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Bats have evolved very sensitive hearing to cope with their nocturnal activity. Their hearing range varies by species; at the lowest it can be 1 kHz for some species and for other species the highest reaches up to 200 kHz. Bats that can detect 200 kHz cannot hear very well below 10 kHz.[18] In any case, the most sensitive range of bat hearing is narrower: about 15 kHz to 90 kHz.[18]

Bats navigate around objects and locate their prey using echolocation. A bat will produce a very loud, short sound and assess the echo when it bounces back. Bats hunt flying insects; these insects return a faint echo of the bat's call. The type of insect and how big it is can be determined by the quality of the echo and time it takes for the echo to rebound; there are two types; constant frequency (CF), and frequency modulated (FM) calls that descend in pitch[19] Each type reveals different information; CF is used to detect an object, and FM is used to assess its distance. FM and CM are two different types of echo which inform the bat on the size and distance of the prey. The pulses of sound produced by the bat last only a few thousandths of a second; silences between the calls give time to listen for the information coming back in the form of an echo. Evidence suggests that bats use the change in pitch of sound produced via the Doppler effect to assess their flight speed in relation to objects around them.[20] The information regarding size, shape and texture is built up to form a picture of their surroundings and the location of their prey. Using these factors a bat can successfully track change in movements and therefore hunt down their prey.

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Blue Lotus : The Entheogen of Ancient Egypt

For over 3000 years the Blue Lotus was used by priesthood of ancient Egypt for its medicinal properties and as a spiritual sacrament. The Blue Lotus generally produces mild psychoactive effects that are purported to have a "divine" essence, which brings upon the feelings of tranquility and subtle euphoria.

Nymphaea caerulea, also known as the Egyptian blue lily or sacred blue lotus, is a blue water-lily in the genus Nymphaea that grows along the Nile and other places such as the Indian Subcontinent and Thailand.

The main effect you will probably sense is a pleasant feeling of warmth around the head and upper body; a very comfortable, dreamy feeling, with a slight stimulant effect. Many people relate to an expanded state of awareness with feelings of a psychic opening of the higher chakras, especially the 6th, or the third-eye.



The sacred flower seems to produce a subtle, high-level, expanded state of consciousness that may have been used in ceremonial meditation and magic. Energy workers have reported a heightened sense of psychic energy and the ability to better utilize these higher states in their practices. Many people also use the Sacrament to enhance meditation, utilizing the dreamy, trance-like effects to reinforce an alpha-state. Using the Sacrament before bedtime has also been reported to induce lucid dreaming.

Perhaps the most well-known role of the blue Lotus flower in Egyptology is set in it’s association with the Sun, the creation, and rebirth. The reason that that Lotus is used as a metaphor for these things is due to the way that it raises out of the water, over a small period of time, and flowers in the morning to the late afternoon, before sinking below the surface again. The repeat of this pattern makes it easy to understand why the Egyptians chose it to symbolize the Lotus with rebirth, as it followed the same pattern as the sun.



In Egypt, not a monument in the valley of the Nile, not a single papyrus scroll is without this plant in an honored place. On the capitals of the Egyptian pillars, on the thrones and even headdresses of the Divine Kings, the lotus appears everywhere.

The Blue Lotus in Buddhism is the symbol of the victory of the spirit over the senses, of intelligence and wisdom, of knowledge. It is generally represented as a partially opened bud, whose center is unseen, the embodiment of the “perfection of wisdom”. The Blue Lotus of the Nile was the most sacred of plants, prized above all others. The plant was associated with the sun god Ra as the bringer of light.

Even today blue lotus is used as a tonic for good health. It may be consumed as an extract in doses of 6-12 drops. 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of extract may be taken in juice or wine, 1 to 3 times daily. Fresh Nymphaea caerulea flowers are made into a tea or soaked in wine, then consumed, followed by smoking the dried plant material. The buds and flowers are the psychoactive parts of the plant.




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it's actually pronounced "esculator".

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There's many threads on the subject but I have to say; this forum is full of wonderful, generous, thought-provoking, friendly people. Maybe it would actually be a good thing for someone from an organisation to go undercover and discover for themselves just how positive this community is.

Maybe just spike Tony A's chicken pasta al funghi with the enlightening ones?

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This is a jewelry store in Bangkok Thailand . He even came out and try to sell me something but i could not stop laughing


just had to bump this photo ahh thailand my one weakness

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"A fractal is a mathematical equation that may be represented by a pattern on a computer screen. Fractal geometry has a kind of ordered, inbuilt irregularity. A fractal iterates (repeats itself) and bifurcates (changes direction). A fractal is an infinite curve in a finite space. Can you think of yourself as a fractal? Can you see an image of an infinite curve in a finite space? Do you know that you are iterating and bifurcating?

Fractal geometry is the geometry of change, and we are always changing. The point is to see your own patterns; psychotherapy helps you see your own patterns, using different techniques. You might draw a family tree and look for patterns there, or explore your health, work schedule, romantic or spiritual relationships to find your patterns. It can be tricky to find patterns because they are a little bit different each time, because the circumstances are often different and you yourself probably change between each cycle. These are your iterations and bifurcations as you, an infinite curve, curl and twist and spiral in the multi-dimensional yet finite space of your life.

You are not the only fractal out there. Each of us is a fractal, and our finite space often overlaps."


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Shrek is love Shrek is life, religion in a nut shell.


Edited by Bigred
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"A fractal is a mathematical equation that may be represented by a pattern on a computer screen. Fractal geometry has a kind of ordered, inbuilt irregularity. A fractal iterates (repeats itself) and bifurcates (changes direction). A fractal is an infinite curve in a finite space. Can you think of yourself as a fractal? Can you see an image of an infinite curve in a finite space? Do you know that you are iterating and bifurcating?

Fractal geometry is the geometry of change, and we are always changing. The point is to see your own patterns; psychotherapy helps you see your own patterns, using different techniques. You might draw a family tree and look for patterns there, or explore your health, work schedule, romantic or spiritual relationships to find your patterns. It can be tricky to find patterns because they are a little bit different each time, because the circumstances are often different and you yourself probably change between each cycle. These are your iterations and bifurcations as you, an infinite curve, curl and twist and spiral in the multi-dimensional yet finite space of your life.

You are not the only fractal out there. Each of us is a fractal, and our finite space often overlaps."


+1 awesome link

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I went on a journey for three and half years through the Morph to a far away land, beyond the human shadow to a Mirror World and dimensions beyond.

At times, I lay on a bed in trance twenty hours a day. A quirky thing happens while you watch those worlds, you find yourself watching on the one hand and you are in them at the same time. If you are watching something beautiful, it feels like bliss here in 3-D, if you are viewing some terrible ghoul world, it feels like hell here.

The other strange thing we discovered was that you can watch those worlds with your eyes open or shut. Humans have two sets of eyes. There is a set of morphic eyes that hover in front of your eyelids when your eyes are shut. In a darken room you can see those extra morph eyes overlaid over a person’s real eyes real well, once you know what to look for. The presence of that extra set of eyes is terribly mysterious; it invokes awe.

You realize there are at least two of you, one physical human and one morphic, etheric human. The morphic eyes are how we came to explain that we could see with our eyes shut. For now we can’t see real well with the morph eyes, for example I can’t read a paper with them, but you can see your hand moving in front of your face and you can count how may fingers you have up, say. Being able to see with your regular eyes shut was an extraordinary discovery for me.

Sometimes when I am in trance on a bed say, a morph doorway appears just hovering in the room, nearby. If you ever see that, know that you move through it using your feelings to propel you along. If you try to get up and actually walk through the door physically, it retreats from you and melts back into another dimension through the wall. But using your feelings you can travel through the doorway without leaving the bed.

Some of those inner worlds cannot be described in words. They are a far away land beyond anywhere that has been documented or described. They consist of surreal planes of existence; bizarre worlds of unusual angles and directions in hyperspace that don’t follow our up-down, left-right, way of thinking. Then there are beautiful, fractal, digital worlds, like complicated geometric paintings that move very fast.

Then parts of the Mirror World are dark and foreboding. They are a reflection of the deepest recesses of the mind of man, the beauty and the ugliness. It is all an enormous mystery yet to be unraveled, one that will eventually explain the nature of this circuitous human journey. Who are we? And why do we find ourselves spinning in the cold emptiness of the vastness of space, as we do?

There’s a lot of evil in this world and what we saw was that it is empowered and sustained from deep within the shadow part of the Mirror Worlds. The controllers of this planet have other transdimensional controllers deep within that control and manipulate them without their realizing it. It’s bloody weird and utterly spooky—puppets on a string.

Mister Nice Guy on the telly explaining the new regulations has in fact been abducted from within without ever knowing it. He thinks his thoughts are his own—silly. He lost his soul in the dead of night without realizing it. His destiny now is to belong as a slave to a dark power in the Second World. When he dies they will take him as theirs. There are endless levels of evil in the Mirror World, stacked like layers of a sponge cake.

Understanding this, we came to see the psychopaths and warmongers that run that world are to be considered normal, one expects them, but what isn’t so obvious is the silent pain of humanity. I always feel so terribly sorry for people’s pain. I know it’s their karmic lesson but one still hopes and prays they will be released of it.

You can see it easily in the Mirror World. There is a ring of energy, a field that is very close to us that you have to traverse within minutes of first going into a Morph trance. It’s a band of discarnate entities that whiz past you as you cross their domain; we call them “flashy faces”. They look angry and disturbed. Their pain is etched on their souls with an intensity that seems excruciating.

It is all very disconcerting; going past them feels heavy like wading through a muddy bog. Luckily it only takes about a minute or two to get through. This area of earthbound spirits where the flashy faces are, greatly influence the show down here. They have enormous power to infect the human mind. Being in pain themselves they push the psychological triggers that cause pain in others. They are an infection of evil; they like it that way.

But there are lots of beautiful people here on earth pushing in the opposite direction so that’s a saving grace, but it is always a tussle. That is why our human moods shift up and down so quickly, often without reason. You must never be hard on yourself; we are not on a level playing field, there are forces stacked against us. That is our karma for now.

But if we want to fix the world we will have to heal its pain. That is easier said than done. People can’t easily escape their pain because they can’t remember who they are and where they are from. All recall of the celestial has fallen from them, like a precious jewel that slipped from their pocket to sink into a swamp.

Because they can’t remember, they deteriorate to become as zombies, performing the same acts day-by-day, over and over, saying the same things, platitudes, clichés, believing the same stuff. Repetition is a mouse wheel for you to trot along. It’s how the ghouls begin to trick you into losing the power of your will to become their prisoner. The repetitive mind is a programmed one.

In the emptiness of that people wander about aimlessly, hoping for something. Often they don’t really know what it is that they hope for. They seek to be risen up. The disappointment of that and their unresolved pain crackles them in the end. Just as over-head electric lines crackle and spit as power surges through them. The pain and the forgetting bends people out of shape psychologically and spiritually.

The problem is there is probably not enough healing energy and love to redeem them all. Rescuing people seems such a thankless task, there aren’t many humans or spirits that will take it on, so humanity falls ever lower and lower. That is why it is very hard to get people out of their pain, as metaphysically and psychologically they are perpetually falling away from you down a deep hole. If you go too far after them you fall yourself.

I’ve hoped to write books and articles to give people a bit of inspiration but I didn’t really know what to do about the global pain. I always felt sorry for it. Thinking it could be healed was just the little boy in me trying to be grand; pretending I might be able to change things for the better. One can never know if one has made a difference or not. At best, all we can do is fix it for a few people.

You go into those other worlds as a highly evolved being and you come out very humble, knowing that you know nothing. But what I do know is that we are all badgers, black and white. To that end, I came to see that the final part of our spiritual journey is redemption. To redeem yourself from your darkness is to leave the collective pain of humanity and to remember who you are and where you are from.

As humans we come from a glorious place, a pain-free zone of pure bliss, and we are also connected holographically to memory banks that stretch sideways beyond this universe into a multidimensional reality that clicks away from us, each reality seems like a flat sheet, stacked like pieces of toast in toast rack. How far those realities go I can’t say. But we belong in there not out here in 3-D.

Once you have done whatever your ego needs to do in this life to keep itself happy, then you can choose to leave (not by dying) but by walking away from the pain of men and women into the arms of the celestial.

The more you embrace a celestial reality in your mind the quicker those sentiments flow into your soul; you begin the long process of remembering. The journey to a far away land will be your triumph as a human. It is part of the romance of your evolution, your final destiny—the gift of the spiritual seeker.


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Mexican drug cartels in the Emerald Triangle protect their marijuana grows by cutting the rattles off of rattlesnakes; then tying their tails to shrubbery…turning them into deadly security guards.

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I went to school with an exchange student from Hong Kong for the last 4 years of highschool. Awesome guy. Anyway, one day we were all playing 4 square in the yard and he got into an argument with another mate about whether or not his shot was out or not. It devolved to the point where it ended with him calling my mate a "fuckwick". Obviously he meant Fuckwit but it sounded so funny. I still laugh about it to this day.

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"night does away with colours, it lets blaze the colour of the soul"

Edited by DiscoStu

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"It's not lie if you believe it" - George Castanza.

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Race and drug addiction

Barnes has charged that white scientists deliberately created drugs, such as cocaine, structured to bind chemically with melanin. Barnes claims that melanin and cocaine have a high affinity for each other because both are alkaloids, and that Black people get addicted faster, stay addicted longer, can test positive for cocaine even a year after its most recent use, and suffer more from these drugs because cocaine co-polymerizes into melanin.[13]

It has been argued that when hair samples are used to test for drug use, people with darker hair may be more likely to test positive for cocaine use, because the binding with melanin ensures that traces persist for a longer period. This would apply to people with dark hair of any race. A 2005 study by Tom Mieczkowski and Michael Kruger suggests that the binding effect is minor.[19]

Despite such apparent discrepancies, and while there is no evidence of a White conspiracy to compound addictive substances in order to target Blacks, there is an established link between one aspect of melanin-related biology and drug and alcohol[20] addiction. However, this refers to melanin in the brain. No evidence exists that the amount of melanin in internal organs correlates with melanin in the skin; albinos, who have no skin melanin, have normal levels in the substantia nigra of the brain.[8] The evidence is that melanin concentrating hormone (MCH) binds chemically to receptors in the brain to amplify addiction response. A 2008 study of cocaine addiction in rats conducted by researchers at

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine found:

Drug addiction is mediated by complex neuronal processes that converge on the shell of the nucleus accumbens (NAcSh). The NAcSh receives inputs from the lateral hypothalamus (LH), where self-stimulation can be induced. Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) is produced mainly in the LH, and its receptor (MCH1R) is highly expressed in the NAcSh. We found that, in the NAcSh, MCH1R is coexpressed with dopamine receptors (D1R and D2R), and that MCH increases spike firing when both D1R and D2R are activated. Also, injecting MCH potentiates cocaine-induced hyperactivity in mice. Mice lacking MCH1R exhibit decreased cocaine-induced conditioned place preference, as well as cocaine sensitization.[21]

Additionally, researchers in the journal Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior concluded that, while the mechanism for nicotine addiction is not fully understood, melanin has a "biochemical affinity for nicotine," and that the "greater the amount of melanin people have, the harder it could be for them to quit smoking."[22] Other evidence indicates that "even though African Americans smoke fewer cigarettes than some other groups, they have a higher intake of nicotine from each cigarette."[23]

The tobacco industry has been criticized by civil rights and health advocacy organizations for "aggressive" advertising and promotional campaigns targeting African-Americans.[24] Furthermore, research also indicates that people with darker skin as a result of suntanning, regardless of inherited skin color, also have an increased risk of nicotine addiction. People "with the darkest skin tended to smoke the largest number of cigarettes."[22]


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away for two weeks with my car in the garage... wtf???

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^ I love how we share stuff like this. Lol.

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If pumpkins were a country, they'd be America. Coz they love to invade shit.

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  • 1982: David Grundman was killed near Lake Pleasant, Arizona, U.S., while shooting at cacti with his shotgun. After he fired several shots at a 26 ft (8 m) tall Saguaro Cactus from extremely close range, a 4 ft (1.2 m) limb of the cactus detached and fell on him, crushing him.[74][75][76]

I sort of wish I hadn't searched for the page that was quoted from - my response was about equal parts "I love the internet" and "it's probably not safe to leave the house ever again, but then I'd be shutting myself in here with a killer toilet"

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Channel 9 are airing a mini-series called Gallipoli.

Only 1 episode so far. Not too bad a watch.

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Think about John Cale, who risked being confused with either JJ Cale or John Cage.

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Those who say Analhuasca doesn't give the traditional purge is devoid of shit.

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Change the weather, change your luck

And then he'll teach ya how ta...find yourself

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