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Giant pumpkin contest!!

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lol Ceres,

I'e got three pushing out their first true leaves, and the one I teased out is now green and starting to part <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif . Oh yeah I am outta the ground.

Have been dealing with two previous nights of -1 degrees which is making me nervous. Piccies of em tomorrow.

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WB represent....


...the southern sun is just starting to get some serious punch.

EDIT - and yes...lol...that is a coffee cup...

Edited by waterboy
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shit...its war, and its going to to be asymmetrical... WB Viet Cong style

damn bush rat has decided that my heat mat is a good place to hang out at night on the work bench. The mofo has chewed along the edge of one of the seed leaves on one plant ,it hasnt touched the growing tip thankfully. Hopefully I can heal it before any infection can get in.

I will not be taken....

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I moved my punkies indoors last night cause it was getting really cold. I dunno if its a silly idea but i put them in the humidity chamber on the heatpad (lush luxury hotel in a tropical land, compared to my greenhouse) and they have pushed out their first leaves above the soil finally.

Propageddon WB? Sounds like a recipe for a sore back. Huddling over seedling trays for hours on end (although worth the effort) does suck.

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Seedlings from Australia's biggest ever pumpkin, a 638kg monster grown by North Coast gardener Dale Oliver, will be on sale at a stall in Kyogle's main street on Saturday, October 5.


so who is going on the pilgrimage?

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I'm using heat Ceres, but open and dry. Thats why the bushrat (or incog ninja assassin rat) liked the spot.

Lol..yeah propaggedon is usually the end of Sept./start Oct. I have a few tricks that gets the job done <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif

I am still a bit sus on hitting the ground yet, even under cover. I have to hit dirt or pot up.....decisions, descisions....

One bushrat down <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_slap.gif ....and I hope thats it I hope. I love creatures of habit...lol

Hey Gilligan (and any other potential contender) send me a PM with ya postal and I'll see how I can accommodate.

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Holy shit, i have never seen a plant move so quick.

Admitedly, mine are still laggin behind other competitors, but overnight these two seedlings have errupted from the soil!






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