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Arguably the best song the mars volta ever wrote. Be warned, this track induces extremely potent natural highs and spontaneous dancing, not safe for work or anyone operating heavy machinery. 






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For Orchestra


Conceived and partly composed during the Gulf Crisis, the tone of the Symphony Da Pacem Domine is unremittingly sombre. As I worked on the score I began to think of it as a threnody for the gravely ill Stuart Challender, then Chief Conductor of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, who died shortly after its completion and to whom it is dedicated.

A large, monolithic single movement, the Symphony evolves slowly and organically over a deep, insistent rhythmic pulse. It is thus, in effect, a sort of massive orchestral chant of quiet intensity into which my subjective feelings of grief and foreboding about some of the great threats to humanity: war, pestilence and environmental devastation, have been subsumed into the broader context of ritual. And although it is manifestly more architectonic than some of my other ‘contemplative’ music, the Symphony is designed to create a sense of timelessness associated with certain Oriental and Mediaeval Western musical genres. A hymn-like episode based on a fragment of the plainsong ‘Da Pacem Domine’ (Give Peace, Lord) gives the work its title.


Symphony Da Pacem Domine was commissioned by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation with assistance from the Australia Council. The first performance was given in August 1992 by the West Australian Symphony conducted by Jorge Mester.


 -Ross Edwards, Composer




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Can't believe this thread is still going. I almost feel bad for starting it. It's become an immense, unwieldy beast, squandering bandwidth on a site that has historically, and continues to, struggle to meet server costs.

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I assumed because youtube was hosting the videos, that it didnt take up much bandwidth here.

If im not correct please inform me, and ill stop flooding this place with clips, i dont wanna add extra pressure to the struggling server 

my bad 


Thanks for starting the thread tripsis, ive discovered so much great music here as a result of it :)

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