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The Corroboree

Don't want kids to die? Watch this.


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This video is going viral!



Quite eye-opening and well worth watching.

Actiivism stuff at the end includes a geo-tagged paste up campaign! Cooool.

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I think it's a teach your kids to swim video.

edit: just watched it, had to skip through a lot... the propaganda was getting to me.

I don't support any invasion of any sovereign nation, sorry.

the triangles at the start were creepy

Edited by Distracted
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Wow. Osho scares me a little. Creepy.

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Wow. Osho scares me a little. Creepy.

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FYI Osho is the person formerly known as the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, founder of the "Orange People", a cult that was huge in Australia. When they moved to Oregon, there was a time where the Bhagwan had so may luxury cars that Rolls Royce listed him as their biggest customer in the world.

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I have finally watched the opening posts You tube clip. There is so many links and clips etc... posted around SAB , and i tell my self that i will get back to them,and most of the time, i don't. Master 13 (my son), comes home from school, and told me that he watched a sad documentary type thing today, and he wants me to watch it, and then post it on 'my plant forum' (his words). I had a feeling it would be this one... the KONY 2012. I showed him this thread and he said yes, its the same. So it is being shown at schools too. You have to wonder how this guy, KONY, has been doing this sort of stuff for 20 years and no one has snuck up on him at night and given him what for?!. Horrible things go on in this world. <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_sad.png . My son wants me to buy the wrist bands as support.

So for those that haven't got around to watching this clip, try and make some time to give it a watch. <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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Why buy wrist bands? The video has gone viral, everyone knows what is going on. If you are going to act, act now. I guess for most people that's via donation to the charity or by pressuring the government to "do something" (which probably means war, as anything else is pointless at this stage).

btw I haven't watched the video and I won't, but I'm surprised this is still going on, I heard about it years ago and I thought action had been taken to take these guys out. There are a lot of bad things happening on this planet, we can't keep track of them all - or we'd go mad.

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I'm a bit cynical, actually, our governments only seem to get high and mighty about areas which also happen to be resource rich - which is why the Taliban and Saddam Hussein had to go. But Kony? He'll only get attention from governments if he has something they want and he won't give it.

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Why buy wrist bands?


Master 13 wants to feel like he has helped. I don't know how much the pack costs, which has the wrist bands in it, but i think the proceeds go to help fund the whole thing?

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I'm a bit cynical, actually, our governments only seem to get high and mighty about areas which also happen to be resource rich - which is why the Taliban and Saddam Hussein had to go. But Kony? He'll only get attention from governments if he has something they want and he won't give it.


i think thats the point of the video Whitewind. Whats stopping you from watching it?

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i think thats the point of the video Whitewind. Whats stopping you from watching it?


Because I've seen it all before, and it's horrific. I'm not putting myself through that at the moment, I've got way too much happening. I know what's going on, you never forget it after seeing it. What amazes me about this whole video going viral stuff is that so many people were unaware before. That's the real cause of concern, people just not knowing what's going on in the world. I've always supported intervention in African conflicts, and the instigation of socialist practices like welfare and health services, but the government is far too busy chasing after OBL and causing chaos in the middle east (oil, basically) to have time for Africa, or Burma, or any other horrific regime that raises it's ugly head.

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Master 13 wants to feel like he has helped. I don't know how much the pack costs, which has the wrist bands in it, but i think the proceeds go to help fund the whole thing?


I don't know. But what is being funded? It seems like the campaign has already been won, with everyone knowing. Do we have to spend millions to make the government sit and take notice, or do we all sign petitions and write letters? Get Master 13 to write a letter to the government, your local MP, that's probably the best thing he can do right now.

But maybe wearing the wristband will help with the trauma of seeing so much horror happening in the world, so if he thinks it's going to help then so be it. To me, it's a waste of environmental resources when we are heading in to a time of poverty and climate change, but maybe that's not going to cut it for a traumatized 13 year old..

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mmmm, i agree with you about the entrenched levels of ignorance and complacency in "the west" about whats happening on the ground in countries like Uganda.

Ive also seen enough of the horror in 3rd world countries to last me a lifetime.

What interests me about Kony2012 is the experiment to test if something can be actually made to happen on a governmental level, when there is nothing in it for that

government other than the perceived voter backlash if it doesnt act.

It is the 2nd half of the video that looks at that possibility.

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But what is being funded?

, but maybe that's not going to cut it for a traumatized 13 year old..


The proceeds was meant to go to the kids and campaigning , etc.. but i just looked it up, and apparently only 30% goes to the kids ?. I dunno. Some say scam?, but this KONY guy isn't a loving , peaceful hippy type, thats for sure.

Master 13 is not traumatized, lol, nah, he went straight back to playing the Xbox.

EDIT: I typed 'kid sand campaigning',lol. Now edited.

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