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Testing for THC


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A mate of mine is working for a company as a contractor, and has been offered a full time job. He's a cronic pot smoker, and also meth occasionally, and this company happens to have a strict medical screening process for drugs (meth, weed, benzos, acid, coke, opiates). As a contractor, strictly employed by a third party, this has meant he has been exempt from testing until now. They are pushing him to book a medical exam next week. I suggeste dhe do so on Friday, then call in sick that day, cancel the appoitment due to 'illness' and reschedule for the following week, to buy himself some time.

There's some conflicting information on how long THC remains detectable in the system, but I think he's going to be cutting it fine. He went cold turky last Sunday 30th November, and if he goes in on Friday it will be 12 days.

The randon spot-tests they do on-site are swab tests, but I believe the full medical will be more extensive. The company is full on with this, and having worked there myself on a project earlier this year, they specifically state that for existig employees, its not about having drugs in your system, but 'maximum levels' (weird, right). However coming on as a new employee, I imagine they are just as likely to judge him poorly if the full medical comes back as positive. SO I promised him I would make a few enquiries.

Would prefer some factual responses, and not internet hearsay.

1. How long ? - Lets say they do a full range of tests. Blood, Urine, Saliva & hair folliacles. Will 12 days, possibly pushing out to 20 days, be sufficient. He did a home test yesterday, and he's currently testing positive.

2. Detox ? Are there any reliable dietary detox programs to help in flushing him?

3. Alternatives ? The poor guys probably doing it hard, so a gnome might set him up with some synthetic replacements. Im assuminig that this wont be tested for ? Im of the mind that tests as such havent been developed.

3. Backsheesh ? Do you think a company appointed doctor would be open to a donation of $200 ? This is obviously a shaky proposition, but if he's going to be tested positive, he might be out of options.

The online information seem to be two weeks for heavy users.

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My understanding of Hair follicle tests is they're indicative of at least the last 6 months - perhaps going bald? (Though my understanding is this doesn't often occur and it's usually just a swab ∨ blood test.)

I'm not sure of the chemistry of it all, but just a general detox of exercise and lots of fluids would be all i'd suggest.

Definitely don't go for a bribe, that's serious shit and most doctors don't give a flying fuck. Maybe this lil guy could help him out?

I'd send him some of my urine, if the thought wasn't so strange to me o.o

Edited by Kee
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3. Alternatives ? The poor guys probably doing it hard, so a gnome might set him up with some synthetic replacements. Im assuminig that this wont be tested for ? Im of the mind that tests as such havent been developed.


They do have tests for synthetics but to the best of my knowledge they are not widely used here. There was talk of bringing the testing in at the mines before the July ban.

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I thought about suggesting a urine fake, but I imagine if its a full medical, then he will be stripped down to his undies. So concealing such a, er, weapon, would be impossible.

Follicle testing seems a bit much, but as an overseas company (Im not mentioning the country, that would give it away) maybe their global policy includes spending big money on lab analysis.

Seriously, how fucking invasive are some of these corporations ? Even the project I'm working on at the moment is for an American company that has a drug & alcohol policy, which includes the same testing for new recruits (I am exempt, and if they tried to pull it on me I would simply leave). While I appreciate that working as a driver or operating mechanical devices might warrant this sort of thing, both his company and the one Im with test EVERYONE. You could go for a job as a receptionist, and be subjected to initial and ongoing random screenings.

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such an invasion of privacy and freedom of choice, i have had many drug screenings in my time, they're horrible.

in australia i can imagine they'd do anything more than saliva swab or urine screen for employers.

if they take hair, which i dont think they would, then he'll fail 100%.

whether or not he tests positive in a urine screen depends on his day to day use, if he was using every day, or even multiple times a day, then depending on his metabolism he may test positive for up to a month, if it was 3/4 times a week, then chances are he'll be fine, but a self test kit the morning of the test will be a must if he plans to chance it.

ways of getting around the test, you can go to a head shop and ask for a detox kit, they'll know what you mean, it's about $100 and it has 2 doses, follow the instructions and he should be fine (i've never used one of these but someone i know used it a passed).

another way is asking a friend who's clean, to urinate into a jar, then to transfer some of that urine into a condom, tie the condom at the appropriate end, wash the outside and the hands of course.. keep the condom pressed against the skin above the genitals (within his underwear) or strap it to his inner thigh, the purpose is to keep it at the right temp, they test for temp and it has to be within about, from memory, 33-37 degrees, it would help if you had a thermometer which could check the temp, if not, and you want to be sure, put it in a closed container and put it in the microwave for 10 or 20 seconds, when you press it to the appropriate skin it should feel warm or hot, and then by the time you have the test, hopefully it feels warm but not hot and has cooled to an appropriate temp.

this method will only work if the screener is not in same room when the person is giving a sample, and usually this will be the case, unless it's for the afl or something... then once you're alone in the bathroom, take the condom, take the pin or hidden pair of scissors you sneakily brought with you, make a whole in the end of the condom, and then proceed to make a sample, remembering to pour the rest into the toilet and then flushing to help sell the deal. after which, wrap the condom in paper towel and either hide in your sock or put it in the bin, towards the bottom.. and you're done.

keep in mind with hiding a pin or pair of scissors, they ask you to remove everything out of your pockets and then ask you if you have, they also ask you to state whether or not you've had any medications or drugs within the last fortnight.

good luck.

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I know you aren't looking for internet hearsay but I've read that a buttload of niacin (I'm pretty sure) can help flush the system. I've never personally had to try it but what I've read seems effective.

Not at home ATM when I get back I'll see if I can hunt down the link.

Best of luck to your mate.

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i'm not that well versed in anatomy/physiology but from what i do know, the more vitamins or what ever in your system, the harder your liver has to work to get rid of it, which is why your urine turns yellow after taking a multi vitamin.

so i wonder, if taking a shit load of niacin will get the liver working really hard to clear it out and therefore get rid of more thc or what ever you want to get rid of, or will this extra work inhibit the removal of the thc or what ever it is..?

personally i would not try this method.

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i'm not that well versed in anatomy/physiology but from what i do know, the more vitamins or what ever in your system, the harder your liver has to work to get rid of it, which is why your urine turns yellow after taking a multi vitamin.

so i wonder, if taking a shit load of niacin will get the liver working really hard to clear it out and therefore get rid of more thc or what ever you want to get rid of, or will this extra work inhibit the removal of the thc or what ever it is..?

personally i would not try this method.


I can appreciate where youre coming from, but my counter-discussion (which I hope to be corrected on) to that would be that the long term retention of metabolised 11-hydroxy-THC is in body fat, and not in the liver. So traditional 'liver detox' programs are not appropriate. Unkless of course the retention is in the fatty compoment of the liver. An interesting 'theory' is to hit the gym often, converting much of one's fat to muscle. WHich raises a question, is Adipose tissue they type of fat to be converted to muscle ?

One would want to be careful in staying below toxicity levels with niacin. Though that should be added for anyone reading this in future.

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keep in mind with hiding a pin or pair of scissors, they ask you to remove everything out of your pockets


If this were me, I would hide a small pin embedded under a few layers of skin on a random part of the body. This wouldn't be a solution for the needle-phobes

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I can appreciate where youre coming from, but my counter-discussion (which I hope to be corrected on) to that would be that the long term retention of metabolised 11-hydroxy-THC is in body fat, and not in the liver. So traditional 'liver detox' programs are not appropriate. Unkless of course the retention is in the fatty compoment of the liver. An interesting 'theory' is to hit the gym often, converting much of one's fat to muscle. WHich raises a question, is Adipose tissue they type of fat to be converted to muscle ?

One would want to be careful in staying below toxicity levels with niacin. Though that should be added for anyone reading this in future.


i'm not sure if you were responding to my post or not, even though you quoted my post, but i did say i wouldn't try this method.

and i'm not actually sure that adipose is directly convered to muscle, excess adipose is broken down with appropriate diet/exercise for this purpose, and muscle tissue would hypertrophy with appropriate diet/exercise for this purpose, but they are 2 independent processes, as far as i know.

an appropriate diet/exercise regime for weight loss can be a lot different from muscle gain.

i will not go into more detail about diet/exercise regimes because i am not an expert on these matters and there is a plethora of info about these things.

but generally it would be much better to go jogging and eating "well" (recommended intake of vegies, lack of fast food/junk food, etc...) rather than to take protein shakes and or eat a dozen eggs a day and or have steak every day plus go lift weights 5 times a week, with a high weight/low reps regime, if you wanted to lose weight, and speed up your metabolism.

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with the maximum levels thing, the home urine dip tests that you buy from the chemist explain that the levels that have to register as positive are the same as the police saliva tests to be busted while driving, so the tests wont be positive until these levels are reached. im guessing if they have mentioned this they are probably saving money on expensive lab tests and using these cheap dip tests them selfs (i know that companys do this for screening after the initial lab test so im sure some only use the dip tests). there is no real way around a lab test from what i have gathered from the net, the flush systems require you to drink many litres of water and all the 100 dollar liquid does is make your diluted urine yellow due to its high vitamin b, wich will get you past a dip test because to the tester it will look undiluted but a lab tech will no straight away because of the other things other than drugs they test for. so if hes confident it will be a dip test save money on the flush system and just drink a SHIT load of water and have like 4 beroccas before the test and it will be too diluted to show up at the levels required but will still look yellow to the tester.

hope this helps


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the darker the colour of the urine, the harder the liver is working to filter out toxins, drugs, etc.

i worded what i said in the other post incorrectly, but multivitamins do put strain on the liver, perhaps i'm wrong, i haven't done that much study on these issues.

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Milk thisle is good for clearing out the urine system. Stinging nettles should help the detox process too


I'm wary of common names, are your referring to milk thistle as that vicious looking weed that grows everywhere, has a bulbous top, sort of like a horror-movie hairy papaver ? I might look into the detox qualities of this for myself (not for drugs, just general detox) as if it what Im thinking of, it grows like crazy near my place, in an area that wouldnt get too much pollution runoff.

Unfortunately, my friend is unlikely to turn to the plant world as we might do, for the earth's medicinal bounty.

EDIT: Not being much of a heath store nut, I didnt know you could buy milk thistle caps.Will check the properties (and dosage per tab) of this out and let him know, thanks.

Edited by Psylo Dread
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  • 1 month later...

Milk thisle tablets from the health shop are good as told to me by a truck driver thast gets regular tests he said to doubble the dosage and it will help clear out the THC. Also Stinging nettles are great for detoxing the body., you can make a alchol extract out of apple cider vinger but get the cloudy ASV, as this one is better than the other clear stuff.

Charcol is good too it will help clean out the system. There is many solutions over the net that claim they can do the job as well. Drink heaps of water and goto the sauna regularly for as many 15mins stints as you can.

I have a mate that works on the rain road and they get randoms too, he cleared his system out in 28 with exercise and no tabets or extracts.

Make a stining nettel tincture with apple cider vinger, these wil also get the bowel moving and they are very healthly for you, and tasty, I eat them regurlarly. Fat hen may help as well.

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Okay so I recently passed myself a urine drug screen. I abstained for 10 days, and I am a regular but not heavy smoker... in that I smoke probably 5 times a week but not to the extent my girlfriend does - so when I do smoke I only smoke maybe 5 bongs per day.

I just drank shitloads of water, and I'm about 85kg and not much of it is muscle these days.

Edited by -=IndigoSunrise=-
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This guy was still testing positive 14 days later on home kits and in the end he piked out, chucked in the abstinence & got back on the cones, chucked the job offer and went to work somewhere else. So much for spending time & energy trying to help someone

Should we even be discussing the smoking of weed here anymore ? Or do I need to say that my mate lives in Amsterdam or some such thing ?

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Not sure about your end of th pond. But over here its not a crime to smoke green


not yet, thanks barnett...

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I have not tested the theory but recently I met someone who said that you can beat the urine test for cannabis by convincing your body to burn fat other than your body fat, he claimed he did this by eating nothing but maccas for two or three days before he tested.



I think I would cave and give up way before i got to two days.. one meal of maccas is enough to make me vomit

Having been the tester, I would say trying to mess with the test is not the way to go, the rules are strict, theyre meant to monitor you peeing and check temp and colour etc. if you can make it come out of your body clean, fantastic.. but tampering with the test is no good.

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I have not tested the theory but recently I met someone who said that you can beat the urine test for cannabis by convincing your body to burn fat other than your body fat, he claimed he did this by eating nothing but maccas for two or three days before he tested.



I think I would cave and give up way before i got to two days.. one meal of maccas is enough to make me vomit

Having been the tester, I would say trying to mess with the test is not the way to go, the rules are strict, theyre meant to monitor you peeing and check temp and colour etc. if you can make it come out of your body clean, fantastic.. but tampering with the test is no good.


how can you live with yourself, invading people's privacy like that?

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