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The Corroboree

Lagochilus extract


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well first of all thanks to those who made this possible..

12g of herb, brewed for 20min and the remaining matter dried and combined with 8 g of herb that was non-brewed and soaked in acetone for 7 days. The resultant resin consisted of about 1.5mls.

Some of this resin was mashed with tobacco to produce a sticky resin-like smoke similar to hashish and rolled and smoked in a paper.(about 2 cones worth)

The resulting effect could be described as a ++, I melted in my chair and felt very lethargic, almost willing myself to sleep. I do not feel that much higher or concentrated amounts of this herb could contribute much further. There were no hallucinogenic or psychogenic effects.

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And, while we are on this thread, does ANYONE have ANY information on starting the seeds? I was given 5 seeds to try. I had no luck with 70F bottom heat, then 50F conditions, finally I stuck the whole pot in the freezer to see if that breaks the dormancy. Stubborn things. They did look like viable seed, and apparently fresh.

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keep in fridge for 2 months then keep warm for 3 weeks. if no success back in fridge for another 3 months and try again.

seed must be moist while in fridge. best to put it in clean potting mix or vermiculite I would think.

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  • 1 month later...

Finally had the time to try some of the acetone extract that darcy sent to me. Cheers darcy! :D

Having no smoking utensils around, I just crumbled a small amount of it up and rolled it up mixed it with some tobacco. Probably would be better smoked in a pipe as it would burn better and waste less.

Its given me a nice, heavy kind of relaxed feeling thorugh the whole body. My mind isn't very impaired, but its taken a few minutes to try and get these thoughts written down.

Overall, very enjoyable. Would be nice to have with a couple of beers at the end of the day.

Thanks again to darcy!


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thx, to darcy i had my first lago experience!!

set/setting, beforhand 2 tallies of beer, 2 small joints mj & a little tabacco.

than a rice corn size material was placed onto the amber of the reefer. a bottom cut off pet bottle was used like vaporizer dome, like this no material got wasted.

but gee did i get wasted by it,

the fragrance of the smoke is very fine, and pleasurable, similar to the incence used at home or at churches, but surpassing all of them.

it seemed to open up the airways,

and is a joy to breath in...

nice sedated chilled out feeling, very anxiolytic, coolness around the head and body.

valium like, soft cushion around the emotiomnal body. seems to work on the frontal lobe, don't feel like doing anything, even all my fears and problems seem to be far, far away.

this stuff could be used as a anti psychotic herbal medication!!!

somehow this stuff made me brave,

so i started smoking some dragibus, which finaly veged me out completly.

lago is powerfull medicine, pitty it's not available.

what could i do to help?

i would need carls e-mail, he's the guy, isn't he?


...imagen, herbs instead of pills, for all the patients...

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Square stem with a circle in the middle? Anyway, I'm interested that an extracion of Lago would be so profound an experience. I really didn't get that reaction, but my experience came from a water based extraction. It would be good to figure out where the "active" strains of Lago are coming from. Mine was mildly anxiolitic (sp?), but not overwhelming. Maybe there is some synergy with other plants...

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Ah, so it was the mint and not the dank. Ok, now I got it.

I have about a couple dozen lago seeds left. I've been getting around 20% germ rate but might pick up a few more as time goes on. I have some soaking in ga3 that I need to plant today. Will report on how that works. I have one surviving sprout that I will put in the sun and hope to grow. I hope to have lots more sprouts soon.


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BTW Stoney, I pulled one of my seedlings out of the humidity dome and put it in a window (below a heat vent actually) and it is doing well. Now that I think about it, the ones that keeled over did so at a point on the stem where either before or after they bent, the stem went from white to brown. Maybe it was a humidity issue inside the dome.

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I've heard about damping off, but I never thought it would happen to me!

Yeah, I had them in the same environment as South American tropicals to germinate. Didn't pull them out in time I guess.

Torsten, I'm guessing from your exclamation mark that you have some evidence/experience as to the activity of Lago?

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Seeveral species of Lago ranging from middle europe into mongolia have been analysed and all were found to contain Lagochiline. That is not to say that all members of the genus will contain the same amount but it seems likely that most of them will have decent effects.

The fact that there are already at least 3 species in circulation all masquerading as L.inebrians, and all of them as active as L.inebrians (ie very little) shows that at least the species from the Russian region and the states south of it are interchangeable.

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  • 12 years later...

In the absence of finding a better place to put this:



Experiences from Erowid: https://www.erowid.org/…/subs/exp_Lagochilus_inebrians.shtml


With 2 grams. "The tea was very bitter, but more bearable than the 5g tea. Again, effects started 1/4 of an hour after ingestion. Between 1/2 an hour and 3/4, the effects were at their max. I liked it better than the stronger 5 g tea. I didn't feel like on drugs, less inebriated but totally calm. That night, I had reasons to be upset, or a little bitter (troubles with work that day), but was just calm and happy. My mental processes weren't slowed down, and I was less lazy than with a 5g tea... problems were totally unimportant and I was more relaxed than with blue lotus or with the bluelotus/alcohol mix. The opioid dimension and 'stoned' effect were lacking, but I felt more emotionally stable and more deeply relaxed. 4 hours after ingestion, the 'febrile' feeling began to set on. It lasted less than 1 hour.


... at a dose of 5 grams (just like 1st time) in a longly boiled tea, and had the same effects than the 1st time (very relaxed, a bit lazy), but found it less cool than the 1st time. Possibly, it doesn't mix well with cannabis (though I smoked just 1 little stick), or the effect curve ends in a somehow 'febrile' state (some kind of a body 'vibrating feeling', while mentally relaxed)."


At 4g "I boiled 4 or 5 grams in water for at least 20 minutes, then I allowed the tea to cool down for another 20 minutes before filtering it. I didn't grind the plant material. The tea was light brown. Just like the dried plant, it smells a bit like Asperula Odorata, but not as nice. It was extremely bitter! Sugar helped a little. It was more bitter than a longly boiled blue lotus tea. But the almost unbearable bitterness was easily washed and didn't last. The effects started to set on 10 minutes after the ingestion and slowly got stronger over a 1/2 hour period.


I can see while it is called 'inebriating'. Balance is a little impaired. Everything is cool and not threatening. But all this seems very 'normal' , without a great euphoria. It made me want to smoke some pot. The effects of my little stick where enhanced. A little stronger, but also much more relaxed, without any paranoia. I was just happy being there. I felt sedated, but not sleepy nor tired. I wasnt stupid and I was still able to think without any problems, but the flow of thoughts that pot usually gives didnt occur. It reminded me the blue lotus, but without the sleep aid and narcotic effects, a bit of very mild doses of Ephedra (being both alert and relaxed), a bit of Sceletium Tortuosum too, or even of good damiana tea. It also gave me some interest for visual textures. The air was clear and my visual perception slightly enhanced. the effects lasted something like 3 hours. I smoked another stick just before the L.I. effects began to wear off . It was not a good idea : I had some light vertigo and tiredness during the come down.


The come down lasted 3/4 of an hour and consisted mostly in a gradual fade away of the effects . No after effects of any kind. I had a bad stomach this day, and the tea cured it wonderfully. Also it seems to stimulate the urination (like a lot of herbal teas).
During my high, I was able to work, but let what I was doing down without caring about it (of course it is more like a pot effect, but pot alone doesnt stop me in my work anymore, for years!).


It was a pleasant experience. A very relaxing tea for a calm afternoon. It mixed well with pot, but my advice is to be careful and to smoke very little. First I dont want to smoke, but the effects of the tea gave me some kind of a 'need for more'. This feeling comes mostly of my old addiction to nicotine and occurs everytime I'm trying a new psychoactive, but only the first times.


At 20g "The effects were very nice. I felt sedated, but it was not the main feeling. the effects get stronger as time passed and I was feeling on a flying carpet. It was nearly stronger than Kratom, without the stomach discomfort that Kratom often brings and without the 'opioid dimension' of the mytraginine experience. My thougts were a bit foggy and slowed down, but I was quietly flying. I didnt experience any hallucinations, the pot effects were greatly modified by the Lagochilus tea. The flying feeling was from time to time nearly overwhelming, stronger in the minutes following pot smoking. I spent time watching the walls as if I've never seen them before. It was not like the fascination for visual textures that hallucinogens give (like, for example, a moderate dose of Salvia, Iboga or Mescaline cacti, the only entheogens I've tried), it was a more distant feeling, I didnt think anything special, no 'connection' with the things. I was a bit stuporous, but not deeply. The lazy feeling of pot was somehow enhanced, but I was able to move. My motor coordination was a little impaired, but not heavily, I was just moving a bit slower and more carefully. My perception of time wasn't modified, compared to baseline.


The effects gradually wore off: I was more likely to move and, in fact felt a bit 'speedy'. The most intense effects lasted something like 3 or 4 hours after the last cup. Even with the somehow 'speedy' feeling I was experiencing at the end of the 'trip', I fell asleep without having conscience of it."

See how it goes.

My experience (on a SNRI and D2 partial/5-HT2A antagonist)

Made tea and ate plant material - bitter!

@3g +25 min, starting to feel mildly pleasantly relaxed. Tea is not very tolerable, chewing down the plant material was a bit harder...

+45min Pleasant meditative feeling. Want to tap into mild inebriation so I'll have the 2g extra

+1hr 10min notable effects, mildly alcohol like but clear headed. It takes me a lot to feel alcohol but I seem to be able to pick this up easier

This is a pleasant anxiolytic, apart from the taste.

I feel slightly cognitively slowed, free from worries.

Decide that while this is nice, it lacks much emotional enhancement - it could synergise nicely with Blue Lily 10:1 (this is a new batch), so I have 1g sublingual

+2hr 30min Seems friendly, softening of visual field, music is good. Feel in a haze...

Add 3g Lagochilus (@8g): Mild lift, not as intense as first doses.

Finish off later in the evening with another 5g...

Pleasant but mild relaxation ensues.

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