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Fundamentals of Pharmacology

Emma Meagher, MD

In this class you will learn how drugs affect the body, how they alter disease processes and how they might produce toxicity. We will discuss how new drugs are tested and developed prior to them being used for patient care. We will describe how personalization of medicine will become a common day reality in patient care.

About the Course

This set of courses will discuss the discipline of pharmacology and its integration throughout medical science. Specifically, the content will be organized as follows: 1) Basic Pharmacological Principles; 2) Applied Pharmacology, the concept of applying the basic principles to each organ system with an emphasis on melding pathophysiology with biologic targets for drug therapy; 3) Therapeutics, considered to be the clinical application of applied pharmacology, including the financial implications of therapy, evidence-based medicine, and the limitations of drug therapy and future directions of therapeutics in all disease states, as well as the legal implications of prescription writing; and 4) Advanced Pharmacological Principles, such as cancer therapeutics.

About the Instructor

Dr. Emma Meagher graduated summa cum laude with her medical degree from the Royal College of Surgeons in Dublin, Ireland. Following completion of an internship and residency in internal medicine, she was appointed as Senior Registrar /Lecturer of Cardiovascular Medicine at Mater Hospital, University College in Dublin, Ireland. She is currently working as an attending physician in preventive cardiology at Penn Medicine.

Dr. Meagher's educational interests are in the fields of translational research methodology to graduate, pre-, and post- doctoral students and novel modalities for education in pharmacology to undergraduate medical students. To this end, she directs the University of Pennsylvania's four-year pharmacology curriculum and is Program Director for the Master of Science degree program in Translational Research and Co PI of the Penn Clinical and Translational Sciences Award (CTSA). Her four year pharmacology curriculum is fully integrated across all aspects of medical education, including basic pharmacology, new drug design development, and innovative pharmacology modalities such as cancer pharmacology.

Dr. Meagher has been the recipient of many teaching awards including: the Dean's Award for the Development of Innovative Educational Programs (1999), the Leonard Berwick Memorial Teaching Award (2001), the Arthur K. Asbury Mentoring Award (2004), Medical Student Government Awards for Basic and Integrated Science Education (2000, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011), the Dunning Dripps Award for post graduate education (2009), and the university's highest teaching honor, the Lindback Award (2005).

*Edit: I should note, I've signed up.

Edited by at0m
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Yeah looks interesting. I just noticed in your tagg line that its online and free. Can't complain about getting free education. The main thing my university education taught me was how little I really know about anything. Have fun and I hope you enjoy your course.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

It's started.

If you haven't already done it, log in cos the first quiz is due in Monday 2 July at 2200

Was hoping for an email announcement that the course had begun, but didn't get one- just a notification that the course was due to begin which I received a few days prior. Logged in a few times to check it but couldn't access course notes til tonight

Downloading here is sloooooww, can't stream too well on this connection but will find a workaround

Check out the forums there too

Maybe we need a SAB study group ;)

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Hmm i'll sign up for it...

seems strange though to start right at pharmacology and not with the building blocks.

Well... i'll see how I go :D


I was hesitant about going into it for similar reasons but from past experience with these courses they explain things really well and don't assume much prior knowledge. Additionally, you can drop out any time if you decide it's not for you and you don't need to worry about how much money you've wasted.

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  • 1 month later...

How's everyone doing with this? I'm really enjoying the ramping up from the very basics in the first week to the bits now where I'm struggling

I reckon it's an excellent course, a few bugs here and there, but it's free and it's awesome

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i got into a nice discussion about those dastardly illegal drugs, i'm not sure if i'll be able to finish the course though as my real studies may get in the way...

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I am enjoying it. pissed off that I missed one of the quizzes though as it is going to make it diffcult to get the required score for completion.

I like that it has ramped up in difficulty and time. the half hour lecture with a 5 minute quiz really wasn't suggesting for it to be taken serious ;)

the last lecture was so pertinent to something I was working on at the time that this alone made it worthwhile. Lots of whingers signed up to it though, LOL.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was a bit disappointed that I missed out on this, but am thinking that some of the other Coursera offerings such as Drugs and the Brain might be interesting - though I am not sure I can resist that course about the search for extra-terrestrial life.

I'm interested (professionally) in online education - so I'd love to hear about how people found this course.

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OK it's getting seriously complex for me on that course. It's really impressive but I'm getting overwhelmed

Anyone wanna share here ( or on a separate thread on Chill maybe )- wouldn't mind picking a relevant compound or two and following the implications of it's ingestion ( via whatever method ) as we progress with the course, with references and maybe publications and associated comments welcome from other forum ppl.

I'm not academic at all, I have poor memory retention and independent facts don't gel with me unless I have a broader context to place them in. This presents no technical problems to me with day to day research- where I routinely but incrementally push the boundaries of what is known in a particular area of biology- most of the trick being carefully structuring experiments, good note taking, frequent reference to source research documents and good organisational skills around ordering supplies and timing of work.

However when I get a bunch of new, broad, knowledge thrown at me all at once my first reaction is to question every aspect of the incoming data. Spending all that time thinking " yes, but..." and " how about... "- and by that time they've moved onto sixteen other things which I'll never get the hang of cos I'm still processing the first bit of information


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...picking a relevant compound or two and following the implications of it's ingestion ( via whatever method ) as we progress with the course, with references and maybe publications and associated comments welcome from other forum ppl.

You're more than welcome to start a thread of that nature in the pharmacology and chemistry subforum, Darklight. Would be happy to see something like that there.

I can log into the course to see what's happening and try to make some contributions if no one else is keen.

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