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The Corroboree

I don't think I get sick??


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Maybee u need to be more open minded toward fecal matter. Natures own antibiotic.

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Guilty as charged


I must admit I'm a culprit as well.

But like you I never get sick either. I haven't had a stomach bug or anything like that since I was in primary school. I probably push the limits with foods that shouldn't be eaten and am yet to experience any negative repercussions. I think the only time I would have had antibiotics would be as a kid, but I can't remember any instances. When camping I can drink the creek water no worries, whereas most friends get the shits.

I really don't have any proper understanding of the immune system or most processes that go on in the body, but I s'pose I've just thought that it's been built up by exposing it over the years.

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Since the conversation is already in the toilet... I've noticed that my workmates absolutely stink now that I'm eating really really really healthy. I walk past the loo and I can litterally tell you what they ate, and how long it's been rotting in their guts by the stench. I'm a smoker too so my sense of smell is supposed to be crap (pun) - I did notice that as i weaned myself of processed food, I had sickness symptoms like puffy glands, tired, irritable etc... like coming down off a huge bender.,. but I haven't been sick for ages - except for the smell of other people that eat greasy processed food, and the smell of public transport and teenagers is a bit putrid too. It's icky! Oh, and I wash my hands after poo's n wee's and generally turn the tap off with the paper towel - and open the door with it too, then fling it in the bin...

Edit: I'm a folder not a scruncher too ;-)

Edited by IndianDreaming
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See for some reason I would be

More embarrassed of that bahviour than off not washing my hands after an earth moving turd.

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Really? hehe - ah well, its pretty much automatic now - if there's a paper towel thingie there i just do it on autopilot. I've never really taken notice of other people watching me to see if i'm weird - that sort of thing doesn't phase me much. I know i'm weird already without confirmation

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! Oh, and I wash my hands after poo's n wee's and generally turn the tap off with the paper towel - and open the door with it too, then fling it in the bin...

Edit: I'm a folder not a scruncher too ;-)


i'm excactly the same, and i prefere to only visit venues, were excactly this progression is possible.

i fold a single sheet twice, or if a larger paper is needed, take two sheets, double them up, and make a ~8mm wave fold into them, that gives you a very strong paper. hmmm, i did too much origami as a kid.

some people believe, that our obsession with perfect looking fruit, has a serious downside, as blemished fruits and veges, might harbour things which will increase our immune system.

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Yep - folding is an art, if you have to, you can a good few folds in a single sheet... ;) Also, for that waxy interleaved stuff, i take 3 bits still interlocked and with both hands, ruffle em into each other - takes the waxiness off and you get grip instead of slip! Oh fruit, how i love you so - I'm eating the whole thing these days - orange peel, apples core and all, lemons, everything, just munch the lot...

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Haha - yes, i've tried the scrunch - it doesn't work well at all, and can sometimes spring apart - with disastrous consequences... especially if you're not a hand washer... lol - so many poop fingers, I'm surpised the whole world isn't hep B positve... save the trees, become a folder! hahahaha....

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I scrunch. Only 3 squares at a time. I feel that the edges and points that only come with a scrunch can get into all the nooks and crannies and give the most effective, and stimulating clean.

Again I would be embarrassed to admit that I fold toilet paper.

Edited by incognito
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Well there you go, I didn't actually realise you could still scrunch with such little paper. This does change the game a little as I based my ideas of scrunching from when I was a kid, scrunching but using a heap of paper.

I'm quite excited for next time I go to the toilet now - I have an experiment on my hands (and hopefully that's all)!

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My dad always impressed on us kids to do 3 number 2's a day. Was possibly the only good advice he's ever given.

One of his favourite sayings was "keep your mouth shut and your bowels open"

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one of my ex girlsfriends always had to buy those expensive wet tissues, otherwise she would not feel clean.

now i can understand, that moist tissues do a better job, so what i do is, if needed, i do my single sheet, twice folded and put a small drop of sorboline onto it, voila a super moist wipe, but for very little money.

i'm crazy you know, and i say often silly things...

and this silly expression is floating in my head for quite a while, and thanks to the toilett level of this thread it might fit.

but remeber even if silly, there is often some good truth in it aswell.

here it goes.

filling out the sheet at a dating web site, "things you like". most i like, rubbery, solid turds, where even the 1st wipe stays clean. <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_wub.png

i think, they are an indicator of good health and diet.

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I can't stand when scruncher friends pull off like a metre of toilet paper, scrunch it up and that's one wipe. So much paper wasted!

1-3 squares, folded, per wipe is all that is needed.


do you watch your friends poop?

or have you got cameras set up

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Only a few years ago did I become a folder. I had never been taught specifically anything, and then one day (I was probably under some kind of influence...) I realized that I could totally do it a different way.

When you use your folded piece Wameron, does it get folded once after each wipe? From 5 sheets, fold in half, wipe, fold in half, wipe, fold in half, wipe, (taking a risk now) fold in half, wipe.

Another thing I started doing on a few years ago was sneezing into my elbow. I used to sneeze into my hands (I think most people do), but then you have to wash your hands. If you sneeze into your elbow, you can keep on keeping on.

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Only a few years ago did I become a folder. I had never been taught specifically anything, and then one day (I was probably under some kind of influence...) I realized that I could totally do it a different way.

When you use your folded piece Wameron, does it get folded once after each wipe? From 5 sheets, fold in half, wipe, fold in half, wipe, fold in half, wipe, (taking a risk now) fold in half, wipe.

Another thing I started doing on a few years ago was sneezing into my elbow. I used to sneeze into my hands (I think most people do), but then you have to wash your hands. If you sneeze into your elbow, you can keep on keeping on.


Wow, I've never even contemplated that. It's normally just 2-3 squares, folded to build a decent thickness for the initial wipe. From inspection of this we can gauge whether it's safe to reduce the number of squares to 1 for the remainder of the wiping or whether it's best to stick to 2-3. That would be amazing though, but I think a pretty risky move as well. I'd say an initial wipe would still be needed, then from there you can judge if it's safe to attempt. I can't imagine that ending well though. We do need people to push the boundaries though and explore the possibilities, I believe this is the only way forward.

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I use about 3 squares, then fold again, use again, fold again, use again. Unless there are indications that the small square I'm left with after the second wipe won't be enough for what's left, in which case I might splash out and grab another 3 sheets. I don't need fancy toilet paper, but the homebrand type ones don't cut it for me. I'm happy with the quilton ones because it's soft enough but still fairly cheap. The worst one is those squares of paper they have in a lot of public toilets. It's like wiping your arse with glad-bake.

And when I sneeze I aim for my armpit. I really hate to sneeze on my hands.

This thread is fantastic.

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That totally reminds me of this brilliant article from Cracked:

I highly recommend reading it. Take it with a small grain of salt, but most of the conclusions are almost certainly true.


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Another thing I started doing on a few years ago was sneezing into my elbow.


I do the same, sneeze and cough into the elbow area, and i have taught my kids to do the same.

This is something you see all the time... At the supermarket in the fresh produce area, people licking their fingers to find the opening of the plastic bags to put fruit/vegies in, and whilst the fingers are still covered in saliva, they fondle all the tomatoes and apples etc..

As for the opening thread topic... I don't get sick either, and I don't have any allergies, but my nick name as a kid was 'Grot', so i probably built up a good immune system early on in my life.

As for the people who can get away with using ONE square of toilet paper...c'mon!?!?!.


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