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The Sowing Out Thread

Evil Genius

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In the last month I've put down the following

SS02 x Pach


6336a matucana Pach

Wild Bolivian Bridgesii

Bk 08612.9 Peru

Scop x Pach


Peru Ayacucho

Peru tarma

Peru huancabamba

Sceletium tortuosum

SS02 x Juul's



Mixed loph seed

SS02 x Bridgesii

Ayacucho x Pach

Macro 'Paul' x op

SS02 x SS01

Pach x (SS02 x SS01)

Pach x Bridgesii


Tpm x n1

Tpc x ?

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  • 4 months later...

The last couple months I've sown.

Lophophora williamsii v. williamsii

l williamsii v. caespitosa

l williamsii v. decipiens

l williamsii mixed cultivar

l koehresii

l fricii

l koehresii x fricii

l diffusa

l diffusa x fricii

l williamsii

l alberto-vojtechii (2 different localities)

Trichocereus bridgesii

t peruvianus

t pachanoi

t taquimbalensis

t macrogronus

t werdermannianus

t terscheckii

t validus

t nigripilis

t crassiarboreus

t sp los coimas chile

t boliviensis (bridgesii? I don't know, looks like bridgesii to me, sold as boliviensis)

t bridgesii x huarazensis

Then a bunch of nitrogen's hybrids

Echinocactus texensis

Turbinocarpus lophophorides

Astrophytum caput medusae

a. japanese cultivar mix

a, asterias hanazono supar

Ariocarpus retusus

a loydii

a kotschoubeyanus

a furfuraceus EDIT: a. fissuratus is actually what i planted. I guess the f's threw me off.

a trigonus

Aztekium riterii

a. hintonii

Edited by hostilis
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  • 1 month later...

sown today

TPM x N1

Psycho0 x N1

T Peruvianus "paradeyes" x Psycho0

TPC x Juuls

(pach x juuls) x pach monstrose

(peru x juuls) x pach monstrose

recently sown (in no particular order)

(Ss01 x ss02) x (ss01 x ss02 f2)

macro x juuls

macro x Helen

pc x juuls

pc x macro

Peru "matucana"

pc open

huan x (ss02 x ss01)

validus x grandiflorus

validus x peru

juuls x validus

pc x huan

super Pedro x psycho0

psycho0 x super Pedro

cereus peruvianus

cereus validus

cereus jamacaru

peru x kimnach

validus open

pc x peru

validus x lumberjack

parodia leninghausii

epiphyllum hybrid

(ss02 x ss01) x kimnach

validus x Helen

Helen x huan

huan x Helen

cereus hilldmanius monstrose

validus x juuls

scop open

Peru spiny

Peru x mix Peru

pc x peru

huan x kimnach

Peru open

spachianus x juuls

juuls x peru

scop x macro

spachianus open

juuls open

bridgesii x validus

validus x pc

pc x Helen

huan open

super Pedro x pachanoi

random fat cacti

ss02 x ss01

scop x pach

pc x (ss02 x ss01)

super Pedro x (scop x bridgesii)

(scop x bridgesii) x super Pedro

Peru x yowie


L williamsi texana

L williamsi

mixed loph


mixed trich

t gold x fat spach

super Pedro open

Peru x pachanot

super Pedro x spachianus

ariocarpus retusus

ariocarpus trigonus elogata

melocactus conoideus

zygocactus hybrid

* everything was sourced through members here, so a massive thank you to those who have given me seed and sold me seed. if these guys make it to adult hood there will be some serious give aways

Edited by mystical oyster
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Haha I must say I'm a little overwhelmed by the amount of seedlings I have, Ive been planting since October last year, still pretty new to it, going out to get some fungicide tomorrow to start hitting them with that cause Im scared to get damping off now I have so many to look after, and Im still waiting on more seed. getting pretty addictive this cactus hobby, hoping to have some land in a few years to plant out on

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Impressive list mystical, wish I had some (most really, lol) of those trich crosses. I've been sowing seed for the past few months as well:

Ariocarpus fissuratus

A. fissuratus cv. Godzilla x Godzilla

A. fissuratus cv. Godzilla x lloydii

A. fissuratus v. lloydii

A. fissuratus v. hintonii

A. fissuratus v. intermedius

A. confusus

A. retusus

A. retusus v. furfuraceus

A. retusus v. pectinatus

A. kotschoubeyanus v. elephantidens

A. kotschoubeyanus v. macdowellii

A. trigonus

A. trigonus v. elongatus

Astrophytum asteria

A. myriostigma v. nudum

A. myriostigma cv. kohyo x hakuun

Astrophytum species hybrid mix

Lophophora fricci

L. decipiens

Trichocereus bridgesii

T. pasacana

T. terscheckii

T. werdermannius

T. validus

T. macrogonus 'Paul'

T. scopulicola x T. pachanoi

T. peruvianus v. 'Ayacucho' x T. pachanoi

SS02 x T. bridgesii

SS02 x T. pachanoi

Myrtillocactus geometrizans

M. cochal

M. schenckii

Stenocereus marginatus

S. griseus

S. dumortieri

Pachycereus pringlei

Agave salmiana

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Just got back in the game after an aborted first attempt last year and Im stoked!!! Been a great arvo!!!


Peru x PC Pach

PC Pach x Helen

Spach OP


PC Pach x Peru

Super Pedro x Spach

Psycho0 x Super Pedro

Gold x Fat Spach

Super Pedro OP

Mixed Bag

Zellys -

Macro x Helen

Scop x Macro

Validus x Grandifloris

Juuls x Peru

Validus x Helen

Helen x Huan

Validus x Juuls

Macro x Juuls

Juuls x Helen

Huan x Macro

(Pach x Juuls) x TPM

(Peru x Juuls) x TPM


L williamsii Texana (Zelly)

L williamsii Mixed (Koehres)


A retusus

A trigonus elongatus

and finally

Cereus hildemannius monstrose

Heaps of thanks to everyone here for your trades, friendship, and sharing your knowledge. Such a great community!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Guys, this is my first post here. It´s nice to be here. I find so mutch informations here in this forum about cacti, its realy cool.

I planted out the last weeks:

Trichocereus validus X “Lumberjack“

Trichocereus “Juul´s Giant“ X “Lumberjack“

Trichocereus huanucoensis X “Kimnach“

Trichocereus bridgesii “Helen“ X huanucoensis

Trichocereus macrogonus X bridgesii „Helen“

Trichocereus “Juul´s Giant“ X validus

Trichocereus “Juul´s Giant“ X peruvianus

Trichocereus huanucoensis

Trichocereus pachanoi “Huancabamba“

Trichocereus validus

Trichocereus pallarensis X SS02

Trichocereus pachanoi X “Strybing”

Trichocereus SS02 X “Serra Canyon”

Trichocereus pachanoi X huanucoensis

Trichocereus “Los Banos” X pallarensis

Trichocereus BK 09509.2 “Huachuma de Chavin“, 3200m ,Ancash, Peru

Trichocereus peruvianus, Lurin Valle, Peru

Trichocereus pachanoi, Matucana, Peru

Trichocereus peruvianus, Tarma, Huaylahuichan, Peru

Trichocereus peruvianus, Aricapampa, Peru

Trichocereus peruvianus, Huancabamba, Peru

Trichocereus peruvianus, Rahuapampa, Peru

Trichocereus peruvianus, San Marcos, Peru

Trichocereus “Super Pedro“ X “Psycho0“

Trichocereus peruvianus “Icaro“, 2500m, Matucana, Peru

Trichocereus “Super Pedro“ X scopulicola

Trichocereus scopulicola X pachanoi

Trichocereus pachanoi “Mystery“, Ayabaca, Peru

Trichocereus peruvianus var. puquiensis, KK1689, Apurimac, Peru

Trichocereus macrogonus var. ayacucho, KK2176, 2600m, Ayacucho, Pru

Ariocarpus sp. hybrid


Edited by GermanCacti
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My recent sow, am so very grateful for the seeds acquired through here

t. Cordobensis "lance" x t. Bridgesii "funkoid"

funkoid x lance


peru "icaros"

pachanoi open

psycho0 x tpm

tpm x (ss02 x pach)

n1 x tpqc

(ss02 x pach) x tpm

tpqc x tpm

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  • 2 weeks later...

Started these today as I've shifted out quite a few seedlings

Koehres mixed lopho

L.W. Texana

Cordobensis 'Lance' x Bridgesii 'funkoid'

Peruvianus matucana

Puquiensis kk1689

Peruvianus kk339

Peruvianus 'koehres'

Terscheckii x Echinopsis oxygona

Echinopsis oxygona x terscheckii

And a couple weeks ago put out the two mutie crosses

Peru/Juul's x pachanoi monstrose

Pach/Juul's x pachanoi monstrose

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On march 27th aprox. 50 ( T. huarazensis )X(J3) were sowed along with 10 L.Williamsii seeds. No germination signs yet

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Courtesy of interbeing;

- Psycho0 X Paradeyes

- Paradeyes X Psycho0

- Feilds Pachanoi X Pasacana

- Feilds Pachanoi X Rosei #1

Courtesy of incognito;

- Pachanoi X Bridgesii

They're about a month old and are showing over %50 albino or variegated type jazz. Has anyone sowed incognito's cross? I will make a thread with some photos once I completely figure out my new phone.

Courtesy of sulik114;

- Terschecki

- Pachanoi

- Macrogonus

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Hi Guys, this is my first post here. It´s nice to be here. I find so mutch informations here in this forum about cacti, its realy cool.

I planted out the last weeks:

Trichocereus validus X Lumberjack

Trichocereus Juul´s Giant X Lumberjack

Trichocereus huanucoensis X Kimnach

Trichocereus bridgesii Helen X huanucoensis

Trichocereus macrogonus X bridgesii Helen

Trichocereus Juul´s Giant X validus

Trichocereus Juul´s Giant X peruvianus

Trichocereus huanucoensis

Trichocereus pachanoi Huancabamba

Trichocereus validus

Trichocereus pallarensis X SS02

Trichocereus pachanoi X Strybing

Trichocereus SS02 X Serra Canyon

Trichocereus pachanoi X huanucoensis

Trichocereus Los Banos X pallarensis

Trichocereus BK 09509.2 Huachuma de Chavin, 3200m ,Ancash, Peru

Trichocereus peruvianus, Lurin Valle, Peru

Trichocereus pachanoi, Matucana, Peru

Trichocereus peruvianus, Tarma, Huaylahuichan, Peru

Trichocereus peruvianus, Aricapampa, Peru

Trichocereus peruvianus, Huancabamba, Peru

Trichocereus peruvianus, Rahuapampa, Peru

Trichocereus peruvianus, San Marcos, Peru

Trichocereus Super Pedro X Psycho0

Trichocereus peruvianus Icaro, 2500m, Matucana, Peru

Trichocereus Super Pedro X scopulicola

Trichocereus scopulicola X pachanoi

Trichocereus pachanoi Mystery, Ayabaca, Peru

Trichocereus peruvianus var. puquiensis, KK1689, Apurimac, Peru

Trichocereus macrogonus var. ayacucho, KK2176, 2600m, Ayacucho, Pru

Ariocarpus sp. hybrid


Could I ask where you acquired the trichocereus localities?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Started a bunch more seeds over the last 3 weeks. Here's a list

10 Validus x Lumberjackius
10 Validus x Grandiflorus
10 Juul’s x Validus
10 Validus x Bridgesii
10 Scopulicola x Macrogronus
10 Huanucoensis x Macrogronus
10 Macrogronus x Bridgesii
10 Macrogronus x bridgesii

5 Cereus Hildhildmanius Monstrose
10 Validus x Peruvianus
5 Cereus Hildhildmanius Monstrose
25 Validus (Herbalistics)
15 Gymno Mix
10 Ariocarpus retusus
5 Astrophytum Cohuilensis
5 Astrophytum OR x MY
10 Lophophora Fricii
10 Lophophora Diffusa
10 Matucana Madissoniorum
15 Turbinicarpus Mix
40 L. alberto-vojtechii
5 L. jourdaniana var. mammillaria
20 L. jourdaniana
10 L. koehresii
10 L. caespitosa
12 Astrophytum MY Kikko Koh-yo variegated select x Kikko Koh-yo
11 A. AS Kikko (100%)
10 A. MY fukuryu
8 A. MY quadricostatum variegate
5 A. AS (mesa gardens)
40 Obregonia denegrii
20 Mammillaria perezdelarosae
10 Cintia knizei
26 Geohintia Mexicana
13 Leuchtenbergia principis
10 Uebelmannia meninensis
10 Ortegocactus macdougallii
19 Sulcorbutia rauschii
10 Pelecyphora aselliformis
10 Pelecyphora pseudopectinatus
11 Echinocereus rigidimus
12 Neochilenia occulta
? Lithops mix
20 Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus var. elephantidens
10 Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus var. maccoweldii
6 A. kotschoubeyanus
5 A. loydii
21 Ariocarpus brovoanus
20 Ariocarpus scapharostrus
11 Ariocarpus Godzilla x Godzilla
6 Ariocarpus Cauliflower x Miriubo
3 Ariocarpus Godzilla x Loydii
60 Echinocereus pentalophus “white dove” x E, scheeri “gentry”
40 Coryphantha mix
40 Turbinicarpus mix
40 Gymnocalycium pot
10 Ferocactus glaucescens var. inermis
4 Turbinicarpus lophophorides
10 Discocactus Crystallophus
10 Frailea grahliana
10 ?Mammillaria?
200 Aztekium riterii
? Blossfeldia liliputana
25 Aztekium hintonii
?Strombocactus disciformis

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