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Post the links to any campaigns you think are worthy.

Please make them environmental in nature, about sustainabilty etc.

The more people you can get to sign emails, petitions etc. means greater chance of winning your cause.

Many of them take under 30 seconds to complete, so it's not a big waste of time, especially if you get thousands of "signatures"

Keywords to use in your posts:

Petition (est. time =30 seconds) e.g Online petition to save the great barrier reef!

Email (est. time = 5-10 minutes) e.g Email your MP about coal!

Website (est. time = hours) e.g. Campaign website to keep Trains on our Tracks (TOOT)


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Petition: (Greenpeace)

Coal Terminal proposal on great barrier reef - urgent!


Mining giant Adani plans to build a new monster coal port, Terminal Zero, just metres from a beach where sea turtles have come to lay their eggs for decades.

We have an opportunity right now to stop this plan, but only if we act fast.

Submissions to the federal government close next Tuesday.

Let’s flood authorities with thousands of emails right away telling them Australians don’t want Adani’s dirty coal port on our Great Barrier Reef.

Hundreds of extra coal ships would travel through a narrow passage, greatly increasing the risk of collisions and spillages. Then once the coal is burnt, it’ll drive global warming faster than ever before.


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