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Police step up magic mushroom patrols in Donnybrook

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Police step up magic mushroom patrols in Donnybrook

MORE than 5kg of suspected 'magic mushrooms' have been seized from four men after police stopped their car in Donnybrook.

Police stopped to search the car on Saturday and confiscated 5kg of mushrooms.

It is likely charges will be laid once tests are carried out to confirm the material as magic mushrooms, or mushrooms that contain the compound psilocybin.

Donnybrook Police have warned anybody thinking of heading into the area to collect magic mushrooms to think again.

Police will be searching people and vehicles suspected of gathering the prohibited fungi.


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Sucks to be in Donnybrook <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_sad.png

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I'm getting pictures of going photographing funghi and seeing you in the mist on all fours grazing on subs like a sheep in some bizarre legal loophole.

However you could have trouble with the

Mental health unit.

Edited by incognito
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another bust down that way <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_sad.png



Thank fuck for that, we can't have teenagers taking mushrooms.

They could start thinking original thoughts and not vote for rinehart inc when they get older.

The whole corporate world could spiral into some kind of hippie chaos <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_ohmy.png

Who knows where it could all lead, we might end up with clean water, fresh air and cheap power.

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it's a shame that we (law enforcement) have to ruin such a young person's life...

it's just so illogical...

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In Western Australia, under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1981, it is illegal to use, possess, manufacture or supply drugs

such as amphetamines, cocaine, ecstasy, hallucinogens and heroin. Offences under this Act carry heavy fines

and/or prison sentences. Penalties range from a $2000 fine and/or two years in prison to a $100 000 fine and/or

imprisonment for 25 years. A person convicted of a drug offence will receive a criminal record, which can lead to

difficulties in getting a job, health insurance, credit or visas for overseas travel.

Would be interesting to know where the judiciary is likely to position its sentences on this scale in relation to these recent cases and whether they have any discretion (and are willing to exercise it) not to record a conviction (particularly for the younger offenders). Unbelievable that the cops seem to be putting so many resources into this. Must be a pretty law abiding place otherwise. Maybe they've just had a gut full of stuffing up homicide prosecutions (Mallard etc) so they're going for the easy targets.

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Did anyone see the Melbourne Occupy protest? Well they banded tents from the park so a few protestors decided to wear the tents as dresses.


Ive been thinking how funny it would be if a few guys could get to Donnybrook and run around dressed as mushrooms.

Edited by DreamTimeBliss
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