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The Corroboree

The Sowing Out Thread

Evil Genius

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This is incredibly fascinating to me, Auxin. try crossing in the Loph seedling that survived the winter in the freezing cold because i forgot it in the greenhouse. But the more i think about it, the more i am convinced its some kind of tephrocactus seedling that accidentially got in there. Can you make a pictorial when you perform your intentional mass cactus murder? People here would certainly love it...

Anyway...i almost only have frost restistant cacti because i accidentially caused natural selection a few years ago when i was in the hospital during a great frost, which caused almost all cold unresistant cacti to die.

Edited by Evil Genius
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lol, k.. I'll do a pictorial in 7 months or so when its time. It is interesting seeing cacti freeze solid and then come back to life.

Sounds like you took the first step in a similar process, EG, just cross two of the surviving active trichs and see if any of the offsping can handle deeper freezes.

If you look close you can see where EG's office is in this pic...





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If you look close you can see where EG's office is in this pic...

lol yeah, i usually sit on the tree on the upper right caus i am not allowed to go any nearer. Angie and i have history together

Edited by Evil Genius
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epic hybrid sowing day!

rosei x ?

rosei 1 x pachanoi

j1 x pachanoi

j2 x psycho0

j2 x pachanoi

pachanoi x psycho0

fields pach x psycho0

pachanot x terscheckinot

terscheckinot x pachanot

pachanoi x ss02

ss02 x bridgesii

ss02 x pachanoi

juuls x scopulicolus

sausage x scopulicolus

psycho0 x spachianus

gold x spachianus

spachianus x gold

thelegonus x kermesina

Flying Saucer X Cantora gelb

Cantora gelb x Charlotte Fly

Flying Saucer X Magnolis AN0809

Schigra x Flying Saucer x Cantora

Liskes Prachtstueck x Cantora





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I've been sowing some KK338 and BK 08612.9, both ascribed the epithet of T peruvianus

I've sown in (past weeks) several hybrids including Pallarensis X SS02 and Andalgalensis X pachanot F2

I also sowed several Turbinicarpus valdezianus

Edited by Archaea
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Nice seeds, Archaea! I just planted some similar ones and im getting the first the germinations. I think i also planted the BK 08612.9 but i´ll have to check that tomorrow. I´ll post mine too...from what i remember, i planted some Trichocereus Riomizqiensis, Tr. Santaensis, Tr. Totorensis, Tr. Validus, Astrophytum Superkabuto, Tr. Chilensis x Huanucoensis, Tr. Lecoriensis, Astrophytum Hybrid Mix, Trichocereus Monstrose x SS02 and some others that i´ll add tomorrow.

Is the Andalgalensis x Pachanot F2 the seed you crossed yourself? It´s a great cross. Cant wait to see pics when they are large. bye Eg

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ferret, thats awesome! There are some very cool crosses in there. Did you cross them yourself? I would love to get some if you should ever decide to sell or trade some of them in the future. btw, i just repotted some seedlings that were grown from your seed. I think it was Scop x ?. I love Riddles.

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Is the Andalgalensis x Pachanot F2 the seed you crossed yourself? It´s a great cross. Cant wait to see pics when they are large.


Yes it is a cross between the two flowers here in post 34

The two colors of the flower leave me thinking that at least one of the parents of the andalgalensis cross are heterozygous, since both pachanot and this clone of andalgalensis were primarily propagated by cuttings it is hard to say which plant is...

I have many seedlings of the andal/pach f2 already... i'll try and get some photographs up soon

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  • 4 months later...

Sowed yesterday


T.peru x?








T.Vatteri Hydrio WR122







and some more from EG

T.peru los gentiles

spiny yellow x dusty rose

Trich x Echinopsis/Pseudobolivia mix

T.pepper mint dreams x grandiflorus crassicaulis

T. Voluptous x huascha x macranthus

T.Cephalomacrostibas KK1421

T.Andalgalensis x grandiflorus crassicaulis

T.ruby visions x t.terschekii

T.huascha v macranthus x daemonia

might have gotten some names wrong so hopefully some people that know how to spell chime in..

Edited by spacemonk
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Some nice seeds there, mate. I´ll try to help you with some of them. I know my handwriting looks like the one of a retarded donkey with restless leg syndrome.

I think theres "grandiflorus crassicaulis", "Cephalomacrostibas", "Andalgalensis", "Voluptous". I think thats it. Sorry.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My tiny collection for sowing out this season is pitiful compared to the rest of you ! I need to search and order some seeds for myself i think ! if anyone has any for sale let me know, preferably crosses where the mum and dad are known.

I am doing

Lophophora williamsi

Hylocereus undatus

Echinopsis peruviana

These were all received through trades etc so genetic purity is unknown :S

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  • 2 months later...

Planted a week ago:

astrophytum asterias superkabuto

astrophytum asterias Kitsuko supar

trichocereus bridgesii v. brevispinum

'hybrid roseii No. 2'

lophophora diffusa v. koehresii f. rio verde

lophophora williamsii

lophophora williamsii f. RS 286 (Huizache)

lophophora williamsii f. hipolito

lophophora williamsii v. pluricostata

.. or so says the labels..

counted 8 seedlings after work today.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

First cactus sow out today---800 Tri pach

-50 Tri macro

-50 Gym saglionis

-50 Cereus jamacaru

-50 Echinocactus grusonii

-30 each of Tri bridgesii, Pilosocereus palmeri, Cereus peruvians, Hylocereus undatus, Oreocereus fossulatus, Carnegia gigantea

and 10 different varieties of agave that are more suited to Victorian climate. Still have 600 Tri spachianus to sow and have crossed

Echinopsis barrel (with the large pink flowers) with Tri spachianus, both ways and have fruit nearly ready to collect seed from,- on the barrels and the spachianus. Brought 2 Echin barrels 25 years ago and have over 120 now and have given away another 60 odd. All just from pups. First time i've got them to fruit.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Jelous of some of the seed grown cactus you all have. Here's mine:

Psycho0 x Panchanoi


Mixed lophophora williamsii

Lophophora williamsii var. Huizache

SS02 x bridgesii

Super pedro x J3

Mixed lophophora

Lophophora williamsii var. Caespitosa

Asteria super kabuto

Asteria myriostigma cv. Tricostatum

Pelecyphora stobiliformis

Pelecyphora valdeziana

Myrtillocactus geometrizan

Astrophytum Asterias Hanaizumi X Astrophytum Asterias Akabana Nuda

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I have never had success with germinating Trichocereus or lophs from seed until my recent attempt. Previous, I had made a real soil mix, sanitised the soil, played around with humidity microclimates, but grew nohting but white surface fuzz. But two weeks ago I just made a simple mix of potting soil, vermiculite & perlite, filled some small pots and threw some seeds in there and dusted with some more soil They were left is a mostly shaded area uncovered.

Well, as of right now theres about a hundred or more little boys popping up from the surface, so hopefully they survive. Can anyone tell me what to do now? With regular plants I normally start to harden them up by exposing to sun, wind and the other elements, so do I do the same with cacti ? They are really tiny.

They are bridgesii x SS02 & SS02 x S01

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6 weeks ago i put out about 50 or so peruvianus and 50 or so cordo seeds... No idea if they're cross with anything that's just how i got given them and they're all coming along nicely

Well the taq ones i put out got attacked by cobwebs.

Pyslo i'm sure someone with proper experience will come forward but what i read(what i've been doing) is keeping them in shade and misting them every now and then for moisture/humidity. I think putting them in the sun will kill them, they grow up in the shade into the sun

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  • 1 month later...

A bit more than a month on:

42/50 Pachanoi have sprouted. I'm slowly hardening these off to open-air. I've moved the seedlings to a giant zip-loc, and every few days I'm unzipping it a little more. When it's fully unzipped I'm going to start rolling the sides down until I can remove them from it entirely. They seem happy with the treatment so far.

1/50 Peruvianus, it looks so lonely!!

0/25 Macrogonus

All were planted and kept in identical conditions, as far as I can tell. I used seedling trays with sterilised cactus soil mixed with sand (unsure of %), thoroughly wettened, kept in one of those $7 greenhouse containers. The container was opened daily to wipe out condensation and get some fresh air in. The container was kept on a desk next to the window, which is bright but doesn't get direct sun.

Is there anything I can do to encourage the Peruvianus and Macrogonus, or should I write those off?

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Whats the source? Köhres? Their Macrogonus and Peruvianus has hideous germination rates. Had like 5 from 500 or so. You can surely get some more to germinate buy using cycles of drying out and watering. Also you should try some UV Rays from direct sunlight for afew hours. Also you could try Gibberilinic Acid or what the english term is.

I think to remember people mentioning that the Peruvianus Seed from Köhres is actually KK242 Cuzcoensis and the Pachanoi has strong spines and looks like Peruvanius.

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Thanks for the reply, Evil Genius! I sourced from Australian vendors, so I don't know where they wholesale. I'll try drying for a while, and direct sunlight as much as practical. I work the night shift, so it's difficult to move things around during the day. Thank you for telling me about Gibberilinic Acid, I've got some research to do!

Pachanoi are open-air now. A few of the tiniest ones didn't survive the transition, but all the others seem happy enough.

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