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The good vibes generator

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I am in , if there's an appointment with the receiver. finding the time is easy.

lets find many volunteers

so that even if someone misses the appointment, everyone else will suffice


for whover listening. its like 1 after midnight here, but to you its almost 8 at morning, melbourne time.

like I figured out in the past you're 7 hours in front, I am glad to be reminded.

btw this is a special night for me, because not only do I cut strawberries in small pieces and let then sit in my wine

but also because I am attempting a pharmacological experiment. I am doing it alone, but I believe its safe. sure its safe.

in any case I am pretty alone these days : figure out: who wants to discuss electronics for fun AKA circuit bending in the greece of 2013 of crisis?

hell we just invented the wheel! hell not, that's not the whell, that's just a fat log we 're selling out .

so yeah, I am in to send, wheneva

i am quite sure I am the worse specimen for receiving, as I already have enormous enthousiasm and optimism by myself

about the piece of strawberry in my wine

foreign strawberry workers, working / and living under hard conditions went to ask for 6 months work salary, and they got SHOT by local mega-strawberry-growers

this hit the news worldwide

cheers, and bend the good vibes with the bad ones to make use of the bad ones

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  • 4 weeks later...
If any folks care to send ol' WB some positive vibes for his new job application would be appreciated <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif

I'd love to <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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good vibes to wb

may i also have some please ive been to emergency today with heart palpitations and going to the gp tomorrow to get a monitor put on for like 48 hours

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Using Big reds super super special reserve vibes I will send them your way

hope you get your job mate

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Ah dear, sorry to hear that Jwerta, all i can say is what others keep saying to me lately.. When it rains, it pours.

I'll be sending the loveliest healthiest most protective vibes i can muster.

It may sound odd and kinda ridiculous to you right now that you're in the middle of it, but going through rough patches and coming out the other side relatively intact does seem to be uniquely and un-deniably beneficial.

Everyone's spirit gets a good knock-around every so often and when things just get progressively worse you cant help but wonder what you did to deserve all this shit.. But if you can own it, work through it, address those niggling questions, fears, and worries that are sitting there on the fringes of your mind all the time and be honest with yourself, i can promise you these rough patches will be worth more than gold to you. Its only in the hardest times that we can look past the everyday bullshit that keeps us complacent, and we can stop ignoring the opportunities for growth that are right infront of us.

And Waterboy, what kinda job are you going for? Kudos for standing up and deciding to move on when the time is right. Its always scary when you change your 'norm' but i bet you'll get this new job and love it!

Edited by bogfrog
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Specialist role BF, back to my roots (hopefully).....I have the "mongrel" back again to deal with the politics

and do some bloody good work again. When I get phonecalls "checking up" on me and then asking if I had seen it I guess its time...lol

also pays more, which the family needs as the mrs was layed off at xmas (merry xmas....).....

I really want it more for the "damage" (=environmental improvements) I can do, but xtra money will help a lot.

Edit - question had been answered <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif

Edited by waterboy
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You really are "fighting the good fight" arent you <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

Must feel good to be contributing to neccessary change.

Wreak havock WB ;)

Edited by bogfrog
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Its what I am putting back for past havoc I had done BF.

You need special folk at times to get shit done...lol... <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif

(also involves plants....)

Edited by waterboy
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blip blip blip blop squelch ek, zong ding bipbip zerp...........i hope your heart moniterations came back positive wertas. you know, just some palpitations from powerful freak waves of pangisms is all they were, nothing serious..

lots o love patterns bent with waves of 'ending in wave' to you.

feel better mate

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Totally getting your vibe WW sending you some good vibes . Hope everything works out .

i am low on positive vibes atm as I have not being doing positive karma(helping others) and

been hanging around fuck wits. So may i ask for some in return so I may build up some reserves .

Will do some good today I hope .

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Thanks folks a bit of shilly shallying with the bosses this morning and work seems more settled. I feel like I'm on a short leash but. They're not very tolerant and I ask too many questions (sigh) one day I'll learn

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  • 4 months later...

If any yall have some good vibes left, I could sure use them tomorrow.

Have a mediation in regards to a work place incident that resulted in me having a disc discectomy and spinal fusion. Im not after good vibes in hope for a larger pay out but for the solictiors to mediate with tact, morals and a touch of humanity.

Thanks much to all in advance

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