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The Corroboree

Rare Ephedra seeds for sale


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I have just acquired a bunch of rare ephedras. Unfortunately they were very exxie to get, and my financial situation is not the best at the moment, so I'm going to have to put some up for sale - I've never accepted money for a trade before, feel kind of dirty . 25% of all gross money will go to Jim's Kiva drive, maybe that will help.

All are $20 per pack including postage.

Ephedra sinica 15 9 bags of 20x seed available

Ephedra fragilis 15 10 bags of 20x seed available

Ephedra distachya GONE (you can try offering me one a trade)

Ephedra equisetina 10 6 bags of 5x seed available

Ephedra intermedia 10 5 bags of 5x available

Of course if I owe you a favour and you are interested in any of the above let me know.

High end (legal) trades are of interest, PM me. cheers guys -ef

Edited by endorfinder
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they are v recently imported, as far as i know eph seeds have high germ rates for years; these are 2 months from supplier perhaps.

haven't had time to germ any, they just came into my hands today. will sow some tomorrow. the seeds look pretty good to me. maybe that's just the feeling of holding so much eph in your hand though ;)

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You mustn't have been around much lately, I've given out several hundred ephedra seeds for free to somewhere in the range of 50+ people here. These were expensive to acquire, and I'm giving 25% of gross to watertrade's oxfam drive, another 25% is going to an unemployed friend who helped make it happen, and the rest should about cover my costs + 5/8th's bugger all.

My hope is that if we can get enough of these out there then there'll be enough flowering plants locally we don't have to go to great lengths to get them! Please if you have local seed, share it, we want more of these beautiful plants in our country

Edit: obviously my cut is in the seed I keep to be clear!

Edited by endorfinder
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I just surface sown ten sinica on peat in a humidity dome cheap plastic thing. I'm told they're not the fastest germers but it's a decent test without going all out with my remaining seed! Will keep you updated.

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What's the difference between the other species?

I'm thinking of getting two (one Sinica and one of another)

but I'm not sure, recommend one to me, and I'll help you :D

Edited by Sabry
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Board rules mean this conversation is heading in an area where you should google perhaps, but from what i've read that those drinking equisetina tea where legal should start no more than 1/4 weight of sinica.

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  • 3 weeks later...

bullit: i'll hold onto some for you man, you've been good to me.

Edit: Oh and i'll have a bunch of nevadensis seeds soon, they're a very good "training" eph. Quick and easy to germ compared to others... which are still not that hard really. Anyone who's so committed let me know.

Yeah again I'm sorry for being behind on mail outs. They're not far off, I swear -ef

Edited by endorfinder
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Sorry guys I've had personal issues lately that have prevented me from fulfilling all requests.

Honesty means more to me than you can know so be assured that anyone who hasn't received their orders will be more than compensated. Yeah, freebies for all at this point.

I wish I could prioritise trades over personal things but if I did that there's a chance folks may never get their hard earned trades. Bear with me and all will be better than good.

Currently my PM count is well above 50 unread... rest assured all requests and chit chat will be honoured

*blessing whatever peace lies within you*


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Nevs i should have plenty on the way (100s). Theyre a great starter, quick to germ etc.

TBH i'm crap at germinating eph seedlings. I've had some success but damping off kills everything, next time I sow I'll be using a healthy dose of condy's crystals to try and stave that off.

Time will tell I guess :D

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  • 10 months later...

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