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papaver somniferum


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Hey Guys,

If one was to purchase any of the papaver somniferum seeds available here, would one be able to make opium tea from the poppy that is grown? Or is there a speicifc varitiey of papaver somniferum that you need for this that has any decent level of the required alkaloid?

I appreciate its illegal to grow poppy for non floral reasons and I of course would never knowingly break the law.

This is purely for research and educational reasons. To save incrimination, by all means send me a private message.



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I believe even seeds available from the supermarket (in the spice aisle) can be used for this purpose, and this would save a person from risking a cultivation charge. It's still illegal, and could be considered manufacturing, but there would be less chance of getting caught (though obviously I'm not suggesting anyone break the law in any way). However, even if it was legal I would not recommend poppy tea as a safe means of ingestion, because the inability to measure out a precise dose could lead to overdose. If anyone was going to attempt this, I would suggest (in the interest of harm minimisation) to be very careful, starting with very low doses and never assuming potency of a particular brew based on a previous one.

Just a note: growing papaver somniferum is illegal even for ornamental purposes. But, this is obviously applied at the discretion of the police and the courts, so in practice, if you're an old lady and a member of a gardening club, you will not get into trouble, but if you're a twenty-something man with tattoos down your arms and a slab of VB in the fridge, you will be doing hard time for the same crime.

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I would recommend against poppy seed tea as there is a problem about OD and toxicity there. Also you are right, its hard to know what is a safe amount but you would like you said start out small with the dried up poppy pod.

I'm just curious and researching this as far as research into natural medicine and remedies for anxiety, depression and pain killing.

Also I'm fully aware of addiction.

So I guess one would just have to buy the seends, plant, harvest, consume to find out if they are any good I spose. I guess at least its the right genus and its not a tasmanian poppy, no a food grade product.

Fwiw I'm not a youngin, don't drink booze so no fridge full of vb and no tatts.

Thanks for your prompt reply!

Edited by sante
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I do not grow poppies, have not grown poppies in the past, nor do I ever intend on growing poppies in the future. Due to my law abiding ways! I know none of the below from experience, but purely from my love of reading and my fascination with botany.

There are 2 different types of poppies


(Izmir, Danish Flag, Afghan Special, China White, Indian White, Persian White)

which is a hairless white flower, or white towards the center and pink or red on the tips of the petals. They have white/tan/sandy coloured seed and is what is generally grown for the manufacture of heroin (due to it's high morphine content and lower thebaine).

Also it's codeine content is reportedly higher.


(Turkish Blue, Hungarian Blue, Tasmanian White, Giganthemum, Wizard of Oz, Hens and Chicks, Golden Triangle). Mostly hairy, but sometimes not, the flowers have a dark purple towards the center and a variety of colours like pink, purple, red and white on the tips of the petals. It is grown for the manufacture of Oxycontin for their higher Thebaine (paramorphine) content, which is what Oxycontin is made of. Tasmanian White (top1 variety) has been specifically bred to synthesize more thebaine instead of morphine specifically for this market. Which is why you'll find that Tasmania produces over 70% of the worlds opiates.

I strongly advise against the cultivation of Papaver Somniferum in Australia as it is scheduled and all parts of the plant (excluding seed) are illegal.

Edited by gunfighter
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Just have a walk around older suburbs in your town. Where I live, the nannas grow them profusely, but as already stated the law doesn't worry RE nans floral arrangements.

I met a member on here who had an 18hr long run in with some generic IGA branded poppy seeds, and he claims to have used the same brand an weight at least 15times before. Just be careful mate, it's defiantly not a plant on my list, caffeine controls me enough!!

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  • 2 months later...

I just read that Trials of GMO poppies have been run in tassie since the late 90's. Fuck. What are the laws around GMO labeling and the like in australia?

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actually they played with GM in greenhouses, a field trial (bee netted) and a US Uni prior to 2000, then the GMO moratorium came in 2000...currently under review right now.

Varities such as the Top and Tasman varieties are mutants not GMO.

EDIT - the "industry" really wants to put GMOs to work though

Edited by waterboy
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Thanks waterboy. Yes I have been doing a bit of reading and it looks that way. Latest news is that they have another trial underway.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 1 month later...

PST is really quite dangerous.

Dont get me wrong, it works in a pinch, but it should be noted that a dosage that works a hundred times might kill you on the hundred and first. You just cant tell how much actives will be on the seeds.

Its especially bad if someone is trying to use it recreationally.

A friend almost died doing this. I dare say his dose was a lot more than 500g but he did it a lot before ODing.

IMO your safer growing the poppies and using them (where legal of course). Sure people die doing that too, but 1) it takes a bit more patience to grow and harvest the poppies, 2) there are more ways to standardize the doseage when you start with the whole lot and 3) if your going to use unrefined opiates may as well get a good dose, rather than a generally mild, but wildly varying dose.

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Tasmanian White (top1 variety) has been specifically bred to synthesize more thebaine instead of morphine specifically for this market. Which is why you'll find that Tasmania produces over 70% of the worlds opiates.

Do you have any references for this name 'Tasmanian White'? I believe it is the "Norman" variety that is bred for it's high thebaine content.

US patent 6067749 A: Papaver somniferum strain with high concentration of thebaine and oripavine

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Tasmania produces currently 90% of the world Thebaine market (not opium), its likely there will be a return to the European morphine market soon as stockpiles are consumed.

(80% of total world LEGAL poppy production)

Edited by waterboy 2.0
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  • 3 weeks later...

The warnings here against poppy seed tea are well warranted. People have died from taking the same dosage time after time and then BAM! The problem is that there are no acutal alkaloids in the seed itself, but there are traces due to contact and handling, which can vary greatly.

On a slightly other note, I've heard that the poppy seeds you buy in the spices section of the supermarket are both viable and opiate-producing. My guess is that they are a byproduct of the Tasmanian industry.

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i was told that about bread making poppy seeds but none of them germinated ..

perhaps some are sterilised somehow? and not all sources?

yeah poppys sure are scary , last death i heard of my way was all over the papers..

interestingly enough though , the paper depicted p rhoeus in it's article.. but I guess that's media for ya ..

don't look for a dunt in poppy tea or fk with poppies .. they have ulterior motives

-edit- and they view you as expendable

and in the interest of harm and risk reduction , if an attempt were to have been successfully accomplished minus the death.. perhaps a limit of just once a year?

the reason I say is because:

swim said they smoked a 1 sheet of the latex mixed with some tobacco every summer

-and only once a year tops (or twice a year at a push if they're having a particularly painful summer)

they tell me this was successful the last 4 years from just wild ones growing by their local powerstation irrigation river

so told em : if you fall asleep beneath the flowers.. make sure it's not permanantly

Edited by ☽Ţ ҉ĥϋηϠ₡яღ☯ॐ€ðяئॐ♡Pϟiℓℴϟℴ
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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

My great grand (long decesed) used to pull her poppies up root and all when the flowers dropped and run the whole plant through a hand crank food processor. She then soaked the mashed up gooey mess in mason jars of white dog whisky.  After a month or so she would strain out the plant material and add horehound candy which would dissolve into a syrup.  She used that to treat everything.  I was just a kid but I remember my dad laughing at the idea of random bikers showing up with a cough or toothache.

Edited by Trevyn
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