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Death and overdoses blamed on emerging drug

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somehow i don't think saying "warning: lsd like effects" is going to put people off it.

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So what we know about this drug.

Increased heart beat.

Can cause spasms.

That's the only physiological symptoms of the drug... now the paper has inferenced that because the drug is sold on blotter paper that it's like lsd and sold as lsd...

anyone know what the drugs actually do?

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weird ROA! if taken by itself, from what ive read

maybe the cops tried some and found that it was actually similar to lsd?dont know myself.

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I could wish they had been a bit clearer about the circumstances of that death. Because in the news article they imply that he died after freaking out and repeatedly running into poles, not because of any cardiovascular effects.

Not really much info about this class yet, but there have been a few reports of seizures in overdose.

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when you think of someone weighing this one up one tiny mix up could trip some minds into the frying pan...

nearly as potent as lsd? ug dosages from what i remember reading.

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Police say two emerging drugs have resulted in a death and two overdoses in the mid-north of South Australia.

The drugs go by the names 25I-NBOMe and 25B-NBOMe and authorities warn the effects are similar to LSD.

The drugs are consumed as tabs on paper and can lead to bizarre behaviour, paranoia and seizures.

Acting Detective Inspector Derryn Phillips said there had been two overdoses in the past 11 days and a man died from using one of the drug types back in March.

"What we can tell you about these drugs is that they are marketed in a manner similar to LSD in that they're marketed on blotter paper and they may even be marketed as LSD, given that it is believed that the effects are similar" she said.

Police think the drugs were manufactured in China.

Detective Inspector Phillips said the drugs were relatively new and much remained unknown about them.

"Users of these drugs are in fact setting themselves up as guinea pigs," she said.

"The toxicity of the drugs is not known."

Dr Robert Ali from Drug and Alcohol Services SA also warned of the dangers.

"People can be completely incapable of working out what's going on around them," he said.

"Lots of spasms and the risks of seizures and on the heart, they can actually cause the heart to beat very rapidly and then eventually [lead to a person] having a heart attack."


LEGALIZE LSD and we won't have this emerging problem with weirdass unknown drugs that have unknown side-effects and that paramedics have no experience in dealing with.

Christ, the war on drugs is having some seriously dangerous side-effects.

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it kinda worrys me i hate seizures but i like acid man

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25i was being sold in NZ as a legal high in retail stores under the name Dime before the Police caught on.

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As far as RC's go, these guys seem quite friendly. They are like the 2c's, but a bit more clear, a bit more like LSD.

I find it odd that people are od'ing on them. Maybe it is the STP effect, as sometimes these class of compounds don't work and some people may take "10" or whatever and have an OD.

The Russians have been onto these compounds for many years now, and they have only been really known in the west a year or two. The chinese pump out this stuff, and it was only a matter of time before some people starting realising that one dose was going to cost 5c or whatever.

As far as RC's go, these seem to be the least harmful so I'm surprised about these deaths...


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I find it odd that people are od'ing on them. Maybe it is the STP effect, as sometimes these class of compounds don't work and some people may take "10" or whatever and have an OD.

Isn't the stuff sold in little baggies of powder? Combine that with microgram activity, and the fact that many people can't do simple maths, especially when already high, and it sounds like a recipe for overdose to me...

As far as RC's go, these seem to be the least harmful so I'm surprised about these deaths...

The reports seem pretty sketchy. There may be some cardiovascular stuff or risk of seizure. But it's also possible that many of the problems reported in OD are just panic attacks, as with any psychedelic.

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A geezer I know in the UK accidentally dosed 6mg of this stuff mistaking it for MDPV...

Up the nose it went and off he went to collage.

After an hour he realized something was a miss.

He noticed he was in fractal city.

Instead of the usual study aid effects we was used to from the pv.

He proceeded to get the feck out of there and into a safe place to ride it out.

Reckons he lost about 4 hours after being completely consumed by alex grey esque eyes...

Sounds decent to me.... lol

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