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The Corroboree

Just got bitten...by a bat

Evil Genius

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Hi Guys, i just came from the hospital getting a 1200 Euro Immunization against Rabies because i was bitten by a friggin bat that flew in my house at night, got trapped behind the heater and bit me while i tried to set her free. What a thankless douchebag wannabe-bird. At first i didnt even bother to go to the doctor but after googleing some nasty stories about rabbid bats, i changed my mind and went to the doc this morning. Next thing happens is that they rush me to the hospital because they didnt have the vaccine available there. In the hospital they have to fly in the fucking vaccine and kept me waiting for like 3 hours while every doctor of the clinic came to me asking questions about how you can be so stupid to get bitten by a bat. All had great lolz and i was very happy to be the center of Attention...Not. Finally the stuff arrived and they injected me with and i quote "the biggest fuckin vaccine syringe they ever had in there". Plus it was the first rabies immunization they had there like forever. Was injected the estimated amount of liquid thats in a large "Sex on the Beach" Cocktail in both Arms and cant move any of them yet because the muscles ache like hell. What a lolworthy day it was.

Picture very related. If you see him, run. He´s a in a very bat mood. :)





Edited by Evil Genius
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EG, You know it was a vampire bat don't you, and next full moon your will become Dracula!!!!. Lolz. Glad your OK, and i hope the cute little bat wasn't hurt. <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

Edited by Amazonian
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The poor thing prolly saw something about five thousand times heavier that it coming straight at it, and used the only defence it had.

Still, as Amazonian said, if you start getting thirsty for virgin blood in about four weeks you know what to blame!

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Yeah guys, i know it wasnt its intention to bite me. I should have just bitten back and thats it. I never hurt animals and i even take out moths and spiders. The Bat wasnt hurt and i brought it to freedom right afterwards. Just a crazy day; thats all. bye Eg

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How cool is that? now you have a great story to tell

If you start foaming at the mouth and randomly biting people.......

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Poor EG, everyone seems to be more concerned for the bat than they do for you <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png . Great story but hey, thanks for sharing. I needed the laugh .<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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When I was a kid a mate and I found a bat and it landed on his shirt. It clung to the front of his shirt for a while and then for no reason bit him, right on his nipple! I can only imagine the pain he experienced as a small patch of blood appeared.

Moral of the story, never breastfeed a bat.

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My goodness that's a lot of euro for helping that bat! It is rather a cute bat .

I've had a bat fly over me whilst sitting in a park.. it did a circle and then it's shit landed on my leg. It would have been about 10-20metres above me, quite good aim.

Funny things, bats.

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I've had a rabies vaccination. No worse than any other, better than some. Haven't had the post-bite vaccination though, so maybe that's somehow worse.


Yeah, the vaccination isn't too bad - except it's three injections (the version that I had).

However in some cases the post-exposure treatment is 10 injections straight into the abdomen. Not much fun from all accounts.

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Yeah there are diffrent ones. There is a regular immunization for people who get in contact with bats regularly. Woodsmen, breeders, Medicians, etc. The Doctor who treated me had that one too to be on the safe side when working with sick people. But if you´ve been exposed to a bat that is a possible carrier, you get a mix of active and dead cells. Thats the one with the big syringes. I think its even a product that was made from the blood of infected people or animals. I also got the small one in the other arm. Its also the vaccine that i get four more times now. So the worst part is over. Nevertheless, its pretty annoying to go to the doc 5 times a month. I feel like giving birth.

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Three for me too. Damn, didn't realise post-exposure treatment was so Mine was three shots too. The Japanese encephalitis vaccine is the same, but leaves a large, painful mark, which get worse with each shot. Has the potential to cause anaphylaxis too. Didn't realise the post-exposure treatment for rabies was so much worse than pre-exposure treatment.

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I've had pretty much everything except the flu shot which I'm getting in 2 dys time. I've had no troubles from any of them, not even from the Japanese encephalitis.

I do worry about rabies because if I get bit by anything I have only 24 hours to get the post-bite vac. Problem is I'll be 2 days hike from anywhere.

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