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The Corroboree

Ayahuasca Information


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i have never ever understood the ol teotz bashing, its really none of my biz...i probably have not read 90% of that members posts so i dont fully understand the history etc...i realise that many people consider him to be some kinda ethno bot and forum wife swapper but my personal view is that teotz is trying to do the right thing.

my advive teotzcoatl is write yourself a proper non fiction book on ethnobotanicals as obviously you have the passion and knowledgable enough, id buy it.

Edited by santiago
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  • 3 weeks later...
I store it in the freezer as well; I remember reading somewhere that freezing might make it stronger by breaking down the plant cells and causing them to release more actives. Not sure how true that is, but it's still the best way to keep it from spoiling.

Anyone else try this?. It would be awesome to brew it fresh everytime then just store it in the fridge or freezer, in the fridge it will ferment but will not lose it's activity quickly. Ofcourse I am hypothesizing about a fantastic future in which medicinal herbs are rightly available to all.

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Everybody knows the Shamans of the Amazon have the best Ayahuasca... do you think they freeze their plants/brew?


I very much doubt it.

I also doubt they weigh their materials or store their brewing methods on the Internet.

But I reckon they would arc up spliff of cannabis. Just to contextually confuse things a little.

Store in the fridge in the short term, freezer in the long term. Simmer for 10 minutes before using.

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Narcotics- Cocaine, Heroin, Methamphetamine, etc.

since when cocaine and speed are narcotics?? <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_rolleyes.gif

also, one cannot take coke 33 days before and 33 days after the brew, but he can chew coca leaves during the session?!??!? <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_rolleyes.gif

also what's up with the 33? is there a numerology thingy here I am not aware off? [there's it again in the dried weights!] <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_rolleyes.gif

plus if you're allowing 'botanical teas' even during the session, why write all the rest of restrictions? is it that the term 'botanical tea' sounds cool and ethno enough for a real aya? <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_rolleyes.gif



i would also metion that people with a psychotic condition should imbibe under an EXPERIENCED eye.

so much can and does go wrong with the psychadelic experience with people with a psychotic condition

this advice is not restricted to aya, but all psychadelic substances.

we could also say, people with psychotic tendencies DO NOT INGEST ANY PSYCHEDELIC SUBSTANCE AT ALL, unless you should.

By saying 'unless you should' I mean 'Unless you know what you're doing', 'unless you have an experienced guide that has worked with a decent sample of unstable people' and in general 'unless you have considered the risks and have decided to go on anyway, or don't care if the trip turns out a disaster'


Anyways, I am really tired seeing teotz getting special treatment, IMO it's long prooved this girl cannot make a distiction between opinion and fact. Every new opinion of hers becomes a fact on the lists. And yeah, compulsive obession cannot help knowledge and truth too much.

Other than that, I will go with the

I am keeping the info I like from these lists and ignore or badmouth [depends on my mood and the arrogance of her false claims] the misinformation.

Edited by planthelper
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  • 1 month later...

High first post here but your list of things not to do 33 days before or after included asthma medication will this interact with the MAOI in a bad way.

Never found that in any reserch i've done. I am an Asthmatic and as i would be keen to try ayahuasca if it were to become legal in the near future. I

would appreciate clarification from any one in the know.

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The list I created was complied from various sites and sources, I believe at least one person mentioned mild complications (headache, etc.) after using their inhaler during a ceremony.

However... who knows if your on the same type of asthma medication or what... it's best to research the specific medication your taking and make 100% sure that it's MAOI-safe. I can't offer medical advice, I'm not a doctor, I just compile information.

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