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  • 1 month later...
14 hours ago, Glaukus said:

My news feed is constantly full of articles about how cannabis cures cancer. So explain to me why Bob Marley died of melanoma...

Perhaps it was because he wasn't living in a Petrie dish or wasn't a rodent???  


The following is from -

Abrams, D. I., & Guzman, M. (2015). Cannabis in cancer care. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 97(6), 575-586.


Link to pdf -



"Despite these impressive in vitro and animal model findings regarding the potential antitumor effects of cannabinoids, there is still no solid basis for ongoing claims by proponents of highly concentrated cannabis extracts or oils that these preparations can “cure cancer.” Increasing numbers of patients in North America are seeking oils high in THC and/or CBD due to testimonials that patients have used these preparations either topically to eradicate skin cancers or systemically to eliminate nonskin cancers. This has led to a number of patients seeking to forego or postpone potentially curative conventional cancer therapies in favor of self-medicating with high-potency cannabis oils. Many patients claiming to be cured of their cancers have used the products in addition to conventional cancer therapies, thus obfuscating the issue further. Although the in vitro and animal evidence is intriguing, there have not yet been any robust human studies investigating cannabis as an anticancer agent that would warrant advising patients to forego conventional therapy in favor of using a high-potency cannabis extract. Patients who choose to delay conventional therapies in the hopes of benefiting from a trial of cannabis oil against their cancer risk the possibility of having a potentially treatable cancer become incurable."

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Seems to be the way all these things go G.  A lot of people both pro and anti at the extreme ends of the spectrum of beliefs about new use for drug X with the truth lying somewhere round the middle.  

Thing with the cannabis and cancer cure claims is no-one ever bothers to mention you can kill all cancers in vitro, and rodents have a far better immune system than humans.

Sad thing is people pushing their more extreme beliefs about these things just polarise those who may possibly be inclined to accept there may be potential for benefits, and push those who are anti their beliefs even further to the extremes. 

Me, my lab mates and other researchers I know see the same thing happening with psychedelics...plenty of positive therapeutic potential, but people banging on about how they will solve everyone's problems just scare away people who are unsure what to believe, and further polarise those who are against spending money on psychedelic research.

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So I get asked by my work colleagues if I am coming to the work Christmas party. I explained I won't be attending because I don't like any of them and the thought of spending a Saturday night with them filled me with cold dread.

We all laughed. They laughed because they thought I was joking. I laughed because I was telling the truth.

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On 09/11/2018 at 6:42 PM, Glaukus said:

My news feed is constantly full of articles about how cannabis cures cancer. So explain to me why Bob Marley died of melanoma...





cough*in his toe?!*cough cough

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1 hour ago, TheMooseZeus said:

I assume cannabis helps people through chemo, which does the healing.

Even just helping the person eat is such a great achievement  


Stimulating appetite and also a will to continue on is a huge thing in the chemo world. Its pretty bleak otherwise. :) 

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It's also anti-emetic so helps with chemo related nausea.  There's a drug called Nabilone which is a synthetic analogue of THC that has been prescribed (albeit in limited amounts) for decades for chemo patients in Australia.

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Individuals with exploding head syndrome hear or experience loud imagined noises as they are falling asleep or waking up, have a strong, often frightened emotional reaction to the sound, and do not report significant pain; around 10% of people also experience visual disturbances like perceiving visual static, lightning, or flashes of light. Some people may also experience heat, strange feelings in their torso, or a feeling of electrical tinglings that ascends to the head before the auditory hallucinations occur.

[2] With the heightened arousal, people experience distress, confusion, myoclonic jerks, tachycardia, sweating, and the sensation that feels as if they have stopped breathing and have to make a deliberate effort to breathe again.[4][7][8][9]


The pattern of the auditory hallucinations is variable. Some people report having a total of two or four attacks followed by a prolonged or total remission, having attacks over the course of a few weeks or months before the attacks spontaneously disappear, or the attacks may even recur irregularly every few days, weeks, or months for much of a lifetime.[2]


Some individuals mistakenly believe that EHS episodes are not natural events, but are the effects of directed energy weapons which create an auditory effect.[10] Thus, EHS has been worked into conspiracy theories, but there is no scientific evidence that EHS has non-natural origins.



so i can understand the highlighted section. quite lately it's been getting worse this feeling of an "exploding head" but not just an hallucination but a feeling of my head literally exploding, or energy of such magnitude that my brain will break. the other night it was quite intense and mostly uncontrollable but intense enough that i would be somewhat shocked/disoriented and greeted with visual hallucinations in the form of balls/ribbons in front of my face. usually hallucinations are fairly mild in the form of voices/noises a feeling of floating in air or being in another time/place (like thinking i'm a location/bed i've stayed in previously). 


but anyway back to the DEW. it was crossing my mind the other night as i was being bombarded by this intense incontrollable quite uncomfortable energy almost breaking my brain in two. i dont believe it btw as I create the situation somewhat, at least influence it. but why would some international cabal in control of highly advanced remote Directed ENergy Weapons want to break my brain in two? i dont think that's a question most peolpe who sincerely believe this are able to answer [/endblog].

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  • 1 month later...

History of cannabis prohibition pieces of shit. 


Raymond Yans

President of the International Narcotics Control Board - 2012 to May 2014


Started on the board 2007



Well paid seat warmer .... I could start on the more modern presidents... But this one is special, thank him for for the staunch position  that cannabis poses  "a grave danger to public health and well being". 


Of course without supporting evidence.... Piece of shit





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  • 2 weeks later...

So I get home this morning and my dog is laying on my porch covered in snow and mud and has a rabbit in his mouth. He's not bloody, just dirty. 
Now, my neighbors raised these rabbits for 4H and have blue ribbon winners. I instantly knew it was one of theirs. So I get the rabbit away from my dog, I take it inside, wash all the dirt off and before my neighbors got home I took it over, put him back in the cage and went back home. 
Not 30 minutes later I hear my neighbors screaming, so I go out and ask them what's wrong? 
They tell me their rabbit died three days ago and they buried it but now it's back in the cage. 

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  • 4 months later...

Sometimes I do some kinda strange things pretty randomly, tonight I felt  like chatting with someone cause I was in an annoyingly chatty excited and slightly lonely mood, so somehow I got an idea in my head to enter made up mobile numbers in the phone and text them to see if I might get a response and what they may be.


Sorry if I don't write this tale out very well and coherent but anyway,

I started with the normal numbers for a mobile and just typed numbers and in sequences without much of any thought but somehow seemed to feel right lol 


I texted 10 or so numbers with different text messages all basically saying in different variants or ways, hello and explained what I was doing ,  that I was texting some numbers I randomly typed, acknowledging it is a bit strange and basically offered a strangers ear if they wanna chat, share some jokes or if they would like to get anything off there chest or share whatever and that type thing, then I would type something along the lines of anyhow whoever you are or might be or might be doing I hope you a good night and all the best, things like that and send off with variants or words to the like of, from a friendly random person doing a random thing.  lol 


then I went even a little more weird but felt compelled to do it for reasons im not entirely sure of, but thought why not and felt a bit curious of who may be getting them and so on, I sent a couple more texts and without much of any thought or controlled consciousness spewed out a bunch of spun out words and sent without being 100% sure of what I wrote exactly or if it made much sense but yeh some strange compulsion lol 


I wrote - 


This is a little experiment of sorts 


First I will say briefly that I do not know with any certainty if experiences we have in life are random or deterministic or perhaps even both ? 

but I do like to believe or feel as though things happen for a reason known or not, and at least as a minimum I view us humans and life as creators and/or co creators of our and each others experiences etc. 


This is likely seen as a bit weird or strange and I guess it is but in saying all that and with all I have said in mind, I have now typed in a mobile number (your number) I made the number up at random or seemingly so depending on ones views or beliefs or interpretations or what no, and am not even sure if this will be received by anyone or not. 


But if you do receive and read this who ever you might be and whatever might be happening for you,

I want to say I hope you all the best and hope for you (and all of us) to see all the best in and with whatever might be and all the best with all that has, is and will be for you. 


I don't know you or why exactly I have written this, but I have and that's pretty cool in a way lol, its cool to be alive and experience what we may, its cool to be able to do things at random without really knowing why or what effect we may have on each other or the future, but that's the power in which we all have, no matter what we do or not or how we interact we are affecting things, that's pretty cool I reckon and to come somewhat full circle, that's what I mean in us all being creators or co-creators of this experience. 


Not sure where that all came from lol but there's some thoughts shared, hope ya liked it or at least this strange encounter from a texting stranger has been interesting lol 



Again all the best stranger.




Haha I wonder if any of them where received and read, I haven't had any responses yet haha 




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Burckle crater is an undersea feature that is hypothesized to be an impact crater by the Holocene Impact Working Group. They considered that it likely was formed by a very large-scale and relatively recent (c. 3000–2800 BCE) meteorite impact event, possibly resulting from a comet. Burckle crater is estimated to be about 29 kilometres (18 mi) in diameter,[2] about 25 times wider than Meteor Crater in Arizona. The Russian Academy of Sciences lists the crater as a potential impact crater.[1]



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is the burckle crater involved in the Noah's flood myth or do you think that's the younger dryas impact event?

certainly i'd say the latter had more of a devastating impact than the former. given Noah's flood myth involves basically all life on earth being wiped out probably something as large scale as Y.D. would be a better candidate.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For a few decades I’ve been saying “it’s two thousand and blah number, where are all the flying cars that are supposed to be here .....in the future......that they were all talking about......in the past!


and then I watch the news this week and shed a tear, because Melbourne is getting it next year.


no links, sorry

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"O Shariputra, a son or daughter of noble family who wishes to practice the profound prajnaparamita should see in this way: seeing the five skandhas to be empty of nature. Form is emptiness; emptiness also is form. Emptiness is no other than form; form is no other than emptiness. In the same way, feeling, perception, formation, and consciousness are emptiness. Thus, Shariputra, all dharmas are emptiness. There are no characteristics. There is no birth and no cessation. There is no impurity and no purity. There is no decrease and no increase. Therefore, Shariputra, in emptiness, there is no form, no feeling, no perception, no formation, no consciousness; no eye, no ear, no nose, no tongue, no body, no mind; no appearance, no sound, no smell, no taste, no touch, no dharmas, no eye dhatu up to no mind dhatu, no dhatu of dharmas, no mind consciousness dhatu; no ignorance, no end of ignorance up to no old age and death, no end of old age and death; no suffering, no origin of suffering, no cessation of suffering, no path, no wisdom, no attainment, and no non-attainment. Therefore, Shariputra, since the bodhisattvas have no attainment, they abide by means of prajnaparamita.

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