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The Corroboree

Meet up: Sydney, Central Coast, Newcastle


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Yes........plants to swap would help get the conversation among strangers flowing, it can sometimes be awkward, especially when substances are involved.

Nice to see you and meet some new.

Thats a seriously authentically cool machine Tony,every detail classy, yet sublime,

well worth the epic decision process,

Thanks for the nice weather universe x 

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twas fun!  I agree, Rookwood is very interesting and, dare I say, kind of... surreal.  Maybe its just being surrounded by so much death that i've been strangely introspective all afternoon.  Certainly easy to get lost in...  (I wondered if anyone saw me drive back past 10 minutes after i left :blush:)


Hope you all made it home OK. [toast?]  And thanks for the beer Hillbilly - it hit the spot on such a warm spring day.  (anyone else get sunburnt?)


I'll post up a few photos once i've vetted them.


Oh, and I didn't watch the footy after all.  Shit bores me to tears.





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It was a great day, awesome turn out. It was a shame I had to leave so early. 

Appreciated everyone's generosity around the picnic area. 

Next time I'll try to be less munted & more talkative, no guarantees though. 

Thanks to Horus for suggesting the location, great spot. 

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Awesome day for sure - still putting faces and names together a little


Definitely look forward to meeting y'all again soon, getting to know folks a bit better and certainly doing some more trading :)


And thanks Horus for sharing your knowledge of Rookwood with us. I'm inspired to go an check out Mortuary Station a little closer now too https://blog.bresicwhitney.com.au/death-and-disintegration-at-mortuary-station/ 

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  • 1 month later...

anyone else been thinking about the next meet?


i'm still pretty keen for a seed/ seedling/ plant/ swap meet.


i have plenty of

4 month maidenii,

rooted caapi cuttings in largish pots,

6"- 2' Rustica

and a few trich seedlings, some saguaro and others...


interested in  pretty much anything I don't have.


I like the idea of plant discussion and a swap meet would facilitate that ,)


feel free to pm me if there's not too much interest in an actual meet in the near future.



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Let's do a plant swap meet in the next month, while everyone's plants are booming. We've done a few meets lately but not many plant swaps/sales.

Saturday or a Sunday should suit most people I'd imagine.

Let's pick a place that's easy to park nearby so we don't have to lug boxes of plants too far. A central location where we can set up for the day and relax. I'm thinking somewhere like centennial park maybe? Or maybe a beachside location so we can have a swim or something too.

What do you all think?


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I'm happy to hold the next plant swap at my house? 1 and a bit hrs from Sydney in Wollongong? Can have a BBQ lunch and a few beers without any hassles if you can handle my crazy staffy (who will go chew a bone after a while)


Edited by theuserformallyknownasd00d
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In for sure.  And yes, plant swaps should be an important sub-theme.  I've got some cacti that are overdue for a prune and others that are just in need of a good home.

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Sounds perfect, am I right in seeing there's no date yet? Anything other than Australia Day weekend would be my preference... but obviously, what ever suits the greatest good :-)


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