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thought for the day.

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my thought for the day...

world over populated ?

acres in Australia: 1,882,431,500

world population: 6,899,200,000

does that not work out to be approx 0.3 of a acre to every living human being on the planet ?

imagine the amount of trees , plants and all good things we all could do with 0.3 acres of land.. it be mind blowing and beautiful.

but no.. the bankers and elites want it all to them selves.....

our world is really fucked up all due to this monetary system.

i often wonder if i should start my own seed preservation program , legal or illegal i don't care.

to preserve the life of such wonderful things that nature brings us and away from the greedy men who are running our world.

0.3 acres of cactus's would boggle the mind.....

Edited by 7baz
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Dont forget that a huge amount of australian land is non-arable. A quick search says that only 6.15% is arable.

0.3 acres in some isolated arid place sounds like a horrible life

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Dont forget that a huge amount of australian land is non-arable. A quick search says that only 6.15% is arable.

0.3 acres in some isolated arid place sounds like a horrible life


this is true.

but it has already been scientifically proven that we can indeed make non arable land into arable.

not all... but some.

moral of story here is i believe that the term used as the world is over populated is a myth.

in south Africa they have the potential to feed the entire world if properly applied.

naturally this isn't going to happen any time sooner because of the illusion of money.

it sucks doesnt it ?

now they are making seeds that produce fruit where as the seeds within that new crop destroys itself making it useless.

means now the elites will have total control over the seeds to all farmers on a global scale.. its a scary thought.

Edited by 7baz
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Better to cram the world's populace into a small percentage of the world's land area and parasitise every conceivable percentage and displace what remains of the world's biodiversity.

moral of story here is i believe that the term used as the world is over populated is a myth.

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. There are finite resources available on this planet and they do not all belong to humans. Even is if can conceivably fit more people onto this planet, does not mean we are not already overpopulated. We do not live in an equilibrium with the earth, due to our numbers and our over-consumption of energy and resources. We are not willingly going to change the way we live and opt in to live like we did a thousand years ago. Considering that, we are then over-populated. It is not only our only species which is suffering here, we're taking down almost every other species with us.

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The thing is I think self sustainable living to be a much more pleasant alternative then slaving away to feed a system that doesn't support you. We accept our rations from nanny state and barely scrape by, where living in harmony with nature we would all have abundance. A wage is a pathetic replacement for real autonomy.

It is a hypnotic spell, no more. Sure it is a hard spell to break, but if possible we could much better manage the land and use resources more efficiently. It is a lack of purpose or meaning, a lack of self actualisation that we medicate with the capitalist distraction, like it was some kind of great thing worth supporting, we all know we're wasting our lives away feeding the system, but it seems that this is the only way. We distrust the liars and thieves in government yet believe them that this is the only way. Cognitive dissonance is a powerful tool.

Tripsis, by your own admission it is our over consumption of resources and bad land management that is the issue, not overpopulation. It is not that we are overpopulated per se, only that this wasteful way of living is exacerbated with a larger population. The crazy thing about nature is that it feeds itself, instead of rampant parasitism, a symbiotic relationship would accelerate exponentially into over abundance just as we have accelerated towards scarcity through the habit of over consumption.


Edited by The Dude

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No, perhaps not overpopulated per se, but reality needs to be accounted for, and as we are not going to change our ways through choice, we have to consider ourselves to be overpopulated.

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