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Shulgins last interview and Aleph1


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I am sure many of you have read this. I am not into chemistry so it is interesting but tedious. So my question is about Aleph1, in shulgins notebook (I havent read pihkal or tihkal completely) apparently it says "tell no one", meaning he is keeping the formula a secret. He doesnt want the powers that be to destroy it. If someone says I cant know something, i have to know it. So can someone give a brief rundown on Aleph1 and 2cb (shulgins fav) so that I know the lore before I investigate further.

Apparently aleph1 is the 'source of power' he must have had some revelation. Has anyone in the world tried Aleph1 besides shulgin?

All along he made drugs: 2,5-dimethoxy-4-ethoxyamphetamine, or MEM for short, was his Rosetta stone, a ''valuable and dramatic compound'' that opened the door to a whole class of drugs based on changes at the ''4 position'' of a molecule's central carbon ring. A compound he dubbed Aleph-1 gave him ''one of the most delicious blends of inflation, paranoia and selfishness that I have ever experienced.'' Another, Ariadne, was patented and tested under the name Dimoxamine as a drug for ''restoring motivation in senile geriatric patients.'' Still another, DIPT, created no visual hallucinations but distorted the user's sense of pitch.

oh yeah link to his last interview.


Edited by ref1ect1ons
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Aleph has fascinated me for ever but its a sulfur compound and dosing is incredibly difficult to different people...I've wanted to try it from the day I read about it.

someday the sulfurs may come on the scene and ill be the first to explore.

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Aleph has fascinated me for ever but its a sulfur compound and dosing is incredibly difficult to different people...I've wanted to try it from the day I read about it.

someday the sulfurs may come on the scene and ill be the first to explore.


the 2C-T-x series are based around sulpher and are much easier to find.

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the 2C-T-x series are based around sulpher and are much easier to find.


Something I just found out an hour ago I remember reading about Aleph1 in pikhal, how good must it be in comparison to the others as according to shulgin?

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Please put up a stop sign and I or the moderators are welcome to edit this post. But research labs generally only sell to people with an abn and some credentials in chemistry/whatever. So 2c-t-x would be impossible to import here, america has probably got shitloads though.

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Something I just found out an hour ago <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png I remember reading about Aleph1 in pikhal, how good must it be in comparison to the others as according to shulgin?


shulgin was said to not think much of mdma so maybe one persons perfect drug is another persons disappointment?

t s t .

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shulgin was said to not think much of mdma so maybe one persons perfect drug is another persons disappointment?

t s t .


Yep.. I was fortunate enough to meet David Nichols late last year and he mentioned trying it after hearing Shulgin rave on about it, but found it pretty average himself.

(Pretty sure it was Aleph-1 he was talking about, unless my memory has mistaken me..)

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2ct-2 I tried, wasn't really much to rave about, maybe I didn't have enough, but I sort of felt like I was trapped inside a glass bubble. 2ct-7 was banned in US primarily because of deaths. Post-mortem results revealed no apparent cause, but witness statements say that the bereaved basically "died of fright". Ask ZenPeddlerBlueMeanie, he had a 2ct7 experience no-one can beat!

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Someone I know had a HOT-7 experience in a country where legal.

They were accidentally overdosed (estimated they took around 50mg, usual dose around 25) and it was in an unsuitable environment - not an example of responsible drug use

However it was definitely an interesting experience and they would like to try it again with a slightly lower dose and in a more friendly setting.

They have a mostly finished report to submit to erowid, keep an eye out for it.

Edited by occidentalis
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  • 2 weeks later...

When used in a time and place where legal, Ct7 acted as real beauty at low dose daily at around the 7-10mg range, it acts as an anti depressant of the finest kind.

Ct7 full blown exp's can start at around 30mg and upwards and a number of 50mg exp's with additional top ups via insufilation although painful, are extremely full on, the Ce and Ci are more recreational in slightly different ways but they don't seem to work like the 7 does daily at 7-10mgs as anti depressant. for Ce or Ci it's pretty wild at around 20mg and certain hard heads have had balls to the walls visuals at 15-18mg with vacuum cleaners turning into people and moving around the place selling tickets to gig goers amongst other oddities.. <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_blink.png

Ce has quite a long ramp up but the plateau at 20-25mgs can last for a solid 8 hrs, same with Ci, one thing of notice is the very gentle and steep drop off to baseline with a minimum of fuss. Cti is an unusual one as visuals lack the full colour spectrum and can simply all be in black and white with tinges of purple at times. The c series all seem to synergise quite well with other phens, even opiates feel so much better and different when used in conjunction...think mdma before the peak when you get THAT feeling of empathy and a strange calm and numbness takes over your body and time appears to be of no relevance. and alcohol like tequila can be a whole new wondrous exercise in recreational relation and thought processing. Can't imagine THC would work well into the C's experience then again THC has never really worked to any degree for a few full stop so that is still out for adjutication.

The miracle half dozen ( C series) certainly have their place now in history as compounds to work with at varying safe dose's successfully and provide the user with different psychedelic landscapes and plains to work amongst compared to traditional or the more established psychedelics such as mescaline or acid.

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