having 20 ml of solid Schenk and Hildebrandt (1972) medium containing 3% sucrose, 0.15% gelrite, and 24.6 μM indole-3-butric acid. An average of 29 secondary multiple adventitious roots were produced after 4 weeks of culture. These secondary roots were elongated on the same medium, reaching a length of 5 cm after 6 weeks of culture. A time course study revealed that maximum yields in 5-l and 20-l bioreactors were approximately 500 g and 2.2 kg at day 42 with 60 g and 240 g inoculations, respectively. Cutting twice during the culture increased the total amount of biomass produced. The root biomass in a 20-l balloon-type bubble bioreactor was 2.8 kg at harvest with 240 g of inoculum after 8 weeks of culture. The total saponin content obtained from small-scale and pilot-scale balloon type bubble bioreactors was around 1% based on dry weight. Inoculation of 500 g fresh weight of multiple adventitious roots into a 500 l balloon-type bubble bioreactor with cutting at 4 and 6 weeks after inoculation produced approximately 74.8 kg of multiple roots. The ginsengnoside profiles of these multiple adventitious roots were similar to profiles of field-grown ginseng roots when analyzed by HPLC."

Edited by shonman
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This book was recommended to me by someone with a similar interest. I've never seen a copy, but he raved about it.


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First question how much space do you have i find these are the best for aquaponics

which can be made from a 1000 liter ibc tank ( make sure its food grade)

and just use clay balls for your media works wonders

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Aeroponics can be made very cheaply from tubs using small jets to mist the roots

Just make sure that it is a black plastic that is uv stable

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Thanks, Big Red, and CunningPlatypus!

I have lots of space, and ....can generate heat and electricity independent of the 'grid' in large quantities.


Big Red, glad to see you did it check in to the Bangkok Hilton ,

The name is scary, and the food and service is terrible!

Although, there might be some horticultural work available, as slave labor.......

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Big red, I also have LOTS of clay.....and heat....

Do you think it might be profitable to manufacture the clay balls, for hydro, etc and sell those too?

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To make expanded clay would be very expensive and it costs are really in the setting up.

I would recommend buying clay to begin with and if your venture succeeds maybe move into

making your own. But i would still recommend just buying it you will get about a 10 15 years life

from most your clay before it starts to degrade but it still then can be used. I would be saving your money

for heating or cooling the ponds

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I wonder if those 1000 liter tanks could be rigged up as a bioreactor....

Any suggestions on what to grow?

I had considered aqauponics, with edible fish, and Koi too.....

Trying the ginseng bioreactor tech,

Maybe grow some morels......maybe also shiitake .....

It seems better to grow crops out and sell them all at once, when they are ready,

Than to be under constant pressure to sell lettuce and tomatoes every week on time.

I am considering mail order exotic nursery too....

I would like to focus on hi value crops, that can also be dried and still have value...

Someone also suggested peppers....another, asparagus ....

Possibly fresh culinary herbs, and some flowers too........

The soundtrack is not so great on this video, in

But the system seems good........


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