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The Corroboree

The good vibes generator

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  • 4 years later...

If any of you have some good vibes spare....  this old and half fckd degenerate has a job interview coming up in a week or so:wink:


If I crack it I'll be outta my holding pattern:) and back at the coal face. 


Been on new meds that seem to picked 

My game up. 


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42 minutes ago, waterboy 2.0 said:

If any of you have some good vibes spare....  this old and half fckd degenerate has a job interview coming up in a week or so:wink:


If I crack it I'll be outta my holding pattern:) and back at the coal face. 


Been on new meds that seem to picked 

My game up. 


If anyone deserves some good vibes, it's you dubya bee.

I went out riding in the bush in the cyclonic rain this morning, came home muddy, soaked and with the biggest smile I've had in ages. I'll throw some of that energy your way mate.

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@waterboy 2.0Sending some good vibes!! Practice answering questions you think they might ask. Will make it much easier on the day. You don’t seem like a half f#cked degenerate so don’t think of or refer to yourself like that. Namaste

Edited by Zonad
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Lol... How I write here is different from professional me.  The application was massive, but it's my principal field. 


My description fits... But in a good way:wink:


Thank you mateys 

Also good to kick this thread back to life

It certainly was a ray of light a few years back for me. 

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Sending them good vibes up to you mate.  I for one am amazed at what incredibly knowledgeable fella you are across alot of subjects.  What's your principal field btw?

Fingers crossed and let us know if you get it.

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My username may be a hint:wink:

Happy to spill in a PM as the island is too small. Also had a few good years in technical consultancy and done the Devils work in gov... Lol... Amongst other evils


Health improving has been an impetus to go hard again and this ones spot on . 


I'm nearly a day walker again.. Lol...And recently been less of a part-time "ascetic" hermit.  My cognition has recovered significantly. Though once a week I nearly put myself in shock sticking a needle in my guts. (lol.. Today) 


Lol... The feral beard is gone, was mostly sunblock, the dog and my boy are looking at me funny. 


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  • 3 months later...

Lol i wonder what a reiki master would have to say about this whole subject.


me and my ex use to send positive vibes to eachother ^^ 

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  • 1 year later...

it often amazed me, how many of us here, are soooo sientific, but still, hold belives like "a soul survives death" or the "good vibes generator".


forgive me if i have posted as i will follow, already...

think of me like grand dad simpson, who repeats his stories.


the good vibes idea, reminded me of a story in the bible.

and if any of you know the story, please give reference.


so i don't believe jesus was the son of god, neither to i believe in a creator god.


the parable:

jesus is asked, so if you heal somebody, do you have to be present, when you heal them?

jesus replies, no, they don't even have to know, i send them my healing.

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  • 11 months later...

I haven’t revisited the whole thread, but have any of you tried making a sigil? They’re pretty easy and most of it is about energetic/etheric marking, stamped by the intention you place upon it. At least that’s my understanding. To me intention is the main driver, so if this is what I believe then this is what will hold the power. 

so the basic way to make a sigil is to get a piece of paper and pen and write down a sentence of your intention and then simplify it. For example:


I am protected from those who wish me harm

protect me from harm

protect from harm

(could even simplify further to just “protect” but I won’t do that for this example)


Then remove the vowels so you’re left with the consonants which now that I think about it are the punctuation sounds which make up words. The following will be what you base your actual symbol/sigil from. It’s a symbol of power which represents the intention you’re putting out there:




From the above you’re combining those letters in whatever way you wish. Follow whatever method you believe fits best. It’s all about YOU.  You can remove some of the consonants further if you want. I’ll use a pic because it’s easier to see… ok it turned into a video to see the progression… you can alter it however you like. Add embellishments, turn it on the side, remove bits, make part of the drawing an action intention (as I did). WHATEVER YOU LIKE. 

Then when you’ve finished you can do a ritual to lock in the sigil to the Cosmos. Write it with an eagles feather into the air, chanting the words, use a gold pen and write it on your wrist, tattoo it, burn the paper in a flame from a black candle, write it on a piece of tourmaline and carry it around, pinch your left bum cheek and hope on one foot in a circle three times… WHATEVER you like. But do it with CONVICTION. Revisit the ritual when you want to. The more you have the image locked into your mind the better it is IMO.


some people believe keeping it secret from others will hold more power. I’m of the opinion that unless someone gets into your thoughts and alters how you project it (thus breaking it down) then it doesn’t matter. But you do you. I don’t even mind if you use this particular one. People share sigils all the time. Think about this $$$ and what it means to you for example. 







Edited by FancyPants
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nice post, fancy pants.


with most healing, as with the above written, it;s the power of the mind, which seems to be the major factor.

i have read a lot over the years about faith healing, and shamans do the same, with plants or without.

i watched for example a lot about bruno groening, and i try to be a very sientific person.

i wondered if, this web site could be used for some trials, and if the data gained could give more insights into this phenomena.

my brain is slack, today, but the bottom line of, this research would be two groups, one that knows, healing vibes are being sent, and one who doesn't know if they get "good vibes sent".

as well, you could ask for good vibes, if you have an important test, or have to face a situation which would fill you with a lot of anxiety.


it seems that, very serious conditions can;t be healed, by distant healing.

now i wan't to make a point that i totally oppose healers, that are after money and power.


maybe i can come up with a format, or better somebody else  how to test, if the good vibes generator has some merit.

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It would be really interesting to know what’s rooted in materiality effect and what is changed from the immaterial. Maybe there are mechanisms that the power of thought exemplifies, that we just don’t know the answer yet?


good idea, WC :D


im too whack to think properly also

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12 hours ago, FancyPants said:

It would be really interesting to know what’s rooted in materiality effect and what is changed from the immaterial. Maybe there are mechanisms that the power of thought exemplifies, that we just don’t know the answer yet?


good idea, WC :D


im too whack to think properly also

There is no distinction at a quantum level, you cannot separate the observer from the observed. Modern science makes allowance for what Einstein dismissed as "spooky action at a distance". 

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14 hours ago, Glaukus said:

There is no distinction at a quantum level, you cannot separate the observer from the observed. Modern science makes allowance for what Einstein dismissed as "spooky action at a distance". 


considering how much importance I place on root causes, I find it pretty dense I didn’t even think of that lol. 


i reckon you’re bang-on tho!

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yeah, glaukus i know what you are refering to.


i think it's very sientific, to know of one principle, and than try to find out if it can be, a factor under different cirumstances.

some particles are at two locations at the same time, and so far it's believed by the smartest people, that only the action of, observing the particle makes it appear.


i remember an experiment, where a very distant quasar was used as the random generator, because all systems on earth (generating random pulses), would be already quantum linked.


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On 11/6/2022 at 10:38 AM, withdrawl clinic said:



i think it's very sientific, to know of one principle, and than try to find out if it can be, a factor under different cirumstances.

some particles are at two locations at the same time, and so far it's believed by the smartest people, that only the action of, observing the particle makes it appear.





I suppose a radio wave or television broadcast isn’t heard or seen until it’s received. A light particle isn’t measured by its wavelength (show colour) until it bounces off an object?


On 11/6/2022 at 10:38 AM, withdrawl clinic said:


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@fancypants, i have the feeling you are quite good with the topic quantom physics, which i can't even spell correctly, haha.

i watch heaps of youtube videos, in that genre, and i am a very slow learner...

i believe higgs particles will decay, and gravity will size to excist, and before the big bang was another universe, which cycles.

maybe the big bang is a white hole.

fp, one of my all time favs is sabine hossenfelder, she changed me from suporting dark matter and dark energy, to super fluids and modyfied gravity.

one of her clips:


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