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The Corroboree

Free J3 x Psycho0 seeds


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Have three dried fruit packed full of seed of this cross. Have the reverse, but let it rot due to slackness. Oops.

Anyway, these fruit have been in the fridge since they matured a few months back. They are essentially dry now. Might have a little patch of mould on the surface of one of two of them, but that can be removed.

I can not be bothered sending to more than one person. So if someone wants them and then wants to redistribute to interested party, let me know.

Pretty awesome cross.

Edited by tripsis
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I would love some of those seeds.

EDIT: Happy to redistribute too.

Edited by tonic
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awesome when you distribute them tonic im keen for some

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If tripsis decides to send them to me. Definitely.

Maybe people can express interest in this thread rather than making a new thread?

There will be heaps of seeds, so should be plenty to go around.

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yeh, keen .

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As soon as I get them I will post here and get everyone's details ready for posting.

Thanks tripsis, you are a champion

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK! Got the seeds, just need to clean them and sort them, then pack. There are LOTS, if there is more interest, please state it here as there are plenty to go around.

What I will get people to do is send a couple of stamps to cover postage as there is too much for my funds to handle alone. It will be worth it, Did I mention there are LOTS of seeds?


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hi there if any left


would love to if available cheers let me know address have stamps ready

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