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Who is gonna lose?

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That Baphomet ran a racist advertising agency in the past is exciting stuff.

Maybe it was someone else?

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I can't wait to respond to that (and I will) but I am following a strict diet ATM which even recommends fasting from tv, internet, etc and I will probably be feeling a little out of it for a few days..

that's OK i have exams to study for as well i really shouldn't be on either. Suspend all actions for a week or two.

I noticed that you avoided the most important question in my previous post, so here it is again:

Do you know who owns the "federal" reserve bank of Australia, America, England, etc?

You asked me to give you my whole conspiracy "theory" and seem to think that you can disprove it so why not just start with that instead of beating around the bush? Let's get straight to the point shall we??

Short answer no i don't have a clue, but i'm going to take a stab in the dark and say it's this same family/group/shadow govt.

I just wanted to know what your basic theory was, because if i go online to look at how Israel, Iran, Obama, the Federal Reserve and the CFR all fit together i get a million different theories, half of which conflict with one-another. If you wanted to tell me your theory, i could figure out whether i agreed with it or not, but the online sources are just too all over the place. If you want to do that in a new thread and i disagree with it, you're welcome to argue it over seeds.

Anyway... regarding this thread: You told me i should "show some heart and try to factually refute" what you said in that post, and suggested that the reason i wasn't doing that was because i was "scared and completely unable to deal with the reality" of that post. So i looked at the first thing you said: "Their campaigns were funded by the same people, JP Morgan, Rothschilds, Rockafeller, Warburg, etc", and i thought about it, and tried to factually refute it. I don't know whether i did that, but i still don't see that there's any truth in it whatsoever. I can see no reason to believe that these people, connected to this conspiracy, are able to wield any power due to their campaign donations. Now if neither of us are willing to concede the point here, why move on to the rest? If you're willing to believe that the Obama campaign was bankrolled by this group to the point of their being able to control his policy, while i'm totally unconvinced, will debating over the rest of the theory be any use whatsoever?

So after all that I'll reiterate what i already said.. debating that post of yours is pointless, because as just proven, at the end of it we will achieve nothing. Don't think that the reason i won't argue the rest of it is because i can't. You asked me to factually refute one of the links you gave, and i did.

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Undergrounder, I have been meaning to get back to this thread for a while now, I'm assuming you've finished with your exams now? How did you go??

Anyways, back on topic, I feel like we were going round in circles a little bit here so I found it hard to get the motivation to deal with it and I've been quite busy and putting it off, but I don't like leaving things unfinished and I promised that I would see it through.

The main sticking point here seems to be the campaign funding thing, all though I do feel that you seem to have missed much of what I have said I will happily concede the point for now, I knew that much of the donations came from average americans and would have worded things more carefully if I knew it would be under such intense scrutiny, what I intended to say was that their campaigns are orchestrated by people who fund both sides of politics.

If you disagree with that then fine, we can debate it later if you want but can we please move on for now? I strongly believe that all this trivial shit will pail into insignificance and make far more sense when we tackle the real issues.

I asked you to tell me who owns the Federal Reserve Bank of America (England and Australia), I'm guessing by now you know your fucked right??

I predict that somewhere along the line by trying to debunk me you are going to realise that I'm right and convert to a "conspiracy nut" like me (whether you'll admit it or not :wink:), I've even made up a special tin foil hat just for you :)

You first wanted to see if you disagree with my "conspiracy theory".

Well the closest I can come to that is to give you a link to a rather factual documentary which outlines the history of the English and US banking system and see if you have any objections:

This film is called THE MONEY MASTERS

There is something that he couldn't mention without stirring too much controversy though, THIS article from the jewish news weekly sums it up best.

So anyways, getting back to the insult you hurled at me earlier, according to you I am an "anti-jewish conspiracy nut". It just so happens that there is another thread that is perfect for discussing this issue and many of these issues are related so I thought it would be a good idea to sort of merge the two, therefore I will post some of this in THIS Thread, it would be nice if you would drop by and discuss it with me there so that I can kill two birds with one stone (so to speak), hope this is alright with you, if you still want to talk about prizes (seeds, orchids, etc) I have no problem with that, I'm happy to make it a little interesting for you.

Anyways, talk soon :)

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Baphomet, I reckon the break from the internet and TV thing is a really healthy idea for you at this stage. Also, good that you have found something else to occupy yourself, that also sounds healthy.

I'm not even being smarmy... well, not as much as I'd like to be. The last couple of people I've spoken to who have been behaving and talking like you had a personal disintegration shortly after.

Take it easy eh? You can't wake up the masses if you can't talk anymore.

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Yea, god forbid you face reality one day, you might have a personal disintegration like them too.. Some people just can't cope with reality I guess, it can be kinda harsh sometimes, no need to worry about me but I appreciate your concern :)

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"Give me control of a nation's money supply

and I care not who makes the laws."

Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild (1744 -1812), Godfather of the Rothschild Banking Cartel of Europe

"I care not what puppet is placed on

the throne of England to rule the Empire, ...

The man that controls Britain's money

supply controls the British Empire.

And I control the money supply.''

Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild

(1777-1836) London financier, one of the founders of the international Rothschild banking dynasty

Remember we are still part of the commonwealth (British empire) :)

"A great industrial Nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the Nation and all our activities are in the hands of a few men.

We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the world - no longer a Government of free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of

small groups of dominant men".

- US President Woodrow Wilson, lamenting his tragic descision to sign the Fereral reserve act into law.

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God told Mr Bush to strike at Iraq,now i'm okay with those who respect their parents but believing your father is God is and was a delusion too far in my book.

As an afterrthought i can offer this pearl,You can tell if a nation is suffering from minority rule by observing the repressive ideologies promulgated by state TV.

From this it is self evident that:

Repressive minorities are best kept out of positions of power.

Thus your entertainment does not reek of propaganda,your bank is not run by thieves,your taxes better your society rather than some other nationals,your children are educated and not indoctrinated,your military protect the nation from intruders rather than fight for the intruders cause.

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