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The Corroboree

Original Drawing Thread

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So i'm starting a thread about DRAWING <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

any artists out there? post your drawings, talk about them if you feel inclined. whatever just show us your stuff!

whats peoples opinions about the art form of DRAWING, in any of it's many different forms from stick figure animation to street art & everything in between?

do people think drawing is a legitimate artform in & of itself?

go <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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ok i'll start. my computer isn't set up ATM so i don't have access to my files. so i'll just sart with what i've already uploaded which is this one which i posted in another thread somwhere already:


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c'mon folks don't be shy! whatever you've got, put it up


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wow! beautiful work PD.

so you're a tattoo artist? awesome! did you do the needle work on that one or just the design?

great stuff <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png keep it coming!!!

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Nice work! Great drawings

Great thread Paradox!! I draw symbols talismans and logo's. I will see if I have any on the pc to post.

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thanks botanika, i've seen some of the stuff you have on esnips & it's brilliant! i'm sure you have some beautiful stuff to share & thats what this threads all about :)

PD your work looks very professional, do you do it for a living?

sharxx, can't wait to see your stuff!

something a bit different, here are some stickers i did this afternoon. prior to distribution...

post-2376-1242300638_thumb.jpg post-2376-1242300792_thumb.jpg

post-2376-1242300931_thumb.jpg post-2376-1242301100_thumb.jpg

post-2376-1242301170_thumb.jpg post-2376-1242301245_thumb.jpg























Edited by Paradox
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good thread looking forward to seeing some more drawings for the artists here.

paradox what are the stickers for? they look interesting

PD never knew you did tatts, maybe one day you can give me one i been meaning to get for a long time

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paradox what are the stickers for? they look interesting

the stickers are for distribution at random points throughout the city. i found some blank sheets of plastic stickers the other day at a second hand shop & decided to do something with them

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Paradox - I do it as a hobby (ATM), Gon try open a shop down the track with a mate who is in the same boat as me. All depends on the gentlemen whom ride motorcycles really ;).

VS - No problems man, when ever we catch up again for a nite ill get to work on ya.

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It aint much, Here is a pic i started, Fucked it up & never got back to

& here is some random flash i stenciled on my son & got out the staedtler pens lol

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hey nice work mac, i can't see how you fucked that one up tho! it looks like it's gonna be a really good drawing man. keep it up! give us an update when it's finished!

PD- haha i see. good luck with that man. to be able to make a living from your art would be the ultimate

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something a bit different again. these i did about 5 years ago. sorry about the shit photos





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beautiful pics paradox, i would definately call that art.

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paradox are ur pics like freehand doodles?? or have u sat down with an idea on what you want to achieve? i like the idea of just letting ur creativity take over with a pencil and see where it goes.

ive always liked looking at peoples doodles(in all seriousness <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png )

it always spins me out what i can and will draw when im nattering away on the phone,and u see some really cool stuff on public telephone books, message pads and the like in peoples places, offices etc.its a fascinating phenomena. ive never really sat down and doodled, but for some reason im gonna give it ago, thanks for the inspiration!!

ill put a pic up if i can manage anything decent!!

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paradox are ur pics like freehand doodles?? or have u sat down with an idea on what you want to achieve? i like the idea of just letting ur creativity take over with a pencil and see where it goes.

ive always liked looking at peoples doodles(in all seriousness <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png )

it always spins me out what i can and will draw when im nattering away on the phone,and u see some really cool stuff on public telephone books, message pads and the like in peoples places, offices etc.its a fascinating phenomena. ive never really sat down and doodled, but for some reason im gonna give it ago, thanks for the inspiration!!

ill put a pic up if i can manage anything decent!!

sweet, glad to know i've inspired you man. thats what i was hoping from this thread <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

yeah it's all freehand 'doodling' basically. i never know whats gonna happen, i just start with one dot or one shape & let it grow & evolve. i love that process because you never know whats gonna happen. you just let the picture dictate where it should go next & what feels right & it's always a surprise how it ends up.

that way you can never make a mistake either, because if you fuck a bit up, all that happens is, it changes the direction of the drawing. the mistakes are often the most interesting parts because they make you take the drawing in a totally different & unexpected direction. an e.g is the bottom drawing that PD commented on. i started that trying to make it symetrical like the other ones but i fucked it up so it ended up how it is now.

yeah i love the process, it's kinda like watching a plant grow if you know what i mean <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

& yeah it's cool what you see when people just doodle absent mindedly. sometimes i like to just have some paper & just draw while i'm watching a film or something. it seems to just flow that way & you don't end up being too self conscious about it etc

i look forward to seeing some stuff incog <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png in fact i look forward to seeing everyones doodles, c'mon folks doesn't matter if they're big or small, feel free to bare all pfft

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here's a pic i drew then inverted on the computer...does that count...is it still a drawing? had a thread of my own for pics...will add lots of new ones one of these days... nice pics everyone, keep em coming...

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Great work people. Love that series of maelstroms Paradox.

These are some of mine. Done quite some years ago now... I really need to draw again.

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