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The Corroboree

Will this grow anything?


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Im a brand new grower as far as "special" cacti goes.

Ive put some L Williamili in the black pots and i have a hot water heater i can put the basket thing on if its cold.

The basket is also almost completely sealed via the clear plastic with a few small holes in the bottom.

Let me know what you think, cheers









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pasteurizing a good quality cactus mix in a take away container, (sieving some on the top - say 5mm) in a micro wave works well for me. Plenty of info on here about raising cactus seed if you have a look around the site

welcome to the forum.

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Not much of a loph grower myself , but am looking forward to giving it a go soon as alot of members here have really good colecions raised from seed and simple methods doing so.

Happy gardening

But you should never put anything on your hot water unit for any time , actually your hot water unit has nothing resting against it or on top of it.

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Hey hey, cmon now

i didn't actually steal the basket. It just turned up at a house i used to live at a few years ago.

Thanks for the advise so far

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what's the question?

you're raising from seed? the hard way? and you're a newb on growing cacti? Well, you are going to wait a lot, that's for sure.

cactus-seed growing in Closed-type box is faster and piece of cake

that is , get some sandy soil, cactus soil works, put some fungicide, sow the seeds then spray with water and close the -transparent- box. You can leave now for many months without doing anything...

Edited by mutant
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Cheers, i would love to grow from cuttings, but i only have one friend with a San Pedro and he doesn't want to butcher it at this point.

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