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The Corroboree

psychotria nexus seeding


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i received this nexus plant, and thought by mistake, it was raised from seed.

so the people here and the nexus crowd told me, no nexus has set seed yet.

this was a while ago, anyway here is a pic of my nexus setting seed,

i took today.


this psychotria produced fruits, very late in the season. :)




Edited by planthelper
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I recall that the vendor says that it is self-sterile. If you had no other psychotria flowering then you will have proven them wrong. Logically, the other possibility is that it isn't the hybrid that you think it is but I assume you have ruled that out. .

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It might be self-sterile, or self-sterile where it was bred but not further north, it might be crossed if open pollinated. Or it might set seed which never germinates. Both parents self-pollinate so we may be good yet!

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this nexus, has some other psychotrias in in it's vicinity so,

there is a chance that it's sexuall partner was a psychotria moon, at least they both flowered at the same time, and

seem to set fruit at the same time as well, yes, meaning I got moon seeds getting ripe & red, right now as well. <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

probably, nexus is quite self sterile (as has been stated), and because most of the psychotrias going around, flower at a different time of the year (to nexus), they never got pollinated.

if we are lucky than maybe, this could produce a nexus style tough plant with good virgor, but with increased active levels. nexus is held in high regard because it seem to do well in, less than perfect conditions (less cold sensitive).

in short, putting a "moon" close to a "nexus" will hopefully, get anybody f2 nexus seeds!!

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Sounds like it will be a good cross, will be interested to see how it turns out.

there is a chance it will be interesting, this means for me,

maybe it's a good idea, to share this task, with 2 other experienced growers(I estimate to produce around 15 seeds, hopefully more though)...

so that means seed set was very poor, other psychotrias the same size might produce 10 times as many seeds, in a season.

yep, I'll post about it @the seed forum, in good time.

but, just to clear it up, I don't know who pollinated this nexus,

above is speculation, however the plant in question is, pretty certainly a genuine nexus.

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I got one berry set on my nexus plant. Planted the seed but it didn't germinate. I think some (or all) hybrids might be sterile. Anyone studying plant breeding or genetics might know?

Would be good to get a pic of the stipules as they are a key identifier of nexus. Nexus splits and the center wavey ridge isn't nearly as pronounced as P. viridis.

Great work ph. Hope you get some baby nexus.

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Hey PH,

Could you please post some more photos showing the leaves and habit of the fruiting Psychotria?

Many thanks

a pic I took seconds ago, the plant is in a pot and around 123cm tall.


it shows much stronger pronounced growth, compared to other psychotrias.

the plant in this pic has not been spoiled, neither I spoil any of my viridis, but I take super care of them! :wub:




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Cool - thanks PH

My Nexus flowered prolifically over the last Spring/Summer/Autumn and did not set any fruit. Maybe a tropical climate is needed for this hybrid to set fruit. I will be interested to hear if anyone gets fertile seed from Nexus..

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