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such a thing can't really be justified, however the sad circumstance appears to be that the majority of the humans who are reproducing seek no justification for doing so, and instead consider it a biological entitlement, while they take no heed to the fact that the collective actions of the human race seem to have bought us (and potentially all other lifeforms which inhabit this planet) a one way ticket to oblivion. the people who face dire reality generally aren't the ones having children.

nothing was made to last,

what's nothing?

Edited by Ceres
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  • 1 month later...

^ Anaximanda's ἄπειρον

If you had to choose an album that would be a soundtrack to a book, what would be the book, and what would be the album ?

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If you had to choose an album that would be a soundtrack to a book, what would be the book, and what would be the album ?

Max Cavalera's My Bloody Roots, From Sepultura to Soulfly and Beyond: The Autobiography while listening to all the
. Magic... but have to wait until April 15th for the English version! Eu não entendo português...
Favourite card game?
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Bullshit ;) Or rummy

Do you drink the milk , after you eat your cereal ?

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Do you drink the milk , after you eat your cereal ?

Bloody oath! The cat didn't pay for it so he can eat that river rat that's been hiding in my roof.

How many times have I broken your expectations so far?

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monica is a brutal racist slave driver known for her extreme human rights abuses & mass murder carried out in her name. she is also widely remembered for her hypocrisy in refusing to suck the current presidents dick.

is it possible to comprehend the almost infinite number random occurrences through out billions of years that have lead to you existing, as opposed to not existing right now? as in, if a stick didn't snap that one time under the foot of of a predator, alerting the amphibian that was your direct genetic ancestor to it's presence & thereby averting ints imminent death..

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is it possible to comprehend the almost infinite number random occurrences through out billions of years that have lead to you existing, as opposed to not existing right now? as in, if a stick didn't snap that one time under the foot of of a predator, alerting the amphibian that was your direct genetic ancestor to it's presence & thereby averting ints imminent death..

Sure, why, I'll try it right now...

Why do gorillas have big nostrils?

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becuase when they get pregnant

so i just went back on facebook, but only to keep in contact with my family and close friends, i just made a page to update as a distraction from doing thesis work, but i don't think most people i have on there would dig it, so, my question, can you plase like my facebook page. yes. i know. come on. just do it. https://www.facebook.com/yespracticalphilosophy you can even contribute if you want.

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  • 2 weeks later...

crikey. and not even one of you grubby hippy ingrates liked my page. after all i've done. bloody typical. to think of the wealth of erudite wisdom that i've bestowed on this place. bloody, pearls before swine's what it is.

why is purple so unwind.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, I CAN like it. I most likely won't though as I don't see the point in "liking" pages on FB since it's all about FB just using us all to make more money selling our details and targeted advertising space. I only really use FB cause there's an SA Mushroom Foragers group that I belong to and I like to see the updates and pictures people post.

As for why "purple is so unwind" - I have no idea, maybe he was really twisted up after the big bang and he's still unraveling himself slowly... Or maybe he is so unwind cause purple got hold of some amazing weed?

VVv - anyone got any advice they wanna share on finding wild porcini in the Adelaide hills? - vVV

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Not really. I'm not from Adelaide.

Who do you think would win in a wrestling match between hillbilly and myself?

I'm happy to be blindfolded.

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if by 'wrestling match' you mean nang competition, and by 'hillbilly' you mean a fictitious hallucination, then, probably hillbilly

is compulsory lifelong smoking for all Australian citizens an answer to the social problems produced by our aging population?

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Yea it definitely is the answer but only if it's methamphetamine that you are all smoking,

Most memorable psychedelic experience and what substance?

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Recently tried LSA, it was beautiful, other than the fact that as I was starting to trip I felt something in my shoe which turned out to be a razor blade from cactus grafting (which sliced deep into my toe) the whole trip was SOOOOO euphoric and clean. Went to a park rave and just blissed out with two really goood friends and then lay in the grass and watched the clouds and got driven home. It was great.

Otherwise, the times I've had on a ridiculous amount of shrooms with around 5 good mates up at a holiday house and just becoming children at the beach at night.

What jumps when it walks and sits when it stands?

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Kangaroo. its got to be.....

why does one testicle hang lower than the other?

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One hangs lower due to the venous blood drainage. In the left side, the testicular vein drains into the left renal vein. The left renal vein is smaller than the inferior vena cava to which the right spermatic vein drains into. This difference in the speed of venous blood drainage produces the difference in height of the two testicles. Also could be evolutionary as if they hung right next to each other it'd be easier to crush them when running/sitting etc.

Apparently. Supposed to be completely normal and affects about 95% of men.

VVV Favourite plant you grow in your garden and where you got it from? (a pic would be lovely!) VVV

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apart from parsley or rosemary, a favorite, i say, Lithops! partly because i got it from someone i love, partly because they're just f*cking adorable little critters. also i lke that you researched that just to be able to answer b. caapi's question. about balls

what does the fact that this experiment never actually took place say about the people that unquestioningly recirculate it ?

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