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The Corroboree

Hylocereus undatus


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I have a plant with aerial roots near the tip... is propagation as simple as cut - callus - pot in this case?

the bigger the cut the better

What's your plan next Ryan, are you considering grafting any of these to speed up development. I've been wondering what to graft a Hylocereus or Selenicereus seedling onto other than another Hylocereus or Selenicereus. Any thoughts on this?

Edited by Halcyon Daze
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What's your plan next Ryan, are you considering grafting any of these to speed up development. I've been wondering what to graft a Hylocereus or Selenicereus seedling onto other than another Hylocereus or Selenicereus. Any thoughts on this?

Quite unfortunately, i don't have that much cacti

so far the only cacti i have are:

P. scopia and

A. tetragonus

and a barrel cactus

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