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The Corroboree

peres ( all gone )


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Posting some more trades saturday morning. I have some excess pereskiopsis here - If you have a shitload of seedlings and need something to graft them too, all I ask is postage expenses.

Ill offer to the first five people that request it below. ( you know the drill - pm me ya address e.t.c and ill take payment via paypal once I have a figure on how much postage is )

cheers - tipz

(edit) all gone !

Edited by tipz
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I needed a seachange ! and I am loving the hormuz straight ! kicking back on a deckchair reading revelations right now

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Had the day off work, so packed and posted everything today.

Just a word of warning on the odd chance anyone I am sending them too, is unfamiliar with pereskiopsis or glochids in general.

Handle with care, use garden gloves or a sponge or thick towel.

I was warned also before my first batch of peres arrived, but learnt the hard way still. There are some big nasty spines on them and some microscopically thin fuckers too.

( on a side note - the leaves are quite tasty - chuck em in your salads, nom nom nom )

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lol someone sent me my peres, and forgot to warn me....i was so exited to see my posted tube arrive i popped the lid off....thrust my hand in......clamped tightly....and learnt the hard way, that they are not unsimilar to opuntia...lol

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your opening of package 2deep sounds like my recent experience eating opuntia fruit, i ripped it off the plant tore it open to get a finger full of thistles, tore flesh open to plump glowing innards of vibrant purple red delight to take a bite, to get a tongue full of thistles, and they are not pleasant to remove from yr tongue with tweezers...lesson learnt do not eat prickly pears in haste!

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I have seen a clip on youtube of preparing prickly pears, they burn all the fine barbed spines off with a butane torch... then your good to go.

(edit) i would have loved to have seen that applesnail, maybe I am sadistic but i find great humour in seeing things like that happen to people )

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Had the day off work, so packed and posted everything today.

Just a word of warning on the odd chance anyone I am sending them too, is unfamiliar with pereskiopsis or glochids in general.

Handle with care, use garden gloves or a sponge or thick towel.


Thanks for the heads up tipz. I was informed only last night that the peres were one to be careful with <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_unsure.png .

I have heaps of 'CHUX' cloth i can use to handle them <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif .

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yeah amazoninan..the cloth will stop the glochids.....but if it aint thick stuff, you may still discover its actual 'spines' , which are more like a cacti......

thats for the heads up with the fruit....

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^ The Chux bit was sort of a private joke,lol.

I received the peres...( 2 days ago, forgot to mention here) . Thank You so much tipz. <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

Look out baby cacti... Your gunna geta grafted !!!

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