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Proposed workshop-Sterile Tek for Mycology, Koda, Byron, maybe


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I've had a few requests lately in-person for help and advice with sterile techniques- usually related to mycology, but also with regard to plant tissue culture

It's hard to teach this online, and a lot dispiriting watching so many people burn out over the years trying to learn these teks in isolation

I'm thinking about running a Sterile Tek for Mycology workshop to be run at Koda Phytorium in Byron Bay around early June. This will be a 2 day workshop of approx 5 hours a day with a lunch break in the middle

I'd love some feedback on the course outline below. What would people like to see? What is redundant? Would you attend if you were in the area? Does it sound interesting for n00bs?

Sterile Tek for Mycology

Location: Koda Phytorium, Byron Bay

Date: Mid June 2013, ( TBA ) 2 days

Cost: About $350 per person ( but TBA, it's equipment intensive ), this includes your own take-home perspex tunnel and some hardware

The proceeds of the workshop ( all the course fees minus equipment expenses ) will be donated to the Australian Ethnobotanical Association http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=34208

Limit: 4 people

Aim: This workshop provides good practical grounding for culturing and growing gourmet edible and medicinal mushrooms at your home or community group. It is aimed at beginners and enthusiasts

We'll be doing practical sessions with four woodloving species ( primary decomposers ): Oyster mushroom ( Pleurotus spp ), Shitake ( Lentinula edodes ). Shimeji ( Hypsizygus tessellatus ) and Reishi ( Ganoderma lucida )

This will be a small, practice-based, lab-centred workshop, covering theory and some practice of sterile tek, and some semi-sterile teks like hydrogen peroxide, shiitake newspaper logs and Pleurotus straw bales

You don't need any experience with mycology to attend this workshop. You should be over 18, though we can waive that for people who can show maturity and commitment or have a parent or guardian who will be responsible for you and undertaking the course on the same day.

This short practical course is extensive but not exhaustive- we'll cover the basic teks and theory but there are always new teks coming online. If you have some myco experience and would like to attend, we really welcome your input as long as you understand that you may be one of the more advanced students in the class

Topics we'll cover: Biology and growth of edible and medicinal species. Ecology. Safety. Sterilisation and aseptic theory and practice. Inoculation and growth on solid and liquid media. Contamination and contam patterns. Spawn and dowel culture and handling. Research. Maintaining your culture library. Record keeping. Storage, and drying.

We'll make some shiitake or reishi newspaper logs and a couple of Pleurotus straw bales. You'll take away some culture slants of your own. and a few extra copies we'll supply you with, a reishi or shiitake newspaper log, your own perspex tunnel and hopefully a head full of knowledge

All workshop profits ( basically your course fee minus what I pay for the perspex tunnels and supplies ) will go to the Australian Ethnobotanical Association

You will need to wear covered shoes. For best results and your own safety please keep long hair tied back during prac sessions. Bring a hat and something to drink for the outdoor sessions. Please make your own food, drink and accommodation arrangements

The techniques you learn at this workshop can also be applied to plant tissue culture, and we may run workshops on that in future, however practicing these teks using your perspex tunnel after the myco workshop will significantly increase any benefit you get from a plant tissue culture workshop

Edited by Darklight
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I think its a great idea especially for noobs is there a bit on fungi id, a lot of noobs struggle with the subject

plus maybe a print out on agar blends,bulk substrate blends etc and a reference to the subjects that were covered

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I think its a great idea especially for noobs is there a bit on fungi id, a lot of noobs struggle with the subject

plus maybe a print out on agar blends,bulk substrate blends etc and a reference to the subjects that were covered

Thanks https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=&key=ed93ee4b8a158835e0af19ead9c794b11af03de360911f7858b9da338588c45d There will be a smidge of ID under the biology and safety sections

Agar types and substrate blends will get a basic coverage during the workshop but not so much as to confuse n00bs. The handout notes will contain more extensive references on that and other topics and participants are welcome to a copy of the workshop Powerpoint

There's a lot to cover. This is the first time I've run this workshop and I'm hoping we all get through the material

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We'll be covering a bit of fruiting theory, but it's not my area of expertise. I tend to inoculate a bunch of logs and throw them around the yard and be happy if I get a feed off them. Or stick a bag into a closed space whose parameters I've not measured and mist them twice a day, resoaking for a second flush. Nothing hardcore

There are so *many* cool fruiting teks coming out it would be remiss of me to presume to teach them without first hand experience. My background is strictly lab and sterile work and that expertise is what you'll be getting https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=&key=ed93ee4b8a158835e0af19ead9c794b11af03de360911f7858b9da338588c45d

A specific fruiting workshop would be a good subject for a subsequent full day course ( or two day ) for someone with practical skills and the right gear. Getting a group of people to make a fruiting tub and showing them how to manage it would be fun, esp if they can make one too and take it home. But it's well beyond the scope of this intro course

Edited by Darklight
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Hi Darklight,

(BUMP) is this still proposed - had lots of interest? Would you like me to post it up on our Facebook Page, see if I can generate wider interest, or is it mostly for SABers?

Should make it a sticky, mods!

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(BUMP) is this still proposed - had lots of interest? Would you like me to post it up on our Facebook Page, see if I can generate wider interest, or is it mostly for SABers?

Should make it a sticky, mods!

This is still proposed- I need to check some things with T first. Haven't had much interest because I haven't advertised it yet and would prefer not to until the details are ironed out

When I accounce it with all the details sorted I'm happy for it to be a sticky, but til then it would be premature

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  • 1 month later...

T has OK'd this, as has the store manager ( thanks! )

I've had to markedly revise the number of places in the workshops- the space simply won't safely fit ten people plus me. Four is the maximum

The first workshop is now fully subscribed, but it's just a test run to see how the curriculum crams into the timeframe

We'll run another one once I see if any adjustments need to be made- wish me luck

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