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Anthocercis and 'smoke'

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I recently obtained some Anthocercis illicifolia and A. litorea seeds from Nindethena. They recommend smoke treatment, and I am curious if GA-3 can work to break dormancy? I have GA-3 but no smoke.

Any advice?

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Its not hard to make smoked water, just get an elcheapo flp valve type aquarium pump, reverse the valve housing so that it sucks rather than blow. Make up a largish water pipe/bong with a fair sized metal funnel (say 6"-8") & some aquarium airline fitted into the lid to provide the suction. Fill the funnel with gum leaves & grass & ignite while the air pump is running, you will most likely need to keep a gas torch or at least a burning stick handy to keep it going nicely.

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GA-3 will probably work. the chemical in smoke that breaks seed dormancy acts like gibberellins. The other option is to make your own smoke water/treatment, but its complicated. The other thing you could try is microwave sterilizing the soil or drying the soil out in the sun for a while then re-hydrating it (both supposedly have a similar effect to an ash-bed (not sure exactly how it works though)

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Thank you all for the the replies. As I have a decent amount of fresh Anthcercis seed and GA-3, I believe I will start a few small trials with 100ppm and 250ppm. My only concern with GA-3 is that if thr seeds are already easily viable, then GA-3 could induce elongation of the seedlings. I will also start a non-treated portion and keep enough left over to experiemnt with smoke treatment if needed.

Can anyone comment on the quality of seeds that Nindethena offers? In addition to the two Anthocercis species, I also picked up a large amount of fresh D. Hopwoodii which 'should' be vible without treament. I didn't see anything else in their catalogue of too much interest.

As a student of medicinal Solanaceae and an afficiando of 'Flora of Australia' Vol 29 Solanaceae', I am very interested in the other species of Solanceae endemic to Austrialia such as other species of Anthocercis and Duboisia, plus species Anthotroche, Crenidum, Symonanthus but most especilly Grammosolen.

If I do decide to go the smoke route with the Anthocercis, Nindethena offers smoked infused vermiculite. If there a truly easier DIY method compared to ordering the treatment fro Nindethena.. If Ga-3 works just as, I am fine with that!

Edited by Atropanthe
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