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The Corroboree

(NZ) Kanna, Heimia, Dagga FS/T


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Only available to NZ members or where legal

I have some Kanna cuttings for sale
out of the two Sceletium tortuosum strains I have this one is the smaller leafed variety,
I will offer the large leaf variety soon.

Also available:

Leonotis leonurus
Heimia salicifolia
H. myrtifolia

All cuttings are $5/ 10cm rooted cutting + postage
Discounts on bulk cuttings

Always interested in swaps

Edited by solomon
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Aww how I HATE Australian laws.. What sheep is seriously going to go to the effort of buying a divinorum to make his own extract..? Look at Cannabis.. quite easily grown and just simply smoked, yet still the typical bloke cbf'd growing his own and would rather go buy a measly 1g bag for $25. gahhhhhhh FTG!!!!

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Cheers Solomon


LikeAshesWeFade; With the Salvia you don't have to extract it. You can just make a quid instead and still experience the power of Salvia.

Edited by Tio
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Fair enough haha.. but still! What typical member of sociey would grow their own Salvia for divination? Those sheepish fuckers probably don't even know how to spell divination.. let alone the meaning of it. I just think that if Sal was legal to buy as it is in NZ then alot of idiots would be abusing the extract for sale. I just can't picture many people going to the extent of growing their own if it means they have to put it in time, patience and effort to achieve the same effect that they'd get from something they could just go out and buy.


Edited by LikeAshesWeFade
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Well in think in this case, Sally herself steps in and deals with the really arrogant prats when they decide to dose up.

Personally i loved the experience of growing my salvia plant from a small cutting and i felt like it was important for me to 'get to know' the plant before i indulged.

When i did, i felt like Sally appreciated my consideration and effort and offered me a very incredible insight in a way that felt safe, loving and motherly.

When i compare this will the general responce which many shall we say.. 'un-awakened' people report, which is usually terror and confusion, i think growing plants for yourself can make a BIG difference.

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Personally i loved the experience of growing my salvia plant from a small cutting and i felt like it was important for me to 'get to know' the plant before i indulged.

When i did, i felt like Sally appreciated my consideration and effort and offered me a very incredible insight in a way that felt safe, loving and motherly.

aw i like this , such wisdom <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hope I'm not to late to reply to this post.

I've been growing sceletium Tortuosum for a year. I'm happy with my success at growing them.

I'm after Sceletium Emarcidum. I possibly have it. I don't know. Just want to make sure I have it. 2 or 3 cuttings from different plants would be nice.

The sceletium I have is flowering and am attempting pollenation. Hope I get seeds.

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Hey there

Welcome to the forums

Pretty sure all I have is tortuosum, grown from seed sourced from B&T World Seeds if i recall.

Grew out a couple S. emarcidum last year from Herbalistics seed but I fried them in the sun

Mmm, the kanna here are flowering too.

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Thanks for the welcome.

I think I bought some kanna cuttings off you last year. Out of all the plants I bought your cuttings were the best quality. The fastest growing. The densest less prone to elongation and sceletising.

I've figured out a fast way to.grow kanna. Plus a fast way to grow cuttings. I have cuttings of the cuttings you sold me last year that are flowering.

I over wintered the plants under a led light. It grew hundreds of sprouts in miniature. So when I put it out in the spring it thinkened with such growth. I had to trim it right back because the weight of growth would have pulled out the roots.

Also it's the most active. I've only had the trimmings. I yet to do a full plant ferment with the roots. After seed harvest I will.

Because I've got a thicket of kanna. I amazed at how much you can multiply a single

plant. And how fast it grows.

So thanks very much

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Here's your cuttings a year on. Acting as mother plants. Two cuttings per pot. I plan to seperate them into seperate pots. When I get some rootblast in a few days.

They are seperate from their progeny and other plants which is an entangled thicket on another windowsill.









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