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The Corroboree

Rainfall Charts Or Radars


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Hey guys,

i've been looking at www.bom.gov.au for ages now and cant understand it, i was wondering where everyone gets there rainfall reports from? is there a simple way to find out when and how much its rained in a particualur suburb ? my patches are up in the mountains so i dont really want to travel up there just to see if its rained or not i'd much prefer to check a website for recent rainfall reports :D any help will be greatly appreciated!

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I find Weatherstats a handy little tool.

Australian Weather Stats is a small freeware application that polls real time weather statistics from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology and displays them in a number of ways on your computer Desktop.

It is only applicable to Australian Observations not other countries. There was a lack of good live Australian regional weather statistics / observations in other weather applications that this is designed to provide.

Australia is roughly the geographical size of the USA with only a small number of capital cities (7), thus capital city or major airport based observations are of little use as the stations are often some distance from the users in Australia.

This application gets observations from over 720 Australian Bureau of Meteorology (B.O.M.) weather stations plus 4 day forecasts and rain images and more......

Plus shows a 12/24/72hr trend of any of over a dozen variables (humidity, rainfall temp etc) from any BOM weatherstation in Oz.


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Thanks for this thread and the responses - didn't realise detailed and specific rainfall reports were this easy to come by for such varied regions. Very helpful indeed!

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