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The Corroboree

Where will the world be..

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Hey guys

Bob Dylan put it best when he said the time are changing! From year to year things can change dramatically, laws passes or overturned, wars started and finished. What about a period of ten years. How will things be different? What's happening at the moment that can have an effect on the future?

Here's some things that happened in 99.

- The Euro was established

- The Chinese government announced restrictions on the Internet.

- The largest Cocaine bust in American history. A ship carrying 4.3 Tons on a ship headed for Houston Texas is intercepted.

- Hugo Chavez becomes the Venezualen President.

- The Kosovo war is raging

- The Colombine shooting occur.

- Napster debuts. One of the first file sharing programs, entertainment industry shits itself.

- George W. Bush annouces he will run for President.

- China launches it's first spacecraft.

- World population reaches 6 Billion

It's a bit hard to predict what will happen, as there are so much to take into account. But what are some big things that will affect humanity and the earth.

Global warming? Also i saw that Obama lifted the ban on Stem cell research. A cure for cancer maybe?


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cant answer that one

Almost 25 years ago now back in 1985, A little aussie midget bloke (no not little johnny snaggle tooth Howard) Brian Mannix said

Where will we be in fifty years ?? id like to know his thoughts on the subject

ahhh once a bogan always a bogan mabe the mullet tight black jeans & ripples / spider boots will regain popularity (we can only dream)

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's fine to dream (and yes things occur first in the imagination) but whatever is hoped for, to be realized has to be grounded in reality.

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I reckon it'll probably be pretty much the same as now but without the financial crisis. Same old worries; world overpopulation, pollution, infrastructure problems, people wanting to live forever, money wasted on useless shit... etc etc. Unless you're going through a huge revolution like the sixties or the industrial revolution, people in general don't really change much in ten years. I remember '99 as if it were only a few months ago.

Unfortunately I'm also very much hoping for what Foton said.

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Bob Dylan put it best when he said the time are changing...

Dylan's new CD is scheduled to be released towards the end of this month, but you can preview the track "Feel A Change Comin' On" HERE.

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