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What did you do in your sacred garden today?

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took some pictures and repotted some seedlings

seedlings starting to poke their heads up


kawa kawa


holy basil, some grafts, v. africana (testing its tolerance to outdoorsso young)




'bechete', yerba mate, coffee, mutant coleus, salvia splendens red + purple, s. capaensis


kanna, delospermas


fresh sunopener growth


kanna + delosperma unknown succulents about to flower


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Edited by thed00dabides
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Wow Dood, what an awesome collection of special plants <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_worship.gif

I bet they will keep you busy over the next few months!

I just potted up a few chilli and brugmansia seedlings, and planted heaps of miners lettuce in my greenhouse garden-bed.

Nice to feel the change in the air as it begins to warm up. The sweet almond and plum trees are flowering at the moment, they are attracting lots of bees to the garden and generally looking gorgeous. I love spring!

Edited by Ceres
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I love seeing other peoples plants, nice upload.

I post a lot, because I stopped alc & pot.

that always throws me, into a semi manic state for a while, although I don't have a bi polar diagnose...

regarding, the special plants, I noticed you have leaf curl issues, which are very common with this plant.

as a tip, I say (in other posts I went into more detail about it), those plants stop growing once they have the curl, so they need far less water, than usual, and they same with fertilizer. they stay suspended for a couple of weeks, and you have to wait, till they start growing again, to fertilize them and to give more water. some people think oh they don't grow, so I fert and water them more, but this can kill them.

some people think, I give them more sun, and this could as well kill them.

if you are unlucky, the plant will overcome the curled leaves, and start to grow nicely, just to get curl leaves again right away...

curled leaves, happen when the plant had to endure a change in there setup.

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Ya spot on PH, a change happened with her, repot and went outdoors. It is growing quite fast still, 1ft in 1mth, and the new leaves are going well. I have some in the ground that are perfect, maybe ill post soon too.

Thx boggy ;)

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Yeah d00d, looks like you have a great setup, and some very happy seedlings!

Today I repotted some very chunky scops that had been pot-bound for many years prior to living with me. They are now in nice, wide terra cotta with plenty of space for their roots to spread. Madly pupping already! I also turned my horse poo / straw patch. It is starting to break down nicely! I want to dry it out a bit. Then I will start adding random crap (eg., wood-based mulch, coffee grounds, whatever else I have lying around).

I also got a nice fresh batch of loph potting mix ready (sand, perlite, cactus mix, gypsum, plus some horticultural charcoal I picked up from Bunnings). And then I repotted my lophs.

I also re-potted my avocado seedling and my rose-scented geranium.

Very productive day!

Edited by Cimi
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I love pictures of Khat/Qat, I've never used any but it's such a beautiful looking plant, it's a total travesty that they listed it as class C here but that's what happens when you mix media scaremongering with a distrust of immigrant communities and a tough-on-drugs government who're losing allies in the drug war as fast as they're losing the war.

Last night I gave my salvia a big new pot and bigger new box to stay moist in. I actually planted it with the main stems almost sideways to spead it better in the area it has and give It more room to grow upward.
In the last 20 hours it's dropped a couple of smaller leaves and the younger stems have already bent 90 degrees upwards it's like light direction doesn't matter to it! It's even lit from the side and doesn't seem to care!

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Watered the hell out of everything this afternoon, lucky I took an early one.. dry dry dry

This weather is a nightmare so early on I'm having to water almost daily (the curse of potted plants)

Up to 32 today and so windy. Lucky I have a dunking tub. Nearly lost my Pycnanthemum and smelly unknown Salvia sp.

That one's had some hard times but she's a beauty. And no, I have no idea if she's active in any way (yet)

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Isn't it awesome! The weather is bangin, everything's growing like a champion! Sounds like you should pot up a size mate!?

Is that salvia big enough for a cut yet? It's a wierd one for sure

Here my home job shadehouse for the 100 odd acacias I recently sowed, a few are prairie doggin already which is wicked





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Arrrgghh....came home from work to find my poor cactus seedlings and psychotrias scattered to the four winds, which I cursed thoroughly as I gathered up and repotted everything that had blown over. Lesson learned: use less perlite, more rocks. And more bricks jammed around pots.

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Re-arranged my heatpad, gave most things some seasol, took everything out of the biggest humidity box to begin hardening-off. For the first time since I got it there is room on my table for new projects!


Now comes the fun part, deciding which seeds to sow!

Also put 3 phleb seeds down to soak last night. Not much change over night so i might try sanding the seed coat a little bit and try again with the hot water.




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really nice pic!

nice as well, to have a good look at other peoples collections.

those (cacti) seedlings are so neatly placed, so you could have ocd, lol (meant well).

the ario, is a super specimen!

the vascular plant seedlings look a little bit leggy, but they will be ok.

I always take seedlings out of the dome (or at least remove the lid), once they poked there heads out, so I avoid to have to harden them out.

funny idea, to use sally mulch, for the psychotria, but I like. <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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really nice pic!nice as well, to have a good look at other peoples collections.those (cacti) seedlings are so neatly placed, so you could have ocd, lol (meant well).the ario, is a super specimen!the vascular plant seedlings look a little bit leggy, but they will be ok.I always take seedlings out of the dome (or at least remove the lid), once they poked there heads out, so I avoid to have to harden them out.funny idea, to use sally mulch, for the psychotria, but I like. <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

Hehe thanks, i think im too messy to have ocd, although the cactus seedlings were even neater before a few of them died!

The leggy seedlings are albas, chillis and a morning glory, i should have taken them out alot sooner but i feared the cold nights might damage them, im sorta kickin myself for that now but ah well, they shud be ok! The sally leaves are there mostly because i am too lazy to walk outside to chuck them on the compost <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png yet somehow it seems nice not to simply discard special leaves

Hey boggy feel free to give those phlebs another got water soak! Even 3 in total for a week total. I don't like cutting the coat until About the 3mth stage. This is how I've got 3 up this far

Great pic btw!!

Will do! Its a bit nerve wracking to be honest, although I have a few seeds to play with as a kind aussie gave some to my mate at the eclipse party when he heard about me the crazy planthead in nz.. I suspect chances are it could have been an sab member. Ze world works in funny ways <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png Edited by Ceres
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demon, since when is qat a class C in the uk and what does that mean?

I saw qat, in kew as well, ~ 4 years ago...

Basically a few months back the government asked it's scientific advisors if it was harmful, they were advised it had no evidence of any real harm, so they banned it apparently "incase it funds terrorism" or "because of potential harm that it may cause in future", Basically none of it made any real sence, the whole thing was monsterous.

It's now an illegal drug and growing it is now to be met with the same punishments as Ketamine production :-(

Cannabis is "B" so it's a classification level above Khat but usually cannabis is treated as a "C" anyway. We have two harmless plant substances which are considered as bad as people snorting horse tranquiliser.

The ban happened so fast most people didn't even notice it, pretty much no one here knows what Khat is except for ethanobotanists, Anti-prohibitionists and Somali immigrants. British Somali's are used to being descriminated against as "pirates" now they're also being treated as terrorists, and druggies at the same time, I really feel pretty sick with the way we treat some people here.

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Took two cuttings dismorning off my sad little Brugmansia sanguinea. Hopefully with sphagnum moss and rooting hormone you cant go wrong. Will update with results in the following weeks.

My big caapi has woken up and gone mental the last few weeks. Time for a repot me thinks. Which is good because I found the most incredible potting mix the other day. It was entirely void of bark which I didnt think existed in this day and age





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Is the potting mix from a commercial supplier Nem?

Tui is no longer available in dunedin for some reason and that was the best i cud get, now its nothin but that cheap shitty barky daltons stuff.

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I found it at the local commerical hort supplier/warehouse but Bark Products Taranaki ( ironically ) was the brand of potting mix.

Ugh I have a bag of Daltons potting mix at the moment too, its a shocker. The Daltons cactus mix seems alright for the tricho's though.

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here's a crappy pic of my largest catha flowering...


seedlings of PH mixed catha seedlings (3 acacia accuminata seedlings in the 3rd column from the right)


not even spring yet & Sceletium tortousom blooming like mad


A few degrees below freezing this winter but E. novo totally surprised me, I fully expected total leaf drop


Working on getting my veggie garden starter packs going & took some pics of cymbidium orchids blooming.

Unusually warm winter this year, a miniature nectarine tree is pushing new green tips & pink blossoms already.

jealous of the e.nova, always wanted a plant, time to move country!

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3 HBWR "nervosa" sprouted, 5 more prepared. Seeds over a year old, still very viable, nicked and soaked.

48 acuminata narrow leaf seeds soaking in water overnight, sowing today.

Slowly hardening off lophs, trichs and a lonely E.Nevada...

Desmanthus illinoensis 'sabine' seedlings potted up.

Mimosa's absolutely cranking (cheers Dood)

7 acuminata narrow leaf tubestock from bunnings potted up. Another 5 acuminata narrow leaf over a foot high found at another nursery potted up also.

Papaver sprouting directly where seed thrown.

Mitragyna showing new growth at its nodes

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