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Pics of 3 month old bridgesii seedlings


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Hello All, just testing to see how I can post pics on here !

I am new to this forum, and I am enjoying all the pics and the discussions.

Bridgesii seedlings growing in a polystyrene coffee cup in proagating sand, approx 3 months old.

Are they ready for sowing out yet ?











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Welcome, Swiper. Seedlings are looking good. No urgent need to repot but you surely can to give them some more light. The cup is blocking a little bit of it so i would probably repot in better soil with more nutrients now. It improves your growth rates. bye Eg

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Thanks for the advice EG, I will move them to a spot with better light ! I have them on a south facing widowsill, will try them on a shaded north facing windowsill. And repot them soon into better soil.

And thanks for the encouragement niggles, I love looking at others photos also.

I will post pics of my other seedlings soon.



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And thanks for the encouragement niggles, I love looking at others photos also.

I will post pics of my other seedlings soon.


you should check out my gallery then, theyre my favorites!

So do you just have seedlings at the moment or anything else as well?

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They're pretty good for just sand!

Have you been giving them anything else? Or just water? Next time, I would recommend you try using some organic matter in there as a test, as it will help speed their growth up. Usually pure sand is used for rot prone species, of which Trichocereus are not.

What I do, is use normal cactus mix at the bottom, and a more sandy mix on top. This time I put a bit too thick of a sandy layer, and as a result the roots are not fully in the normal mix yet. But once they are, there is a phenomenal growth spurt.

And of course, welcome to SAB! :D

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Hey Niggles, just checked out your gallery, some nice plants you have there, I especially like the flowering loph pics, very nice.

Yes I have other cacti, mostly cuttings (most have started to root now), have been collecting approx 6 months or so.

Trich Pach,bridgesii,peruvianus,TBM cuttings. Trich scopulicola,bridgesii small plants.LW caesp.

Seedlings - T.macrogonus,T.peruvianus,various T.pachanoi's,LW,golden torch,cereus peruvianus monstrose,T.terscheckii,T.bridgesii.

I think I got the bug now. 66 plants and hundreds of seedlings !



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Hi Bluntmuffin, thanks for the suggestion, sounds like a great idea, will try it with my next seedlings.

I am new to growing cacti from seed, but they seem to be growing slow.

They have been getting rainwater (from a tank) from a spray bottle every second day, every other day is rainwater mixed with 1/20 th normal strength seaweed fertiliser (maxicrop).



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They're pretty good for just sand!

Have you been giving them anything else? Or just water? Next time, I would recommend you try using some organic matter in there as a test, as it will help speed their growth up. Usually pure sand is used for rot prone species, of which Trichocereus are not.

What I do, is use normal cactus mix at the bottom, and a more sandy mix on top. This time I put a bit too thick of a sandy layer, and as a result the roots are not fully in the normal mix yet. But once they are, there is a phenomenal growth spurt.

And of course, welcome to SAB! :D


I actually advise against organic matter. Sand is the way to go if you want to avoid contaminants. When they start showing small spines like yours, you can repot,.... or give they a little disolved fert with a spray bottle.
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