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The Corroboree

Strange growth on TBM


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Hey Everyone :)

Sorry photos are not very good as are of a cheap phone.

To the left of the new pup there is some strange growth, anyone see this before and know what it is?

Thanks for your time.









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Hi tipz

Not roots mate, i know photos are bad but certainly not roots.........

Looks like 2 singular colums with a single spike at the end to me but I have never seen this type of growth.

Edited by cisumevil
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Looks like roots to me also. TBMs tend to throw roots randomly and from various heights on the individual sections.

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looks like roots sometimes they are pretty green like those ones. TBMs are weird as in growth, every new pup you feel like it could revert back to a normal bridgesii then all of a sudden it goes all cock like..lol

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They are roots, they just get a scabby type sheaf covering around them if they do'nt find soil & are exposed to the elements. It starts as you say like a spikey little bit at the root tip. I have removed the sheaf on some before & it looks as if the roots are just dormant but raring to go inside.

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Would it hurt the plant if you removed those roots?

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jwerta, my advice would be to remove the whole section(s), let the wound heal and pot them up, they will take off a lot faster than cuttings with no roots. I wouldn't bother removing the roots. It would cause more damage than good IMO. Also, having some aerial roots can be a good thing, if they are low enough, and can penetrate the potting medium, you will find that they increase vigour and the size of the sections and the whole plant in general. I have quite a few TBMs and I just leave the roots to their own devices or as mentioned, make them new plants from sections that are throwing roots.

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hey i didn't even think of making a cutting out of it lol that's a good idea... but yea i mainly just leave them and let them do there thing I was just thinking someone might want to cut them off for aesthetic reasons but then it might just leave a nasty looking scar where the root used to be

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I got the same strange growth by the looks of it on a sick looking bridgsii ive been trying to bring back to health..I used BAP on the areole in hope of growing a pup, but by the looks nature has reverse intentions and has decided to grow roots instead!









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no there growin from the top of the cut...trippy..its already rooted in a pot...i put BAP on the top areole in hope of getting a top pup coming out, but this weird shit has appeared like cisumevils TBM...i can only assume it is roots also...i was thinking it may be some kinda internal host feeding cos this bridgsii has been sick for over a year, yellowing...ive fed it nitrogen all kinds of shit trying to revive it....have never checked the roots tho to see if theres nastys in the pot tho...

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